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One Year Ago...


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Auburn was the focus of the biggest schatt-storm up to that point in modern sports history and 11 months later our school and administration was exhonerated by the only ones (besides the Auburn family) that matter.  Even so, the scars and wounds from that rush to judgement and kangaroo trial will not soon heal as far as I am concerned, with respect to the arrows shot our way by our so-called SEC brethren, not to mention by the national sports media.  It is said that time heals all wounds.... maybe so but in the meantime screw them all.   

There is much to be disgusted about in the already-admitted revelations about Paterno, McQuery, Spanier, etc. and what we already know DWARFS everything that Auburn was ever accused of (and later debunked) and there's plenty of evidence that MUCH more is coming out which will sicken not only college football fans but decent people everywhere. 

For years, the national media portrayed Paterno as the paragon of virtue and the Penn State football program as a model for all other programs to aspire to... now their administration is standing naked in the glare of public scrutiny which will become even more intense as the criminal and civil trials dig deeper into the allegations.  A subpoena in a court of law is powerful and the truth will come out - but we should be circumspect in our judgement until that time, based on our own recent history with the press.

Auburn people, especially, need to remember that the same press that exhalted Paterno and Penn State for years is the one that drug us through the mud in their rush to be the first to report every salacious rumor whether founded in fact or not, and is the same press of whom 90% have never corrected the record, much less apologized to Auburn for the damage they inflicted on our school's reputation because they did not do their job.

I sympathize with good and decent Penn State alumna who are in this respect as much the victim (with respect to their knowledge of and complicity in the allegations, even if proven true) as we were of the allegations against Auburn, even though they were later found to be false.  Those who acknowledge what is eventually proven without excuse and are disgusted deserve our understanding.  Those who justify it don't.  Both kinds will suffer to the extent that they, like us, love their school.

Either way, what a difference a year makes.


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Yeah, and look at the schools that actually got (or are getting) hit by the NCAA.

Ohio State, Miami, UNC, Boise State, UCF, Oregon, LSU, Tennessee, etc...  (I'm sure I'm missing a few.)

What a difference a year makes. 

Oh, I guess we can now put Texas on the list:


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