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Okay, so I'm a bit bored (and tired of discussing the "dark, ominous, about to burst cloud" hanging over Auburn...:laugh:), and I decided to play around a little with the recruiting game. I haven't been paying too close of attention during the season, so I might be a little off, but here goes:


Kiehl Frazier


Tre Mason

Buck Allen

Quan Bray


Jaylon Denson

Sammie Coates


Brandon Fulse


Reese Dismukes

Greg Robinson

Thomas O'Reilly

L'el Collins

Shon Coleman


Ray Drew

Keymiya Harrell


Gabe Wright

Angelo Blackson

JaBrian Niles

Devaunte Sigler


Chris Landrum

Justin Garrett

Anthony Swain


Jonathan Rose

Marcus Roberson


Erique Florence

Robinson Therezie


Kris Frost

CJ Uzomah

The only place I feel like I'm going out on a limb is L'el Collins, because everyone else I feel like is at least leaning towards Auburn. That would give us 27 recruits, and by ranking on rivals, there are 2 five star players (using Coleman's rating from a year ago, at least), 14 four star players, and 10 three star players. Of the three stars, I expect at least one, Blackson, to move up. Of the four stars, I expect at least one or two of a handful to move up: Drew, Robinson, Roberson, and Frost all have a legitimate shot at moving up.

I do think it's possible that Brent Calloway could take Buck Allen's place as the big back this year, but I think that's a long shot, and I only wanted to take one long shot with this prediction (Collins).

Thoughts? Comments? Criticisms? Counter-predictions?

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I would be overjoyed to see the class shake out like this come NSD.  If we could pull Collins AND Robinson from Louisiana, that would be bigger than pulling Reed was last year IMO

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Couple of thoughts. Drew would be a nice pull for Auburn also. Apparently before the official this past weekend THUGA and FSU appeared to lead...Even though Coleman has to resign I do not think we get his 5*. I think it stays on last years numbers.

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Good list.  Who knows with Collins...but it would be a huge get for us.  I don't see us getting Buck Allen or Sigler.  I'm not convinced the coaches are as high on Allen as the people here.  That injury is an issue. 

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Wow if that ended up being our class I would rank it as good if not better than last years class!  Collins Drew and Calloway are still real iffy to me but with our Coaches I would guess we get one if not two of them.

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Looks good to me. I'd DEFINITELY take it!  :thumbsup: But realistically, Collins is a VERY, VERY big long-shot... Drew is up in the air... and I'm not quite sure about Sigler (I'm thinking that he would've committed already, if he had a "commitable offer"). BTW, Therezie will probably end up at CB, not S. I'd also keep a close eye on Terry Bell, Ameriol Finley, and Bruce Dukes, among others.

Good list.  Who knows with Collins...but it would be a huge get for us.  I don't see us getting Buck Allen or Sigler.  I'm not convinced the coaches are as high on Allen as the people here.  That injury is an issue. 

Allen is the #1 "big back" on the board.

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Are we still in it for Wayne Lyons Hatch?

Beat me to it! I was just about to edit and add him!  :thumbsup: I do believe that we are, and I look for him to visit at some point. Not sure if we'll sign him though, as he seems to want to go to a "prestigous academic school".

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Are we still in it for Wayne Lyons Hatch?

I think we are still looking at him, but we will take Florence first. If he goes elsewhere, we might put more pressure on Lyons.

I personally like our chances with Florence.

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Red, havn't seen you on here for a while until the last couple of weeks, where you been bro?

A lot of things, but unreliable access to the internet is the primary culprit. I'm connected again now, so no worries.

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I also forgot to add Xzavier Dickson. He REALLY likes AU, but he's been HEAVILY recruited by ua and uga for a LONG time now! I REALLY wish that we had a "rabbit in the hat" to get him to come, but I'm afraid we won't. He is one step below Drew and probably even, if not ahead of Stephon Tuitt and Sterling Bailey, as the BEST DE in the state of Ga.! I'd LOVE to have him, but I think that our young depth at that position may steer him away as well.

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Are we still in it for Wayne Lyons Hatch?

I think we are still looking at him, but we will take Florence first. If he goes elsewhere, we might put more pressure on Lyons.

I personally like our chances with Florence.

I thought we were gonna take 2 safeties? Florence alone would be one.

Beat me to it! I was just about to edit and add him!  :thumbsup: I do believe that we are, and I look for him to visit at some point. Not sure if we'll sign him though, as he seems to want to go to a "prestigous academic school".

He wants to be an engineer right? There are not too many egineering schools better than Auburn.

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I also forgot to add Xzavier Dickson. He REALLY likes AU, but he's been HEAVILY recruited by ua and uga for a LONG time now! I REALLY wish that we had a "rabbit in the hat" to get him to come, but I'm afraid we won't. He is one step below Drew and probably even, if not ahead of Stephon Tuitt and Sterling Bailey, as the BEST DE in the state of Ga.! I'd LOVE to have him, but I think that our young depth at that position may steer him away as well.

Yeah, I thought about adding Dickson, but I just don't feel too confident about him. With Drew, though, I've just had a really good feeling about him the whole way. Call it a hunch, but I think he ends up at Auburn.

Sigler actually isn't a big deal to me. I mean, he looks like he could develop into a good defensive lineman, but he was more a filler pick than anything else. Last I heard, the coaches wanted him, but that was a couple of months ago so I really don't know.

I put Therezie at safety because I just wasn't sure how they were recruiting them. I would absolutely LOVE to get Lyons as the second safety to go along with Florence (who is still one of the absolute most important players for us in this class, IMO), but he (Lyons) is another one I haven't really had a great feeling about. No real explanation, just a feeling.

DJ, what's your feeling about Swain? From day one, I've thought of him as a linebacker, but is there any chance they'd use him at safety?

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I like this list and I would be ecstatic to have all of these guys.  Of course there are the back-up plans and the players that are on the fringe as far as knowing how they are swaying, i.e. Drew.  I do love the coaches going after mostly what would be considered non-skilled players, guys that are not necessarily flashy like a high end receiver but CB, S, and OL.  These guys will make or break a great class and team.  Just think where this team would be if our OL wasn't as solid as it is this year?

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DJ, what's your feeling about Swain? From day one, I've thought of him as a linebacker, but is there any chance they'd use him at safety?

I would think that he would end up a LB, but he is a really good S also.

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check out the "this year's class" thread. i update every week and my list is very detailed, and includes names that others of you have mentioned here. It started late in the summer and has been updated every week, almost...

Anyway, it's a really good list  ;D ;D

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Drew's gotta be our #1 target IMO....

make no mistake, boys, bad as it's been for the puppies here, if uga misses on Crowell, Wright, and Drew...ouch....though they've had some success on the recruiting trail, miss on these three and this town will burn....

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I say get out some hot dogs and roast them. Let it burn.

The demise of UGA this season has to be helping us in recruiting. At least I hope so. I would love to have Wright and Drew. Crowell is some what of an enigma to me. Obviously a great player and we'd love to have him. But, I've never seen any indication he likes us.

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