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The Auburn Family


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I'll be honest. I kind of jumped on the Auburn bandwagon in 2005 after their 2004 season because I didn't have a favorite team. After sticking with them through 2008 and countless Buckeye fans here in Ohio ridiculing me for not rooting for OSU, I've realized how much I love Auburn and how special it is, even though I've never visited the campus.

I got to go to the Kentucky game this year, and I had the time of my life. It was amazing talking to some Auburn fans for once. I always see you guys on here posting about how nice of a fanbase Auburn is, but I was still overwhelmed by the warm reception the fans gave me in Lexington.

Recently, with all the happenings with Cam and the football program, I've realized even more how special Auburn is. I've now made it a priority to get to a game in Auburn in the coming years, whether I have to take a plane or drive down from Ohio. Even though I've never visited Auburn, I've realized I bleed orange and blue.

I believe in Auburn and love it.  :we:

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War Eagle brother!

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The Auburn family has been through a great deal over the years, but we always come back fighting with everything we have. This little matter will be no different.

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Great post mjwickstrom1. Ain't it great to be an Auburn Tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sure is! I can't tell you how happy I am to be an Auburn fan, and not a Buckeye fan. Since I don't live in Alabama, I have no first hand experience in dealing with Bama fans, but I must say OSU fans are terrible! Extremely cocky, arrogant, and disrespectful.
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Great post mjwickstrom1. Ain't it great to be an Auburn Tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sure is! I can't tell you how happy I am to be an Auburn fan, and not a Buckeye fan. Since I don't live in Alabama, I have no first hand experience in dealing with Bama fans, but I must say OSU fans are terrible! Extremely cocky, arrogant, and disrespectful.

Turd fans X 1,000,000. Trust me.

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Turd fans X 1,000,000. Trust me.

I trust you. I don't post much on here, but believe me, I see what everyone posts about the Turd fans.
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Great post mjwickstrom1. Ain't it great to be an Auburn Tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sure is! I can't tell you how happy I am to be an Auburn fan, and not a Buckeye fan. Since I don't live in Alabama, I have no first hand experience in dealing with Bama fans, but I must say OSU fans are terrible! Extremely cocky, arrogant, and disrespectful.

You'll be happy to know my mom married an OSU grad.  We have since enlightened him to join THE Family.  WDE.

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