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Happy New Year and GEAUX TIGERS


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2011 we witnessed Auburn win in Glendale to win the NC and then finish in Atlanta with a win.   All in all a GREAT year to be an Auburn Tiger.  8 wins was huge for this team and our program. 

The Bammers upped their attacks of Auburn from killing out trees, to loving a tree killer, to lies about tapes, to bagmen, to heavy negative recruiting and a continued media smear campain.  The Bammers fear us, there can be no doubt.


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I have my purple and gold Fleur de lis flags and other Mardi Gras one too, ready to put out 1.6.12.

I won't say a word to any of them, but my Bamr neighbors will understand, it is parade season....

just a coincidence. 

Who Dat and WDE

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