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ESPN's The Final Verdict


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Reesey used to work at I believe WTVM-ABC in Columbus GA back in the day.  Don't know about his wife, if she's an AU grad or what. He's okay for a turd grad.

OT, speaking of the "Final Verdict" I about fell over when Holtz said that you need to finish out the yr first before giving someone the Heisman, he's right.  But he went on to say something to May Day about didn't he watch Ingram and how great Ingram was against his rival or something to that affect.  I wished he had email so we could bomb him w/ millions of them telling him Ingram was benched half-way through the 3rd qtr and had what 26 yds or 46 yds I believe.  Holtz is such a complete idiot!

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