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Drink and Drive = You Lose

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A public Service Announcement by UGA's AD.


guys, how funny is this?

I mean Damon Evans was about to sign a new contract with UGA and he gets a DUI the night before, after supporting this cause?

Anyway, not much into the media stuff... but found this kinda funny.

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Well, at least he wasn't texting. 

What I want to know is,  Was the girl in the car hot or not?

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Well, at least he wasn't texting. 

What I want to know is,  Was the girl in the car hot or not?

And was he getting the Barkley Treatment?

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Well, at least he wasn't texting. 

What I want to know is,  Was the girl in the car hot or not?

And was he getting the Barkley Treatment?

lol... you guys are funny  :laugh: :laugh: :bow: :bow: :bow:
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Well, at least he wasn't texting. 

What I want to know is,  Was the girl in the car hot or not?

And was he getting the Barkley Treatment?

lol... you guys are funny  :laugh: :laugh: :bow: :bow: :bow:

2 very good question! 

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Well, at least he wasn't texting. 

What I want to know is,  Was the girl in the car hot or not?


judge for yourself.

Well I hope it was worth it for Damon. She not much of a looker in my book.

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Well, at least he wasn't texting. 

What I want to know is,  Was the girl in the car hot or not?


judge for yourself.

Well I hope it was worth it for Damon. She not much of a looker in my book.

or mine...but she probably plays the piano really well

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Well ain't this just a hoot. Thank god for JJ.

According to Zach Klein, sports director of WSB-TV, Damon Evans is out as Georgia's athletic director.  UGA president Michael Adams reportedly asked for and received Evans' resignation.

In the wake of his DUI arrest this past week, Evans was publicly resolute in not resigning his position.  However, the release of the police report -- replete with red panties between his legs and multiple uses of the "do you know who I am?" card -- obviously left neither the university nor Evans much of a choice.

Just where the school turns to for a replacement remains to be seen -- one name already mentioned multiple times is Florida senior AD Greg McGarity -- but one person who will have at least one eye on the proceedings will be head football coach Mark Richt.  Evans was one of Richt's staunchest supporters, and the absence of such a strong advocate could be a significant loss for a coach who, if he has another fair-to-middlin' season in 2010, could find his backside inching closer to the proverbial hot seat.

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Man, it would be all good, except for the panties!!!  I mean, it's ok for a married man to be with a young lady, under the influence of alcohol, driving while intoxicated, etc,.  But the panties:  a good , solid AD doesn't wear panties!!!  Oh, I forgot, he is a Dawg and they were RED panties.  All is good, now.

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Man, it would be all good, except for the panties!!!  I mean, it's ok for a married man to be with a young lady, under the influence of alcohol, driving while intoxicated, etc,.  But the panties:  a good , solid AD doesn't wear panties!!!  Oh, I forgot, he is a Dawg and they were RED panties.  All is good, now.

Very funny pops.  I guess it was the res panties that did it.

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Well, at least he wasn't texting. 

What I want to know is,  Was the girl in the car hot or not?


judge for yourself.

Well I hope it was worth it for Damon. She not much of a looker in my book.

Golf, I think you spelled something wrong. I think an H needs to be in front of ooker instead of an L :dunno:
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Well, at least he wasn't texting. 

What I want to know is,  Was the girl in the car hot or not?


judge for yourself.

Well I hope it was worth it for Damon. She not much of a looker in my book.

Golf, I think you spelled something wrong. I think an H needs to be in front of ooker instead of an L :dunno:

I agree I almost put that. She woulld fit the discription of a hooker. Not that I would know personally about that stuff.

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