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Eating my hat!


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Yes Defense, I will eat my hat!

What I saw out of the AU Defense was a team that has grown up in a week.  Great game!!! Defense looked really good!

Whatever you did in practice this past week and beyond has really paid huge dividends. Today AU Defense looked like an AU Defense. Most improvement I have ever seen in a week on a football team, EVER!

Very proud of the growth of this really young team. The Defense played almost flawless tonight. Good pressure, made the tackles, and coverage was good. With the improvement from last week and prior weeks, let me be the first to say Defense won the game. A+..

Here's hoping Dyer and Blake are OK. We need both these stars to fight out wins the next three weeks. Defense, if you keep improving, you can help keep us in every game we play. Love what the coaches are doing with Mr. Frazier.. Can you imagine how good we will be once he gets the experience he needs? Team is growing up and it definitely showed tonight!

Trotter definitely strugged tonight, but that will happen to any player from time to time. But thanks to the other guys for stepping up. Mr. Dyer may not be in the Heisman talk this year, but once this O-line gets better and gains more experience, he will DEFINITELY be in the conversation, count on it.

Overall great, great game and great win.. Way to fight and find a way to WIN!!

:wareagle: :wareagle:

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Nice post!  Still smiling....


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