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Guys the damage is done.


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I reckon the bammerite tribe all wet their diapers and began dancing around the ole 55 gallon drum fire upon hearing the story .

Oh they did. I got on Facebook after the story broke, and it was like Bear Bryant returned from the grave on there. Bammers posted a bunch of B.S. , and made themselves look stupid. I, for one, ended up having to go head-to-head against seven bammers on one certain Facebook post. Needless to say, i carried myself in a much more upstanding manner than any of those people did, and the Bammer in question ended up deleting his post. After i was finished making my case, none of them apparently had a counterpoint other than "War Scam Eagle". Typical.

I trust the coaching staff, and believe we are in the clear.

I also feel very sorry for the teams we have left on the schedule.

To whoever brought this out, thanks for giving our players extra motivation.

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It is a shame that some people think that a football game is more important than ruining an innocent young man's reputation and possibly his life.  I think this is an all time low from whoever the sources were.  I think the writers who are writing all the crap should be retaining attorneys today.  Report the story as it was leaked but don't make judgements because people read and believe what they read.  In many people's eyes around the country he is already guilty.  This simply is not the truth and I see the possibility for many slander suits after this is over.  But, unfortunately for young Mr. Newton it could very possibly be too late.  WAR EAGLE CAM!!!  WE ARE BEHIND YOU!!!

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For those of you who are worried that this will affect Cam's Heisman hopes or the National Championship chances, you are forgetting something.

The media, particularly the sports media, have the attention span of a 2-year-old.  In the absence of new information, this story will be in the past even before the Georgia game.  You have the story, then stories about the stories, then maybe even stories about the stories about the stories.

I predict that the only new info will be about Kenny Rogers, who already is under investigation by the NFLPA for misrepresenting himself to players.  But give it a few days, and sports editors nationwide will be saying, "I am so over this Cam Newton recruiting junk!"

And the media will rush to their next "toy" -- maybe a story about a certain coach bailing after his team loses to LSU  ;) ?

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This is why you gotta love the technology age...  from the bammerham news

Auburn checked thousands of telephone records and determined there was no contact made between Rogers and anyone associated with Auburn, said the person familiar with the situation. That person also said Auburn has not received an NCAA letter of inquiry. 

"There are no NCAA allegations against anyone at Auburn University in the recruitment of Cam Newton," said the person familiar with situation

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This is why you gotta love the technology age...  from the bammerham news

Auburn checked thousands of telephone records and determined there was no contact made between Rogers and anyone associated with Auburn, said the person familiar with the situation. That person also said Auburn has not received an NCAA letter of inquiry. 

"There are no NCAA allegations against anyone at Auburn University in the recruitment of Cam Newton," said the person familiar with situation

Thanks AuFan1;  this is probably the most telling facts yet.
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Can I make a suggestion? Would the OP please change the name of this thread? It brings me down and probably brings everybody else down that reads it. Don't delete the thread, but please change the title. It comes up on top when you refresh the "show unread posts" link. Thanks! WDE!!!!!!!

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I still keep asking what is the ultimate end game with all of this. MS receives a request for 180k, but keeps recruiting him. He ends up at AU, but there are no phone records showing even 1 phone call between AU and Rogers. There are allegations about Cecil's church, but why would anyone give the church money, if there is no record of contact.. Why is Urban rumored to be the one that pushed for it to be leaked? :dunno:

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