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So glad WVU is not getting into the SEC. This is Nuts.


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Their whole fan base can't be as backwards as they appear, can they?  Sure seems like they take great pride in being downright nasty.  I know they were on an ESPN Thursday night game earlier in the year and during the game they showed a middle aged "graduate" with a shirt that said "West F'ing Virginia" (with all the letters).  Beautiful representation.  I guess there are stereotypes for a reason.

War Eagle

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Yes they are, my wife is from Weiton, WV huge steel mill town, and she will never I repeat never go to another game in Morgantown after our last trip there a few years ago. She hates WVU fans. She was crying because she was so scared what they would do to us or our Tahoe.

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please, please no!  all fandoms have thier issues, but wvu seems to be repeat offenders at a higher rate than most.  let them hook up with texas, baylor and ND ... they can have the island of misfit programs with their own independent conference ...

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I'm so glad to see others seeing the issue with WV. I lived 15 min. from Lane Stadium in Blacksburg VA. While VT was in the Big East. I only took my kids to a VT-WV game once.

They were some of the most vile and nasty fans I've ever seen, and that was as visitors. This was the game when "Pac-Man" Jones picked off a pass for a pick-6 just before halftime and looped through the endzone with a middle finger salute to the VT fans. (WV Lost). The profanity, threats, and drinks thrown were unbelievable. VT fans don't take their ladies to Morgantown. I've been to LSU and Tuscaloosa and all fan bases have their embarrassing few. With WV, they are a majority.

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And I come back to a statement I made a few weeks ago... shoot to kill.  If someone is assaulting you, a gun ends it very quickly.  I know that sounds harsh, but I would do it.  Shoot, I'd fire at someone that broke in my house.  This might be way off base, but some people just earn a bullet.

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And I come back to a statement I made a few weeks ago... shoot to kill.  If someone is assaulting you, a gun ends it very quickly.  I know that sounds harsh, but I would do it.  Shoot, I'd fire at someone that broke in my house.  This might be way off base, but some people just earn a bullet.

you sound like my brother (long time military, in tikrit right now) he keeps an H&K with him 24/7.  I ususally agree with my brother on topics like this.  These wvu fans are lucky ... i know alot of lsu folks who also pack some muscle ... they would have done some personalized air-conditioning in morgantown

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