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From NTY. Article title is "Nobody's Little Brother". Apparently inspired by ESPN's continued inexcusable ignorance. Seriously, those half-wits at ESPN should clean house and fire half of their college football writers. They are ignorant and irresponsible and I cannot for the life of me understand how they have a job when they know so little.

Here are a few paragraphs from the article:

Since Wojciechowski decided to rehash the “little brother” fallacy, how does Auburn compare to perceived national power Alabama?

Over the last 30 years, Auburn owns a statistical advantage in virtually every category over rival and supposed traditional power Alabama.  The Tigers top the Tide in total wins, SEC wins, head-to-head wins, bowl wins and SEC titles, undefeated seasons and Heisman Trophy winners.

Since the retirement of Bear Bryant, without question one of the most dominant coaches in college football history,  the norm is for Auburn to be on top.  The championship season of 2010 was not an anomaly, it was the return to form of a team that has now gone undefeated twice in the same decade.

The last SEC program to field two undefeated football teams in a ten-year span?  Alabama.  1961 and 1966.

That’s also the last time an SEC program has had two undefeated teams within six years of each other.  The Alabama teams of the 1960s are considered part of that halcyon dynasty, one of the crown jewels of the Tide legacy.

Will historians look back at this Auburn decade and remark on the Tiger dynasty?  Will writers wistfully lament “The Lost Ring of 2004?”

When you’re looking at ultimate results, what better benchmark than wins?  What higher standard than an undefeated season? Teams can’t control the whims and vagaries of human polls, nor can they control what the computers determine.  All a team can do is handle what’s in front of it week by week.  By that standard, Auburn is among the elite.

Since 1980, Alabama posted undefeated seasons in 1992 and 2009.  Tennessee went unbeaten in 1998. Georgia in 1980.  Those are the only teams other than Auburn to navigate a season without a blemish.

Auburn registered three unbeaten seasons, 1993, 2004 and 2010 in that span.

Since 1950, Auburn has more undefeated seasons than the majority of the nation’s so-called traditional powers.  three schools Alabama, Penn State and Oklahoma (five each) have more than Auburn’s four.  Nebraska and Auburn boast four each.  The rest of the so-called big boys like USC, Notre Dame, Michigan and Ohio State all fall well short of the Tigers.


EDIT: Actually a possible correction to the last paragraph also...

AU has 5 undefeated seasons since 1950 which I assume ties us for the most in all of college football in the last 60+ years. Pretty impressive. If anyone is a national power, it is us. The undefeated seasons are 1957, 1958 (1 tie, no losses), 1993, 2004, 2010.

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And the media will continue to grow in offavor AU as time passes.  They'll all understand that our NC was a clean victory and that the Updykes are just that, UPDYKES !!!

WDE !!!

:zapbama:  :zapbama:  :zapbama:

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Good read. It's the norm for most AU fans to quietly go about our business, knowing that we are, and have been among the nations elite. Unlike most Bama fans , who feel the need to puff their chests out and tell everyone of their accomplishments. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Good read. It's the norm for most AU fans to quietly go about our business, knowing that we are, and have been among the nations elite. Unlike most Bama fans , who feel the need to puff their chests out and tell everyone of their accomplishments. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Here here!  I completely agree.  WDE! 

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Good read. It's the norm for most AU fans to quietly go about our business, knowing that we are, and have been among the nations elite. Unlike most Bama fans , who feel the need to puff their chests out and tell everyone of their accomplishments. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Here here!  I completely agree.  WDE! 

They're nothing but a bunch of blowhards and chest thumpers.
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remember ... the first word in ESPN is entertainment.  They are NOT a news organization.  Their writers/pitchmen are ratings getters first, anything else second.

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The thing that these bammers don't  understand is that you can't compare the decades before the scholarship limits were in place, to the decades after. There were two time periods in the history of college football, the time when you could sign 600 players, and the time when you were limited to a certain number. I will give them a miniscule amount of credit for the success that they had when they would pay, um, I mean sign players just to keep them off of other teams' rosters and won alot of games. They won that timeframe. BUT, I would think that if you research the decades after scholarship limits were installed, you would see that Auburn has been the superior team in this state.

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I'm glad someone is out there defending the "cause" but frankly, people are going to believe what makes them happy and facts rarely get in the way of a strongly held prejudice.    That's the reason it's fruitless to argue with a Bammer....they are beyond being impressed or influenced by facts. 

Unfortunately that's the same with most of the BSPN folks too.  About the only way you can tell they realize they had it wrong is when they let a story just fade away.  The OSU scandal has given them the chance put AU on the back burner now and IMO that's as much as we can expect.

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