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I know this has been said before...


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...but it is time for the Auburn Family to boycott all of the bammer-biased media here in the Birmingham area, and this is not isolated to Finebaum.  I had the displeasure of listening to the Opening Drive this morning, and this show is as bad, if not worse, than Finebaum.  I know that today was probably worse because Al Del Greco wasn't in the studio, but what I heard made me want to slap someone.

Fatwagon Curry and Jay Barker-Evans were discussing the trees, and the on-going Cam Newton saga, and were generally making light of the whole situation, just like last week.  Then they started discussing the death-threats that Auburn fans were making to Harvey Updyke's family.  Now, I truly hope that anyone from the Auburn Family wasn't making death threats, because the new media spin is that a "lynch-mob of Auburn fans" are threatening the lives of Harvey Updkye's grandchildren, so much that they have pulled these poor kids out of school for fear of their lives.  Once again, the bammer-biased media has turned the situation back on us, and we are now the bad guys.  They also discussed how we have done as much damage to the Toomer's trees, as fans/students/alumni, as Harvey did, by throwing toilet paper in them, using hoses to get the paper out of the trees, etc.  Then Finebaum joined in, and started referring to the "State Funeral" held in Auburn this past weekend, followed by Fatwagon Curry playing a very humorous (sarcasm) back from break intro mocking the Auburn Family and our mourning of the trees.

Then the Cam Newton stuff began, and based on Warren Moon's comments that Cam should "come clean" to NFL owners, this proves that we are cheating.  Finebaum even went as far to say that Cam could discuss the laptop and cheating incidents, but probably could not "touch the Auburn situation, and what went down at Auburn".  This is insinuating guilt, which is nothing new, but to continue to bring this up is beyond repulsive.

As an Auburn Alumni, I am getting fed up with the character assassination that is being aimed at my alma mater.  I have tried to take the "high road", and "stay classy", but this is getting more difficult by the day.  What I am proposing is that all Auburn Family members boycott the media outlets that are bammer-biased.  Finebaum, The Opening Drive, The Roundtable, etc.  There are plenty of sources for Auburn and college sports information, with this site being one of the best of them.  I will no longer be listening to any of the programs listed above, and I hope you will join me in this.  I will also, whenever possible, not support any of these programs' sponsors, and will let them know why I am not supporting them. 

None of this may change anything, but I will at least know that I am not adding any support/money to bammer-biased media.  Also, if I don't do this, I may have to head over to Buffalo Wild Wings on Thursdays and slap the chicken wing out of Fatwagon's mouth.

War Eagle!

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We cant boycott them at the moment. Alabama is boycotting them because they are considered Auburn hommers. But when that boycott expires, count me in.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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None of this may change anything, but I will at least know that I am not adding any support/money to bammer-biased media.  Also, if I don't do this, I may have to head over to Buffalo Wild Wings on Thursdays and slap the chicken wing out of Fatwagon's mouth.

War Eagle!


I was listening this morning on my way to work and heard the Cam crap and it just made me sick!! The lady from UAB was making good points and of course they would not listen to her.

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You are 100 percent correct.  The moon article was completely misquoted.   Moon said attack the 18 year old issues head on.  Nothing even implied coming clean in the moon quote.  Just more Bammer spin

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We cant boycott them at the moment. Alabama is boycotting them because they are considered Auburn hommers. But when that boycott expires, count me in.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Yea I did here Shane ask the Sports editor on PF friday if they were getting a lot of papers back at the office and the guy told shane they had 18 cancellations on the Monday after the Scarbo article.  Nice Boycott.  Shane and all his immediate cronies.

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Thanks....I could have waited till about 4:30 this afternoon with out having to hear Shane's name.....

I just wanna kick that dude in the tooth!!!!!

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Just a question, but are any of you a little skeptical of the "support" for the trees that is coming from the bammers?  I live in Georgia, and work in Alabama, and have had people stop me on the streets and in restaurants, telling me how sorry they are for what happened to the trees, and that this one guy isn't a true representative of their fanbase. 

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the money they have raised for the Tide for Toomer's fund-raiser, but I personally believe this is all due to the bammers wanting to erase the negative image they have gotten in the national media over this.  They do not care about the trees, or the Auburn spirit/traditions they represent.  In my mind, they care about protecting their own image.

I may be 100% wrong about this, but I just have a hard time buying this outpouring of sympathy.  Where were these people at when the songs and fake money were played/thrown at the Iron Bowl?  Where were they when the entire country branded us cheaters because we won the NC, or we got a recruit that everyone wanted? 

Maybe I'm just a skeptical person.  I have lived with bammer hatred/jealousy for my entire life, so that may have jaded my opinion a little. 

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Just a question, but are any of you a little skeptical of the "support" for the trees that is coming from the bammers?  I live in Georgia, and work in Alabama, and have had people stop me on the streets and in restaurants, telling me how sorry they are for what happened to the trees, and that this one guy isn't a true representative of their fanbase. 

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the money they have raised for the Tide for Toomer's fund-raiser, but I personally believe this is all due to the bammers wanting to erase the negative image they have gotten in the national media over this.  They do not care about the trees, or the Auburn spirit/traditions they represent.  In my mind, they care about protecting their own image.

I may be 100% wrong about this, but I just have a hard time buying this outpouring of sympathy.  Where were these people at when the songs and fake money were played/thrown at the Iron Bowl?  Where were they when the entire country branded us cheaters because we won the NC, or we got a recruit that everyone wanted? 

Maybe I'm just a skeptical person.  I have lived with bammer hatred/jealousy for my entire life, so that may have jaded my opinion a little. 

I just posted something similar in another thread.  I was out this weekend without any Auburn gear on and visited a couple of establishments.  If anything about the Toomers situation came up without anyone knowing I was an Auburn fan, all they had to say was "they're just trees" or "this whole thing is ridiculous" or whatever.

Whenever someone knew I was an Auburn fan, it was always "I'm horrified that man would do this" or "what a lowlife that would do something like this."

I am 100% of the belief that the "sympathy" is an attempt to distance themselves from the bad publicity.  I heard a caller on JOX this morning who gave the whole "you were killing the trees yourself with the firehoses and TP" and proceeded to say "bama fans have apologized and raised money, what else do you want us to do?"  What she doesn't know is that this is exactly what we want you to do.  Just keep being a bama fan and you're hurting your image more than killing 1000 trees could do.

I do have to note that there are bama fans out there that are genuinely sorry about the whole situation, they just happen to be a small minority.

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I do have to note that there are bama fans out there that are genuinely sorry about the whole situation, they just happen to be a small minority.

And many, not all, of these bama fans are sorry while in the midst of Auburn fans, but could care less when surrounded by bama fans.  The silver lining, if there is one, is that the national exposure bammer is getting is showing the nation what we Auburn fans have had to endure for decades.

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It's definitely something to think about.  This has gotten crazy out of hand, for sure!  PF has been accused of being responsible for the tree poisoning; although I don't agree with that it was his fault, he definitley was stirring the pot in trying to get AU fans riled up enough to retailiate.  He kept playing Al from Dadeville's call over and over, especially the end.  He stirs the pot and that cannot be denied.  So perhaps a boycott of these media outlets would be best, especially for those of us who aren't able to let things roll off our shoulders.  I say we put our collective heads together and decide the best way to handle it.  We have until November 26.  Save it for then.


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It's definitely something to think about.  This has gotten crazy out of hand, for sure!  PF has been accused of being responsible for the tree poisoning; although I don't agree with that it was his fault, he definitley was stirring the pot in trying to get AU fans riled up enough to retailiate.  He kept playing Al from Dadeville's call over and over, especially the end.  He stirs the pot and that cannot be denied.  So perhaps a boycott of these media outlets would be best, especially for those of us who aren't able to let things roll off our shoulders.  I say we put our collective heads together and decide the best way to handle it.  We have until November 26.  Save it for then.


I don't necessarily hold fbaum responsible for what happened, but I will admit that he encourages the hatred on his show.  The more outlandish and hate-filled the callers are, the more time he gives them on the air, which in turn encourages the next guy to be even more ridiculous.

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I stopped listening to all these guys when the Saban boot licking started a few years ago.  It was disgusting then and has only grown. :beatmullet:

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I don't think that Finebaum was the cause of this, or any of the other media outlets.  My main point is that all of these media outlets appear to drag Auburn's name through the mud at any chance they get.  The bammer bias is running rampant in Alabama, even in the light of this horrible act committed by a bammer fan. 

I am just sick of hearing that we are cheating, we are paying players, we are buying national championships, etc.  When I heard them say that we, the Auburn Family, had damaged those trees just as much as that jackwagon that poisoned them, it was just too much. 

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I remember finebaum sticking up for cam during and after the season, saying we did nothing wrong. ive never heard anybody on any show say that we bough a nat'l championship or that we were paying players. maybe the callers have but not the hosts.

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How to increase your IQ and lower your blood pressure in one easy lesson- Stop listening to B'ham sports radio and start listening to The Allman Brothers! Or Stevie Ray.

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You are preaching to the choir!  :thumbsup:

I have suggested an email campaign to sponsors of all of these media sites that are spewing the hate and the lies, and are damaging the Auburn name. I emailed to one of the sports writers of the Huntsville Times and complained about his tasteless "joke" about Cecil Newton pimping out his son. He was very arrogant and nasty in his reply, so I called the Huntsville Times and cancelled my Sunday paper. I made sure they knew why. This is what Auburn fans need to do. Stop giving these  people your financial support. Calling in and trying to defend Auburn only puts money in their pockets, and keeps feeding the fire. But we can defend Auburn by letting their sponsors know that we are offended, and will not do business with anyone who supports that kind of hate and misinformation.It may take some time, but it will make a difference. Doing nothing has not stopped any of the lies and bad mouthing in the media. Auburn is being bullied, and we need to make a civilized stand.

I really wish Auburn had a competing station. I think it would be a lucrative effort if someone could start something. There are tens of thousands of Auburn fans who would love to listen to an equivalent program without stepping through the trash. And the trash men at JOX actually need Auburn fans to survive. Al D needs to find another gig, and just leave them to it.

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How to increase your IQ and lower your blood pressure in one easy lesson- Stop listening to B'ham sports radio and start listening to The Allman Brothers! Or Stevie Ray.

Yes....but you need to let them KNOW you aren't listening...and why.

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I remember finebaum sticking up for cam during and after the season, saying we did nothing wrong. ive never heard anybody on any show say that we bough a nat'l championship or that we were paying players. maybe the callers have but not the hosts.

Finebaum in no friend of Auburn. He says what he feels is in his own best interests, and what will pad his bank account with the most money. He's a snake in the grass.

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^^^^ You are right and I agree ^^^^^

Fbomb changes his mind like the wind does, he has changed his opinion many times on Cam and Auburn through out the year.

Friday he made the comment Auburn won on the Toomers issue and Alabama should not pay or give in.......

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I am going to subscribe to Sirius/XM and switch to Rivals radio. 

Wait a minute, what about "AE Radio"?  All Auburn, All the Time!!!

Ok, the ideas are flowing in now.  "Recruiting Corner with ST, Jonesy and Mayor".  "AU Basketball Rebound" with AUswestbrook.  And the best part, whenever a bammer calls in, as soon as they open their mouth, a toilet flushing sound is played, and an announcement is made "Another Turd Bites the Dust".

Man, who's got some money to invest.  This could be AUsome!

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