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Passing Stats Thru 3 Games


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There has been some very EMOTIONAL posts about wanting to see Kiel Frazier step in to replace Trotter (or get more snaps), etc. Check out the FACTS about Barrett's passing versus Cam's passing thru 3 games:


Year      Passing % Comp Yards TDs INTs

2010   27-47   57%     525     7     3

2011   45-71   63%     605     6     2


Of course Cam did pick up over 250 yards rushing those 3 games, but we have an excellent backfield this year who can do the running (but a less experiened line).

Bottom Line - Barrett is doing statistically better than Cam to date. Our coaches weren't sure at this time last year about Cam, but they stuck with him and he "broke out" about this time.  I think we need to be patient and we should see Trotter soar.


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I thought Trotter threw 3 int?  I would like to see Frazier more, but it has nothing to do with how Trotter is doing.  I just look at this year as building up for the next two years.  So I would like Frazier to get the experience now while this team is growing, so we will have a better year next year. 

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Guest JNieder51188

Trotter should have more than the 2 interceptions. In the Clemson game he threw one right at the DB and the guy dropped what was a lock for a TD. He tries too hard to extend the play when he should just throw it away and does his little run around routine. I agree that they should be pushing Frazier for more playing time but it is what it is.

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I am not at all unhappy about Trotter's play.  I think he is doing ok with all the other stuff that is going on around him offensively (and defensively).  My one issue, and I have said this repeatedly is that I think he needs to keep the ball every now and then on the zone read just to keep people honest.  We're getting back to the Chris Todd days where the qb was NEVER a threat to run.  That makes it harder, IMO, to block and effectively run the sweeps.

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Trotter is doing just fine.  With a little help from the defense we would be running 10-15 more plays a game offensively, getting more yards, scoring more points and winning by larger margins, and likely without any losses.  I too like seeing Frazier and hope he continues to be eased in and his package expanded as time and situations allow.  Trotter has played well, and let's not forget his poise in the Utah State game and how embarrassed we would all be if we had lost to them instead of Clemson.

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My "EMOTIONAL" post about using Frazier more was because I think it would help Trotter play better. I'm not saying Trotter needs to be replaced. He is a good field general, but Frazier has the run ability that can keep drives alive and let our defense rest. If they can drive it and score then that would be even better. No Trotter bashing here just looking to utilize as much talent on the field as possible. War Eagle!!

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My "EMOTIONAL" post about using Frazier more was because I think it would help Trotter play better. I'm not saying Trotter needs to be replaced. He is a good field general, but Frazier has the run ability that can keep drives alive and let our defense rest. If they can drive it and score then that would be even better. No Trotter bashing here just looking to utilize as much talent on the field as possible. War Eagle!!

So are you wanting Frazier to be more of a Tebow role when Tebow was a freshman?

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No offense ballrun44, but please don't try to compare Barrett to Cam. You'll lose that battle everytime.

No he won't. He made a valid point. Too many fans are putting the offensive issues on the quarterback. The core issues to Auburn's offensive struggles is "blocking". The guards are not as athletic as Isom and Berry and the blocking on the perimeter has been hit & miss. Auburn has not run the ball well between the tackles or to the left. The OL is slowly progressing as hoped and with that will come better overall execution on offense. Is Barrett playing perfect? Of course not but he has been consistent.

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i know we had a half of not so good offense but overall i have been pleasantly surprised with the o as a whole. trotter is doing fine the line is not there yet but is holding their own, dyer looks very good. i bet frazier is slated for more snaps but our offense is not getting as many chances as we need. until the defense improves i cant complain about the offense.

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No offense ballrun44, but please don't try to compare Barrett to Cam. You'll lose that battle everytime.

I agree with auburn4ever on this one. Cam and Barrett are two different types of quarterbacks. Barrett is your classic drop back passer, while Cam is a dual threat. Barrett has been in Malzahn's offense three years, while Cam was on the job training early. That's why i think the comparison is invalid. Cam ended up leading the SEC in rushing and passing efficiency. They both are effective in their own way, but go different routes in getting it done.
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I'm sorry but there were some things Cam brought to the table that's not on paper. Trotter has been doing OK...I really dislike how he responds to pressure. He just throws the ball up if the pressure is heavy.

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