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If this needs to be moved, please do. I am working on a bammernese to english dictionary. I need some examples for my book. Such as: Cam Newton is all Allburn has got. Translation: I hope Cam gets hit by a truck before the Iron Bowl. I work with about a hundred or so bammers, so I am fairly fluent. I am looking for different dialects or colocalisms that are different from my region of Alabama. One I heard the other day, and it took some time to translate, was: Saban wanted them to lose, he had to show them who was in charge. This one took a long time. It is rooted deep in their phyche. They believe him to be a deity, therefore the only way a loss could happen is if he willed it so. The exact translation is difficult but basically: Saban is God. Please help by telling me any that you may know. Thank you for your help in my endeavor to help others to understand primitive language of the bammers.

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Will need this one Monday. Been hearing this one all year, yes even after the UK game.

Da Refs gave it to ya.      Translation: How are we going to stop them?

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saban is as tall as Coach Chiz.  

Translation: Your Coach Chiz would knock snot bubbles out of saban.

Auburn is the cheatingest program in the history of the NCAA  

Translation: We will have been under probation, or the "5 year window", for two decades when it is all said and done. We also have every athletic team, except cross country, on probation at this time.

Every team cheats but us.

Translation: We cheat more than anybody. Our "turdishion" was built on cheating.

That Auburn team is lucky.

Translation: When are they not going to be on our schedule? I am scared to death of them.

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Ive got one for ya.

Alabama Fan: Absolute Idiot



Post of the Day!  The most important thing I have learned in my short time here:

You can take a good natured jab at anyone.  You can even call them names.

However, always check back to the beginning of the thread and make sure that

bammers have not been compared to whatever you call someone.  Because, if

you call someone a name that has been used to describe bammers, you are by

default calling someone a bammer.  And, that is the point where all humor ends.

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Guy I know posted on FB after they lost to USCe "I am glad we lost, it will make the season just that much better"


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In relation to recruiting:

saban backed off him. Translation: The recruit saw through saban's B.S..

The recruit would sit for 3 years at bama. Translation: The recruit saw through saban's B.S..

<Insert School Here> cheated to get the recruit. Translation: We were paying other recruits and forgot to pay this one.

In relation to playing:

saban wanted us to lose. To focus the team. Translation: We just got our butts handed to us on national TV by a better team and can't accept it.

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Guy I know posted on FB after they lost to USCe "I am glad we lost, it will make the season just that much better"


Oh, that is an easy one: I must have the patience of Job, the lord saban will deliver me from evil.

Hope this helps.

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Here's a few off the top of my head:

LSU’s gonna beat ya’ll.

Translation: bammer’s going to be in deep fecal material in Baton Rouge.

I like coach Chizik but I can’t stand Malzahn or Trooper Taylor.

Translation: How on earth is bammer going to stop Auburn’s offense this year.

Y’all must really be paying Cam Newton a lot this year.

Translation: I hope to god the NCAA doesn’t come to tuscaloser again and find out the truth about all our payola.

We were hoping bammer would see South Carolina again in Atlanta for the champeenship game. Now I don’t know who we’re gonna see.

Translation: I gotta make sure somebody in the trailerhood’s got a flat screen cause that’s the only way bammer’s gonna see the champeenship game.

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Guy I know posted on FB after they lost to USCe "I am glad we lost, it will make the season just that much better"


Oh, that is an easy one: I must have the patience of Job, the lord saban will deliver me from evil.

Hope this helps.

LOL good one

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My personal favorites are:

Malzahn's "trick play offense" won't last long in the SEC.


Malzahn is gone to ________________ (insert name of school) after this season.

Translation:  We are afraid of Auburn.  We don't like it and will never admit it, but we are scared.

BTW, their rumor mill this week is saying that CGM has been offered 2.5 million to go to Clemson.

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Malzahn's "trick play offense"

You are close on this. Are you a linguist such as myself? The only problem is you need to understand not only their language but their religion. Known as Bammerism. Much like their life, their language revolves around their religion. Examples of this are the words; Assistant coach:Angle, Coordinator:Archangle and Head Coach:God. In your example the word Malzahn is one of many words they use for, the best example I have, Antichrist. And "Trick" can be translated as "temptation" like in the Garden of Eden. In this case the forbidden fruit is the Trick "Play" and the antichrist "Malzahn" "Tricked" or tempted them to bite. Only when they stray from the words of their god can they be defeated, this is their belief anyway. I hope I have helped you in your understanding of the bammer.

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Cam will get hurt if he tries to run own' Bama.

Translation: I'm terrified that Cam will stiff arm our defense in the face and I will have to hear about it at work.

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