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Did any one see McNeil's brothers twitter account


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If he confessed, why does he even need a defense fund?

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I hope I didn't sound rude. Im just sick of talking about this crap. Nothing that happens to these guys from now on will have any effect on Auburn.

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I hope I didn't sound rude. Im just sick of talking about this crap. Nothing that happens to these guys from now on will have any effect on Auburn.

I disagree with you 100% on that

If this is a highly publicized trial "Auburn" will be mentioned every 4th word by the media.

But then again you have those that say "who cares what the media thinks" but those same people will say "I will be glad when all this stops" 

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I hope I didn't sound rude. Im just sick of talking about this crap. Nothing that happens to these guys from now on will have any effect on Auburn.

I disagree with you 100% on that

If this is a highly publicized trial "Auburn" will be mentioned every 4th word by the media.

But then again you have those that say "who cares what the media thinks" but those same people will say "I will be glad when all this stops" 

I see your point, but a "highly publicized trial" will have ZERO effect on this team going forward. If you are worried about it providing internet fodder for rival fans, then feel free to worry about that.

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MM's lawyer is not court appointed....

The family hired a local attorney who is an AU grad....

he does a quality job, and his services don't come cheap...

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MM's lawyer is not court appointed....

The family hired a local attorney who is an AU grad....

he does a quality job, and his services don't come cheap...

That's an interesting development.

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MM's lawyer is not court appointed....

The family hired a local attorney who is an AU grad....

he does a quality job, and his services don't come cheap...

That's an interesting development.

I like the way you put that TB

I will just leave it at that!!!!  :-X :-X

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Above comment was meant as I stated it... not inferring illegal or underhanded things going on...

Lawyer MM's family hired is a Mercedes, not a Pinto... get a cheap lawyer = receive cheap job... & vice versa...

That was all I meant...

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I hope I didn't sound rude. Im just sick of talking about this crap. Nothing that happens to these guys from now on will have any effect on Auburn.

I disagree with you 100% on that

If this is a highly publicized trial "Auburn" will be mentioned every 4th word by the media.

But then again you have those that say "who cares what the media thinks" but those same people will say "I will be glad when all this stops" 

I see your point, but a "highly publicized trial" will have ZERO effect on this team going forward. If you are worried about it providing internet fodder for rival fans, then feel free to worry about that.

Really!! You think a trial of Auburn football players will have zero effect on our team.  You don't know much about recruiting then because every other school is going to use this against Auburn in recruiting players and parents.  It will have a negative effect on Auburn for a while.  don't be niave about that.

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I hope I didn't sound rude. Im just sick of talking about this crap. Nothing that happens to these guys from now on will have any effect on Auburn.

im not being rude, but if you dont want to talk about it dont click on the thread. this stuff is not goin away.
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I hope I didn't sound rude. Im just sick of talking about this crap. Nothing that happens to these guys from now on will have any effect on Auburn.

im not being rude, but if you dont want to talk about it dont click on the thread. this stuff is not goin away.


I am so tired of the fan base that just sticks its head in the sand and says all is well.

All is not well and just like AUCO said, If you don't think that other schools are going to use this against us with parents then you are fooling yourself.

The same type said back in October last year when the Cam poo hit the fan....."who cares what the media says"

Those same people are all over what is going on with Oregon and LSU right now.

"All In" does not mean sticking your head in the sand and wait for everything to pass. It means stand up and be counted!!!! I will not defend the actions of these 4 as they deserve what punishment gets handed to them.

But, I am sick of being a door mat and punch line......its time to punch back!!!

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Time will tell what the ultimate impact is on recruiting but I'm encouraged by the number of quality players making visits and getting offers at a time when there is maximum news coverage on these former players.    Under normal conditions the time between the crime and the trial can drag out and of course there will be nothing new.....just re-cycled speculation like we endured with Cam in the efforts to de-rail his Heisman award.    This is not Cam ripping up the SEC though, and people will quickly get tired of hearing the same stories over and over about a bunch of former players they never heard of in the first place.

These coaches recruited right through the negative Cam campaign at a time when everyone was predicting dire punishement for Auburn and we were being slammed from every direction.  The opposition can do all the negative campaigning they wish but our coaches will tell the Auburn story and get another class of good recruits ....especially since this is a personal issue and not a school issue.  That makes it easier to explain if the kid truly is willing to listen.  We don't get them all under the best of conditions but IMO, this is not going to be the problem some are predicting.

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Some that are posting are use to seeing 10+ Auburn games on TV every year.

Those are the same posters that did not live through the 93 season.

If you have a target on your back you cannot say "who cares what others think" You better be proactive.

Right now the NCAA is saying eenie meenie miney moe......every program better get as far away from that grenade as possible!

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Above comment was meant as I stated it... not inferring illegal or underhanded things going on...

Lawyer MM's family hired is a Mercedes, not a Pinto... get a cheap lawyer = receive cheap job... & vice versa...

That was all I meant...

I didn't mean anything underhanded was going on either. It's just that if a really good, well-respected lawyer sees merit in taking the case then it must not be as hopeless as it seems. I find that interesting. I hope Mike McNeil does have a competent defense, because the quality of the rest of his life is at stake.

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And for those who say this will have zero effect on Auburn's team think about this.  There are 100 "friends" who care about these 4 guys on the 2011 team.  It will be on their minds, in their discussions, etc.  Just because they are no longer on the current team does not mean their ex teammates don't care.  So yes, it will have an effect on the team as well as recruiting.

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Above comment was meant as I stated it... not inferring illegal or underhanded things going on...

Lawyer MM's family hired is a Mercedes, not a Pinto... get a cheap lawyer = receive cheap job... & vice versa...

That was all I meant...

I didn't mean anything underhanded was going on either. It's just that if a really good, well-respected lawyer sees merit in taking the case then it must not be as hopeless as it seems. I find that interesting. I hope Mike McNeil does have a competent defense, because the quality of the rest of his life is at stake.

totally disagree belle. defense lawyers cant afford to wait on clients who have a hopefull case. the level of guilt doesnt change because he took the case. if someone can pay the retainer he would defend osama bin laden. harvey updyke is the only person a lee county attorney would not touch. if updyke could pay the retainer(not state appointed wage) he might even take him.

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I don't know....most well established attorneys won't take a case unless they feel they have a good chance of winning if it goes to trial. Their reputation is money, and winning means a lot more business. My brother is an attorney with a thriving practice, and he's turned down cases before.

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given their ages, and IF they confessed...I don't think there will be any trial, they will work out some plea deal with the DA to try to minimize their sentence---be it jail time, fines, community service, probation, etc.  If they do not have prior criminal records, that will help their cause also. The guns do not help their cause. I don't think they will want to roll their dice and flirt with maximum penalties for their charged offenses.

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