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An open Letter to Auburn Fans


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I have a few Bama friends.  This is a post from one of them. Some of you will blow this off but I feel that it was heart felt.  WT

Open Letter to the AU Nation, As a Bama Fan i was appalled to hear the news about the trees at AU. An idiot, with obvious mental problems, desecrated a sacred landmark that many of you hold dear. The idiot in question as been arrested and will face the full force of the criminal justice system. Might even get prosecuted in federal court which would mean more jail time. Now, for the past 24 hours, I have been constantly associated with this moron simply because we made a decision at some point in our lives to cheer for the University of Alabama. All UA fans have been lumped into the same category. According to most of the items I have seen written and said indicate this man represents the MAJORITY of Bama fans. You got us. We all had a secret meeting right after the Iron Bowl and selected our top secret agent, "Al from Dadeville" to complete this mission. I have seen the words typical Bama fan more times than I can stomach. To lump together a group of people for the actions of one idiot is about as asinine as the act itself. If we hold to this philosophy then all Germans are still on the hook for the Holocaust, Japanese, you too. Still got that Pearl Harbor thing going. Hey Christians. there is a preacher out in the Midwest whose church protest soldiers who were killed in service to this country. Holds up signs at their funerals that says God Hates You. Since he claims to be a Christian, I guess that is typical of all Christians. Do you see my point here. Be as upset as you want at this individual, but for the love, QUIT LUMPING US IN WITH HIM. Auburn and Alabama are both fine institutions who graduate many quality people and have great fans who want to cheer for their chosen university in whatever the endeavor. Both sides also have idiots whose lives are so miserable, that a scoreboard actually effects their lives. Man, if we got this excited and passionate about spreading the gospel, helping the poor, feeding the hungry, I might be out of a job. Well, except for the one idiot still in prison for attacking trees. Again, I am so sorry about the trees, BUT I, NOR ANY BAMA FAN I KNOW HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT.

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I have a few Bama friends.  This is a post from one of them. Some of you will blow this off but I feel that it was heart felt.  WT

Open Letter to the AU Nation, As a Bama Fan i was appalled to hear the news about the trees at AU. An idiot, with obvious mental problems, desecrated a sacred landmark that many of you hold dear. The idiot in question as been arrested and will face the full force of the criminal justice system. Might even get prosecuted in federal court which would mean more jail time. Now, for the past 24 hours, I have been constantly associated with this moron simply because we made a decision at some point in our lives to cheer for the University of Alabama. All UA fans have been lumped into the same category. According to most of the items I have seen written and said indicate this man represents the MAJORITY of Bama fans. You got us. We all had a secret meeting right after the Iron Bowl and selected our top secret agent, "Al from Dadeville" to complete this mission. I have seen the words typical Bama fan more times than I can stomach. To lump together a group of people for the actions of one idiot is about as asinine as the act itself. If we hold to this philosophy then all Germans are still on the hook for the Holocaust, Japanese, you too. Still got that Pearl Harbor thing going. Hey Christians. there is a preacher out in the Midwest whose church protest soldiers who were killed in service to this country. Holds up signs at their funerals that says God Hates You. Since he claims to be a Christian, I guess that is typical of all Christians. Do you see my point here. Be as upset as you want at this individual, but for the love, QUIT LUMPING US IN WITH HIM. Auburn and Alabama are both fine institutions who graduate many quality people and have great fans who want to cheer for their chosen university in whatever the endeavor. Both sides also have idiots whose lives are so miserable, that a scoreboard actually effects their lives. Man, if we got this excited and passionate about spreading the gospel, helping the poor, feeding the hungry, I might be out of a job. Well, except for the one idiot still in prison for attacking trees. Again, I am so sorry about the trees, BUT I, NOR ANY BAMA FAN I KNOW HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT.

I get the overall sentiment.  However, the Smart A tone in which it was written almost ticks me off even more. 

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There was nothing heartfelt in that open letter other than the attempt to avoid being lumped in with Lee Harvey.

This guy (Al) is the true representation of about 80% of their fanbase.  We know it.  They know it.  Now the rest of the nation will finally know it.

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Yeah, he's right.  We should have left the Germans and Japanese alone because what they did really wasn't representative of all of them  :rolleyes:

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I believe this person to be truly offended by the actions of 'ol Al from Dadeville, however, I keep seeing posts by bama fans stating that this "ONE" fan does not represent all of them.  I can agree with that, but what about the all the fans that did the following:

Scam Newton t-shirts, fake money being thrown at our players during the Iron Bowl, songs being played in Bryant Denny Stadium meant to disparage one of our players, images from bama's own bowl game, showing their fans with signs stating "Roll Ducks Roll.  And this was all just this past season!!!

I believe that these fans are truly representative of the bammers, and I also believe the bammers are the worst fanbase in the country.  The MAJORITY never went to school there, but yet live vicariously through the success of the football program.  If the program is on top, they are happy.  If it is not, then they look to destroy the success and happiness of the program that is on top, especially when it is Auburn.  

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To hell with him and his letter

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What are bama fans saying on their message boards (if any of you look at them)?

You will find their true feelings there as they hide behind screen names. I'm sure you will find many who think it's funny.

Don't believe the media spin.

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Most bammers are in Def Con 5 and trying to distance themselves for no other reason except for damage control.

They know that this guy did what they didnt have the guts to do but wanted to happen. Every bammer I know hates that tradition and they really dont respect it and actually make fun of it.

I am sick and tired of hearing about how they dont want to be "lumped in" with this guy, but they respect their coach who in my eyes is just as dirty of a person as "AL".

They are just scared we are going to do something worse is the only reason they are giving us fake respect.


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I have UAT fan friends, who have actually apologized.  I can tell you that none of them were as condescinding as this person.  I understand they want to be released from their association with this turd, but guilty by association is not something that can be avoided easily.  Maybe if he/she had been a little nicer, his/her apology might be a little better received.

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Wow, I have so much sympathy for the terrible weight that must come from being lumped in with all of them. That just must be a terrible burden to bear. What a crock of crap. Wah,wah,wah, awwwwww poor baby. My heart just bleeds that the decent portion of the world has to suffer idiots like these. Friend? Really? Right.

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I'm sorry for the cold response, but Bama fans need to recognize their culpability in all this -- deriding Auburn fans because we are not as obsessed as they are, tolerating and even promoting the kinds of fans who do this.  Until the Bama fans "man up" and do something to tone down their worst element, rather than secretly encourage them and come out with the fake indignation during bad PR times, it will be hard to take them seriously.

I mean, their coach said, on national TV, that he hates those "mo-fos," and they cheered him for it.  And NOW they are going to talk as if that is not what they are like?  Their belief that we would be so stupid as to accept crap like this is almost as insulting as the actual vandalism.  Apparently they really DO think we are a bunch of rubes.

Who needs 'em?  Let's go to the SEC East.  Make them LSU's problem.

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It had a lot of sarcasm and was more about "don't think bad about us just Harvey" tone rather than a real apology.  You don't get sarcastic when apologizing.  How many times did that work on your parents?  Also they had no trouble grouping all Auburn fans as cheaters when Auburn did nothing wrong in playing Cam Newton. 

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I have UAT fan friends, who have actually apologized.  I can tell you that none of them were as condescinding as this person.  I understand they want to be released from their association with this turd, but guilty by association is not something that can be avoided easily.  Maybe if he/she had been a little nicer, his/her apology might be a little better received.

I have some friends that went to bama as well, and they offered "apologies" too.  But I know for certain that they really didn't mean it.  It was just words to them, more of an apology for how it made their fan base look.

Well, I have news for them -- it didn't make me think any less of their fan base.  This is exactly the type of thing I expect from them in the first place.  I do hate it for the very few fine people I know who graduated from bama and are only fans of the school because of that affiliation, and not because the general fan base matches their mentality.

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I don’t know guys, this may be “heart-felt” but this bammer lost me when he started off with “Auburn Nation.”  I agree with Weegle777 that this “quickly turned into an arrogant lecture.”  I don’t know about 80%, LexSteele.  But I bet about 5% are sorry that they did not think of doing this themselves.  Another 45%, are at least snickering behind their hands, if not laughing out loud, and raising their glass to “Al from Dadeville.”  Most of the rest don’t really care—“it is JUST a tree!”-- or think it might, just might, have been a bad idea.  And small percentage are in fact horrified.  Some of that small group do understand that this is a public relations nightmare for UAT and that is the reason for their horror.

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