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Everything posted by Mims44

  1. Did I miss staff firings? Or is this an 'in addition to' hire?
  2. I agree with a lot of what you said, but like keeping the bowl games. Gives me one last chance to watch Auburn even when we don't have an amazing year. And that off season is loooooooooooooooooong
  3. You would lose out on a lot of good/fun teams though. Although I do get your point. This is dated a year but gives 2022 rankings for all 130+ teams. College Football Top 131 Team Rankings for 2022 - AthlonSports.com | Expert Predictions, Picks, and Previews Auburn is #41
  4. I disagree. Not apathetic to Auburns bowl game at all, and it's a minor crappy one. I am apathetic to a LOT of the other minor bowl games, but honestly I didn't watch any of those teams throughout the season either. So same difference. I do dislike midwest teams now being "SEC" schools, also not a huge fan of the SEC championship not being as big. But looking through SEC history... there's times Bama won the NC without winning the SEC before playoff/BCS and times they have done it since. and neither seems to matter much to their fans. Bolded it cause that's be awesome! I'd be interested to know for sure, but I doubt any of those companies are taking an L on the bowl games. Prolly all profitable and that's why there's so many. You would have to put an asterisk next to every champion of damn near every sport for every year it was played. That was a good game Rex. Watched the whole thing, even though it wasn't a playoff game
  5. Only caught the first half myself. TJ Finley: 15/29 for 152 yards. 0TD 0INT Not a great game, but decent game management. His yearly stats are pretty good though.
  6. Wow! One party is ignoring it's own transgressions while simultaneously attacking it's rival party over something similar?!?! Has this ever happened before?
  7. I struggle with forgiveness badly. But not for people outside my circle. Forgiveness for Freeze is easy for me, but if his wife was my sister... it'd prolly never happen. HF wasn't my first choice but he seems to be doing well and as far as we know has changed his life since his downfall. I'm rooting for him and hoping to see Auburn return to being a feared team! Agreed man.
  8. Raise your children to believe Santa is so fat because he dines on the flesh of children he catches awake. It'll make for an easier night. Merry Christmas everyone! Don't let Santa catch ya!
  9. My apologies if I'm giving undue credit. But I believe @homersapien posted a report about that sometime in the past couple years. But whoever posted it, I remember it going on about; The proliferation of weird/rare fetishes as pornography use has become normalized at younger and younger years. Previously kids who were exposed to pornography a lot were mostly in abusive households. Millennials and now GenZ are the first generations that have been exposed to pornography regularly in stable good households. The conclusion of it was something along the lines of non-abused kids who view pornography regularly from a young age get into more and more niche fetishes as they grow bored with normal sex.
  10. Thanks, I figured it was something obvious I just couldn't put my finger on lol
  11. Maybe I'm an idiot, but how do you plagiarize "with citations"? For example if I say; "What do you expect from a black person who is given such a post?" And present it as my own thought. That's plagiarism. But if I say; It was asked "What do you expect from a black person who is given such a post?"¹ ¹Homersapien Dec 16th 2023 via Aufamily.com. Then that's not plagiarism since I cited the original work. Someone tell me how the 2nd way can be plagiarism
  12. I've heard that, I never click on Rogans show unless the guest is someone I know and want to hear from/about. Neil D Tyson and Mike Tyson were both very good listens. I would think moreso, though I'm not educated about it so who knows. I see Rogan as a dude running a guest talk show outta his basement. I have less expectation for things he says to have been fact checked and verified than I would for a major news organization.
  13. That's a fair and reasonable response I would think. I really hate the special rules for education loans. As an adult I can mess up with land, home, auto, furnishing loans and if I completely bungle it I go bankrupt. But if at 18 I do the same for education loans then I'm F'd forever. It's a problem that has steadily gotten bigger and bigger as the years have gone by. Something has to be done, just not sure what. If nothing else I'd like to see the way the loans work going forward be changed, have 0 interest education loans, or special higher tax brackets for higher education citizens for X number of years after graduation (provided they could not outright pay tuition)
  14. Also interested. Robby never really impressed with his QB play. But he damn sure played hard in that throw away Harsin year.
  15. A solid game all around. I also wanna see HG play, unless Freeze is planning on WW being the number 2 as a true freshman. Otherwise lets see HG play multiple series and see how he handles it. .....Also wouldn't mind seeing Hunter rush for 200+ and making a statement for an NFL push.
  16. Unless you are an AU only fan and not big on football as a whole you are missing out man. The offense is exciting to watch, though reminiscent of Gus where alot of the time it's "can this army toilet paper Oline protect for a second before being torn through" Yet when it's not Auburn it's not painful to see The big draw though is their 2 way player T Hunter. That dude is a baller. I only caught three Colorado games this year and in every one of them he had "Wow" plays. Like the type you wanna see the replay and in slow motion etc. Very fun to watch.
  17. Kinda underwhelming to me. Though getting Seaton should guarantee at least one spot on that oline won't be soft soon. Was expecting a top 25 class at start of season from him. He's sitting in the mid 40's as of right now. I get the transfer portal is nice, was nice last year too.... I just expected more commits from HS kids. Also; TX, FL, GA is where his recruits are coming from mostly Colorado has gotta be a hard sell to them
  18. Would be hard to equal just practice squad cash. Had to look it up, it's some nice cash for 18 weeks of work. Practice squad players make $12,000 per week or $216,000 for 18 weeks. Veteran players with over two years of experience will make a minimum of $16,100 per week or $289,800 for 18 weeks, and a maximum of $20,600 per week or $370,800 for 18 weeks
  19. I dunno how anyone could take it as mean spirited lol. Hope you having a good eve of Christmas eve Fiddy
  20. If Joe has a scientist/engineer on it's cool cause he always lets his guests talk and fully develop a thought. If it's a sports star or musician you like it's cool cause he'll again give them all the time they need to tell stories about their life. If it's political talk it's basically the same as going to your neighbor and asking him political questions, it's bleh. Pretty much, it's entertainment.
  21. This keeps getting said, and I don't understand it. Is one pound really that big a difference? Cobb and Battie for sure, but people always say Alston is a smaller back compared to Hunter. He's not.
  22. UCFs big badass years were few, they aren't normally a juggernaut. Maybe they aren't tryna be. For all the grief he gets from AU fans, for a school thats demands are less; Gus is a good candidate. He does work in the community he's a part of. 0 scandals, prolly 0 for life. Tends to get along with just about everybody. While any amazing seasons will be flukish, his average is gonna be a solid season by normal standards. That's a good coach for a lotta schools out there.
  23. Still came out strong and then spent 3 quarters with the offensive prowess of a powderpuff O. Neighbors tried to call it for UCF when they took that big lead to start, these TN people don't know Gus like we do
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