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Spotlighting Terrell Zachery - UGA


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Last season, Terrell Zachery scored on a 67-yard touchdown run against Alabama. Zachery rushed for 244-yards on just 9 carries last season but has been limited to only 73-yards on 9 carries this season. Last Saturday against the Georgia Bulldogs, Zachery had his longest run of the season, gaining 31-yards on a reverse play.

The play…


  On this particular play, Auburn sets up in a 3-WR set, with Terrell Zachery lined up wide to the right but technically in the backfield. At the snap, Auburn pulls both of their guards (Byron Isom & Mike Berry) to the left as it appears Auburn is running their zone-read play with Cameron Newton and Onterio McCalebb. Note in image #2, the DE reading the transition between Newton and McCalebb. Lee Ziemba leaves the DE unblocked, releasing into the flat. The design of the play allows Auburn to release the DE, counting on him to commit to the initial run play with McCalebb.

  Cameron Newton hands off to McCalebb as the DE bites on the run play with McCalebb (image #3). Terrell Zachery is coming back in motion from his right to the left. Onterio McCalebb flips the ball off to Zachery sweeping back to the left of the formation. When the DE pursuing on the backside realizes it’s a reverse play, Cameron Newton seals him off, allowing Zachery to turn the corner. Once again, the blocking at the perimeter is sound, resulting a 31-yard gain by Terrell Zachery.

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It was a great play call and execution.  I can tell I'm getting spoiled by this offense because I don't leap out of my seat when we have a 30 yard gain anymore.  Now, its just a regular play that I'm used to seeing.  

Don't get me wrong, I'm not just "ho-hum" about these plays.  Its just that I've learned to pace myself.  I would be exhausted by the second half if I leapt out of my seat for these type plays.

In 2008, this play would have been one of the best of the season.  In 2010, its a play that I've just come to expect.  I REALLY love being this spoiled!!!

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Alum98, please make your sig picture smaller. When you reply on a thread it takes up half the page.

Heh, I finally turned off all singatures and profile pics in the display sectin of my profile.  Only problem is, I have to read each poster's screen name rather than knowing who it is by their sig.

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