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Trent at NEW HOME (Ttown Menswear Connection)


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Just out of curiosity, in your circles of interaction, have your "Bammers" been more quiet this year?  Mine have, oddly.  I keep thinking about the eleven months of research that went into Yahoo's Miami bombshell.  Just because we haven't heard (who are we to think we would?) any "progress" means nothing. 

I truly hope none of us hears or posts about anything until something w/legs by those who have more power than we surfaces, because who wants to tip the Bammer lurkers on AE?

Give folks enough rope and they eventually do hang themselves.  Especially overconfident ones who keep taking delayed hanging as permission to continue throwing indiscretion around.

As for us, we've got plenty to do staying clean and living by the Creed.


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I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but I need to get this off my chest.  Not that it will do any good, but I was and still am in Dallas when the SMU stuff went on.  Not only did it ruin the university, but it was the beginning to the end of the SWC.  While I would love nothing more than to see ua go down I am cautious and was always taught be careful what you wish for. 

Believe me that just as bad as we want the updykes to go down every other conference in the nation wants the whole conference to go down.  All of this back in forth stuff (which is what it looks like to anyone outside the state) just adds fuel to their fire.  Other conferences don't look at it as a bammer thing they look at it as a conference thing...I'm done ranting,  Maybe this should go in the rant forum.

We only have less than two months until we meet them on the field and that is where it matters. 

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Ok, I don't post a lot but here are my thoughts on the TR stuff.

Until someone comes out with inside information to expose the bama cheating, nothing will happen. Bama runs the tightest ship in the cheating business. They have been doing this for years and they have a well developed system. In order to cheat the system you must know the system and bama has the best lawyers combing through each detail covering tracks. Unless someone gets very careless or a disgruntled insider comes forward its all just hot air. Bama is more like the mob than a college football program. If people talk, people disappear ie. Logan Young. Everybody knows it, just no one will say it with hard proof.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wish someone could explain why this has story has just died.  Last year with Cam, something was on the news every day, and there was absolutely nothing factual about that story as it relates to Auburn.    Bammer needs to experience what we went through last year.  It is so frustrating to me that there is such a discrepency in how the media attacks some schools while leaving others completely alone.

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Clay Travis said something interesting a few weeks back (right after AU was cleared for the Cam stuff).  I think he was on a sports radio program and the host was hinting that AU stil might be under super secret investigation or something.  Clay Travis basically said he still thinks AU cheated, but will never be caught....he then said something along the lines of....there is one major team in the state of Alabama who is currently under heavy scrutiny by the NCAA and he does not think the outcome will be as pretty.  

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I thought it was interesting that in the Cam report it said they investigated where he got his suit for the HT. interesting, while you are in town looking for suits.......

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I thought it was interesting that in the Cam report it said they investigated where he got his suit for the HT. interesting, while you are in town looking for suits.......

I found that interesting as well.  What is really ironic is that IF the bammers (See ATPB and Megaboard among others) had had not brought up the Cam suit, folks would not have even started looking at Ingram's Heisman suit; which of course lead to Julio and of course Rent Tichardson.  A quick internet search found this and then a few tips to Clay T. and SBB.  Justice would be served.

I believe the NCAA is looking into it, but I DOUBT they comes to light anytime soon. 

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Clay Travis said something interesting a few weeks back (right after AU was cleared for the Cam stuff).  I think he was on a sports radio program and the host was hinting that AU stil might be under super secret investigation or something.  Clay Travis basically said he still thinks AU cheated, but will never be caught....he then said something along the lines of....there is one major team in the state of Alabama who is currently under heavy scrutiny by the NCAA and he does not think the outcome will be as pretty.  

Hmmmm....that is interesting.

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I thought it was interesting that in the Cam report it said they investigated where he got his suit for the HT. interesting, while you are in town looking for suits.......

I see to remember that the Downtown Athletic Club pays to provide each Heisman candidate with a suit of clothes for the award ceremony.  The NCAA allows it. 

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I don't know if that comment about his momma was directed at me, but I was referring to Ingram suit being used as advertising at ttown menswear. 

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Because his momma is black?

Do not be a part of the problem.


Common stance by the Updykes is claiming SBB, Clay Travis, and Auburn fans are racist people who are picking on TR because he is black. Probably the stupidest stance I've ever seen them take and that saying ALOT when talking about Updyke U.

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Because his momma is black?

Do not be a part of the problem.


The only color I'm prejudice against is crimson.  Prior to him becoming an Updyke, Rent's momma admitted in an interview that they were struggling financially.  Now he has owned 2 very nice cars (with large rims...not cheap), his mom can afford to rent two 2010 Toyota vehicles (that we know of), they can afford rent on a house in the B'ham area, and still have a few bucks to take his good buddy Tom Albetar out for sushi every now and then. 

Regardless of his skin color, this does not pass the smell test. 

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None of this will mean anything until the NCAA looks into it..... Wait .... make that Yahoo Sports writes an article about it then the NCAA will have to go to work.

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Does anyone even discuss this anymore

I was thinking the exact same thing.  Too much proof, I guess. :dunno:

This sounds spiteful, but wouldn't it be fantastic if a "bombshell" rumor came out about now?  Just like the Cam crap?  Hey, it doesn't have to be true.  We ALL know THAT!  :laugh:

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Does anyone even discuss this anymore

I guess this can be buried in the same cemetary as the Gadsden Dodge dealership rumors, the Brent Calloway recruiting/signing BS (along with Jeffery Lee), the Cyrus K flip to Bama, and the T-town Menswear corpse.

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And now we get to watch an ESPN/ UAT makeout session all week on TV....complete with heavy petting above the waist on Rent Richardson. 

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