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Guys the damage is done.


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I like everyone else believe that Auburn has done nothing wrong, but whomever broke this story at this point of the season doesn't need it to be true only that it looks like there were inappropriate recruiting practices by Auburn. The voters will believe we are guilty. Auburn needs to go after someone in court and make them pay through the nose.

It is always the same thing the Alabama media runs with any bad press about Auburn and we pay, now every coach in the country will use this as a negative recruiting tool- "Auburn will be on probation I wouldn't sign with them". I am really sick of the fight guys. I am an Auburn alum and have been a fan all my life but this is getting old, someone please give me some good news to get me going!

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I like everyone else believe that Auburn has done nothing wrong, but whomever broke this story at this point of the season doesn't need it to be true only that it looks like there were inappropriate recruiting practices by Auburn. The voters will believe we are guilty. Auburn needs to go after someone in court and make them pay through the nose.

It is always the same thing the Alabama media runs with any bad press about Auburn and we pay, now every coach in the country will use this as a negative recruiting tool- "Auburn will be on probation I wouldn't sign with them". I am really sick of the fight guys. I am an Auburn alum and have been a fan all my life but this is getting old, someone please give me some good news to get me going!

What damage is done? Auburn has just as much chance to win it all as they did last night. This team is focused and this will not change anything...

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I like everyone else believe that Auburn has done nothing wrong, but whomever broke this story at this point of the season doesn't need it to be true only that it looks like there were inappropriate recruiting practices by Auburn. The voters will believe we are guilty. Auburn needs to go after someone in court and make them pay through the nose.

It is always the same thing the Alabama media runs with any bad press about Auburn and we pay, now every coach in the country will use this as a negative recruiting tool- "Auburn will be on probation I wouldn't sign with them". I am really sick of the fight guys. I am an Auburn alum and have been a fan all my life but this is getting old, someone please give me some good news to get me going!

You posted the good news that should keep you going - "I am an Auburn alum and have been a fan all my life"

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What damage is done?

Public perception of our program. Even when this proves to be false people will continue to point at us and Cam.

I hope we kill GA/UA by 50 and that some folks get sued over this.

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What damage is done?

Public perception of our program. Even when this proves to be false people will continue to point at us and Cam.

I hope we kill GA/UA by 50 and that some folks get sued over this.

If so it will only be temporary, once the facts come out. It will in no way change the direction of Auburn football in the least...

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What damage is done?

Public perception of our program. Even when this proves to be false people will continue to point at us and Cam.

I hope we kill GA/UA by 50 and that some folks get sued over this.

Exactly, the national voters are not going to vote for us to play for it all if anyone else is undefeated.

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What damage is done?

Public perception of our program. Even when this proves to be false people will continue to point at us and Cam.

I hope we kill GA/UA by 50 and that some folks get sued over this.

Unfortunately, this investigation will go long past the end of the season.

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What damage is done?

Public perception of our program. Even when this proves to be false people will continue to point at us and Cam.

I hope we kill GA/UA by 50 and that some folks get sued over this.

If so it will only be temporary, once the facts come out. It will in no way change the direction of Auburn football in the least...

It could also have a negative impact on Camerons Heisman campaign. Even when Auburn is found to be innocent there will still be plenty of people who will spin the story negatively for Auburn for years to come.

Being drug through the mud by the media is never good for a program.

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What damage is done?

Public perception of our program. Even when this proves to be false people will continue to point at us and Cam.

I hope we kill GA/UA by 50 and that some folks get sued over this.

Exactly, the national voters are not going to vote for us to play for it all if anyone else is undefeated.

I seriously doubt that. There were plenty of allogations going on about uat last year. If Auburn wins out, we are in the NC no question about it.

The negative recruitment is the only thing I worry about.

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What damage is done?

Public perception of our program. Even when this proves to be false people will continue to point at us and Cam.

I hope we kill GA/UA by 50 and that some folks get sued over this.

Exactly, the national voters are not going to vote for us to play for it all if anyone else is undefeated.

And if we go undefeated I will still consider us the best team in the country no matter what just as I do the 2004 team. The national championship is flawed and will continue to be so until everyone that deserves it gets a fair shot and is not dependent on voters to decide it. If we go through the SEC undefeated and win our bowl game I could not care less what others think, I'll know we are the best, unlike the 1941 Alabama team that is recognized as national champs. I'm getting a headache talking about this joke of a system. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking that college football is the only sport in the world where the teams do not decide the championship, politics do...

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I hate to say it but there is some truth to this thread.  In the SEC today coaching is important but recruiting is the real key.  You have to get the blue chip players to compete.  I think many AU fans ignored this for years.  But here in the last year we have been made keenly aware of this.  My worries are this investigation will linger into next year or who knows until when.  It will be used against us on every top recruit we are in the hunt for.  It is unfortuante & unfair but will be a reality if this investigation is not finished up in a hurry.  Think of every recent NCAA investigation; they have move at a snail's pace.  Some heads need to roll for this.  I hope they do!

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I hope because of the Heisman and NC races we are currently involved in, that the NCAA expedites this investigation... With Urban Meyer leaking the new all over the place, he put them in a really bad spot too... Think about it, whether the story is true or false, he tainted the championship and the Heisman races for everyone... Let's just say James at Oregon ended up winning the Heisman, he is always gonna be looked at as winning by default, or sliding into it.... Meyer threw this season under the bus for a lot of people.

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What damage is done?

Public perception of our program. Even when this proves to be false people will continue to point at us and Cam.

I hope we kill GA/UA by 50 and that some folks get sued over this.

If so it will only be temporary, once the facts come out. It will in no way change the direction of Auburn football in the least...

It could also have a negative impact on Camerons Heisman campaign. Even when Auburn is found to be innocent there will still be plenty of people who will spin the story negatively for Auburn for years to come.

Being drug through the mud by the media is never good for a program.


In theory people are suppose to be innocent until proven guilty, however, that is not how it works in the court of public opinion. Most people will remember the rumors and not the facts.

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I hope because of the Heisman and NC races we are currently involved in, that the NCAA expedites this investigation... With Urban Meyer leaking the new all over the place, he put them in a really bad spot too... Think about it, whether the story is true or false, he tainted the championship and the Heisman races for everyone... Let's just say James at Oregon ended up winning the Heisman, he is always gonna be looked at as winning by default, or sliding into it.... Meyer threw this season under the bus for a lot of people.

I agree aUfan. Hopefully next year we can beat Florida so bad it'll send poor Meyer into permanent retirement from college football.

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If I'm a player on this team.....I AM PISSED!!!  I pity the teams we play in the coming weeks!  

"Tell em we're comin.........and HELL is comin with us!!"


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Scout has an article up that says cam is the victim anybody here provide a summary no premium member here.

It is free now.

Thanks Northez

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The question no body is asking is why... If Cam is suspected of being involved in any of this, why would he even have played a down? Why would the coaching staff pay 200k for Cam? He was pretty much in exile in Texas. Also why would they pay 200K for a jr college qb, but sever ties with a couple high profile recruits, at just a hint of wrongdoing? Now I can picture a guy with a reputation for misrepresenting himself asking for 200k from MS because he figured he was among friends/ bulldog family. What does he have to lose? They pay him 200k or he bets on the fact that State wouldn't turn in one of it's own if they reject his offer.

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Not gona be any damage to Auburn . Might be some damage to the credibility of some of the instigators down the road but that's about it .

I reckon the bammerite tribe all wet their diapers and began dancing around the ole 55 gallon drum fire upon hearing the story . But they are gona be disappointed . They should just put the drum out , get a fresh diaper , sober up and look for a job this week .

Hell ......  they are the ones currently on probation with a year to go . Unless they get caught again . Which is pretty much when not if . I think the bammerites have actually been on probation for seven years out of the last ten . They sure keep all that stuff quite though . Must be costing them a fortune .


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I really hope that the OP doesn't turn out to be correct.  I had a nice panic moment earlier tonight.  ESPN made sure not to jump to conclusions after that initial article, but the other sources didn't care about being careful for a schools or a person's reputation or career.  Whatever gets the most hits goes I guess.  The average person doesn't get information from ST or Mayor.  They get to read the trash, and that might be what they remember from this.  There's still a chance this entire situation gets handled in a way such that the truth becomes obvious to the masses, but...well, lets just say I'm more doubtful of that than I have been for any game this year :(.

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What damage? Auburn has not even been mentioned in this, it's MSU that has been named. No one at Auburn or representing Auburn has been accused of any wrong doing. Everyone just relax it's not going to effect recruiting or this teams goal of a championship, if anything it will unify the players so I feel for the teams we have left on the schedule, it's not gonna be pretty!

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