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Thanks friends. Unfortunately, I have to report that he passed away this afternoon. There was just too much damage. Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.

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Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. It means a lot to me. It's strange that both of my sisters lost their husbands in the last nine months, actually nine months to the day.

This one just sold his auto repair garage and retired at 69 on December 31st. He had gotten up Thursday morning, piddled around, then went back to the garage he had owned just to see everybody. He went back home, ate lunch and watched TV and then took a nap in his recliner. My sister was reading on the sofa and fell asleep also. She heard him make a noise and woke up. He was trying to get out of his chair but couldn't. She ran over to the chair and she said he was trembling and staring at her with a confused look. She asked if he was OK. He didn't respond at all. She grabbed his hands and said squeeze, no response. She asked if he knew who she was, no response. She called 911 and they were there in less than two minutes. They know all the policemen and firemen/medics in Irondale where they lived. They checked vitals and BP was low which I guess was because of the bleeding in his brain, everything else was OK. They couldn't get a response and immediately loaded him in the ambulance. He never regained consciousness. Tough times for the family. He and my sister had plans for some travel and spending time with my other sister at her house on the beach in Gulf Shores.

Thanks again my friends.

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Afer....it is strange how they both lost their husbands within a year, but it saddens me to say that it isn't strange to me. We practically the same thing happen in our family with both of my uncles in less than a year. My mother lost both of her brothers.

Several years back we lost another uncle on the other side of the family in virtually the same manner you just described.

This world is tough sometimes.

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Afer....it is strange how they both lost their husbands within a year, but it saddens me to say that it isn't strange to me. We practically the same thing happen in our family with both of my uncles in less than a year. My mother lost both of her brothers.

Several years back we lost another uncle on the other side of the family in virtually the same manner you just described.

This world is tough sometimes.

I guess it happens. That was a lot on your mother losing both her brothers in a short time.

That is so sad and my heart aches for your family. They will be in my thoughts and prayers in the coming days.

Thank you!!

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A4e, I'm very sorry to hear about your family's loss. Thoughts are with you all.

tt, all is good here. I travelled to the western side to visit family. Happy farmers out there. Tough on the ones who are beef farmers, new born calves do not do well in weather like this. In a way, it brings me back down to earth after watching a community help each other after a storm like this, some tough people out there.

I'm back in my office warm and safe for now.

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