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Auburn's response "if" this were reversed,.....


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I'd hate to think we would have anyone to sink to this level,....but if we did, I would fully expect the following to happen, almost immediately!

We would have already heard from Jay Jacobs and Coach Gene Chizik by now as they would have categorically denounced this type of activity and behavior from anyone claiming to be an Auburn fan. I believe that would have been followed up by banning this type of individual from any and all future Auburn events. I believe that when they were through with their public display of total and complete disgust with anyone masquerading around as an Auburn fan while enacting this outrageous behavior, that everyone in the nation would clearly know where Auburn stood on such a sordid event.

Next, we would have seen the Auburn Family reaching out to Alabama to help to restore completely any such damage done to their University, and yes, .......that means opening up the pocketbook.

Of course, this is purely from an Auburn perspective,.......you know the one's with a Creed that we really endeavor to live!!!!!

I wait, and probably until Hell will have frozen over, for Alabama's response!!!!!!

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If you want to see their response check out what they are posting at Capstone Report...I was banned from there about 3 months ago or I would light their rear ends up.

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Next, we would have seen the Auburn Family reaching out to Alabama to help to restore completely any such damage done to their University, and yes, .......that means opening up the pocketbook.

I was thinking the same thing today. If Bama wanted to tone down this rivalry from the nastiness and bring to it some sense of mutual respect, they should do exactly this. Donate $1 million (maybe that's way too high, I don't know how much this will end up costing in monetary terms in the end) towards the cleanup and restoration of historic Toomer's Corner. It's not about the money, it's about treating each other right.


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...Donate $1 million...

$707,000 would be just fine. Raise every home ticket $1 for all 7 home games and let the world know why. No... seriously, Alabama didn't have anything to do with this moron's crime.

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I was thinking the same thing today. If Bama wanted to tone down this rivalry from the nastiness and bring to it some sense of mutual respect, they should do exactly this. Donate $1 million (maybe that's way too high, I don't know how much this will end up costing in monetary terms in the end) towards the cleanup and restoration of historic Toomer's Corner. It's not about the money, it's about treating each other right.


HELL NO, WE DO NOT WANT ANY BAMMER MONEY, LABOR, or any other such gesture from the Crapstone!

If the true Bama football fans want to offer us their heartfelt sympathy that is one thing and I will certainly accept this graciously.  But any funds or labor from Bama would be thrown in our face forever..

We will take care of ourselves and the Bammer nation where it counts; on the football field.



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Heres what i would like to see from both sides..two recognizable figures (probably football coaches) each hold press conferences and say 'this is enough'..all they need to say is a few words on showing class in this rivalry..an idiot like al will listen to what nick saban says just like an idiot from auburn will listen to gene chizik..this rivalry should have been addressed a long time ago anyways..its gotten out of hand..and i fear it will get worse..theres too much hate involved in this rivalry for it to be fun anymore..

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HELL NO, WE DO NOT WANT ANY BAMMER MONEY, LABOR, or any other such gesture from the Crapstone!

If the true Bama football fans want to offer us their heartfelt sympathy that is one thing and I will certainly accept this graciously.  But any funds or labor from Bama would be thrown in our face forever..

We will take care of ourselves and the Bammer nation where it counts; on the football field.



GITTY UP!    :thumbsup:

:beatmullet: :beatmullet:

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That is correct..Mal Moore did release a statement.  The accused is not a graduate or season ticket holder at UA.  He is an over zealous fan who committed a very foolish act and will be delt with by the law and courts.  UA does not owe Auburn University any money. 

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UA didn't do anything, i wouldn't expect a university to give us money for something a total idiot did.

I wouldn`t want or expect that UAT would donate any funds for this. Now if their alumni assoc. or the student took up donations, that would be different and a lot easier to accept. That would be, a way Auburn might do in a similar situation. just a thought.

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Saban has been silent about this.

Guess he has better things to do with this time than care.

Why show yourself to be a human being when there is oversigning to be done, 2012 recruits to be deceived, and medical hardships to be faked?

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Puts a whole different light on David Housal's whole "Nazi" speach doesn't it ?

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