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I just voted


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count one for bush.

stood outside for 2 hours! and it was quite interesting...right as i got there, there was this lady coming down the line asking if we'd be voting republican! i'm thinking, 'what's up w/ that!'. she was giving out cards that identified judges by party, because our judgeships are non-partisan. i wasn't the only one that was somewhat startled by being asked right there in front of everyone!

after the fella in front of me said republican...and i remained silent (just because), i caught onto the game.

10 minutes later, an elderly lady was coming down the line asking, 'are you voting democratic'?. when she got to me, i told her, 'you can't trust anything that comes out of kerry's mouth', and the fella in front of me said, 'i have a problem w/ the 2nd person on that ticket...' (remember, i live in NC).

well, the lady was sort of taken aback, and i asked her why i should vote for kerry, and she said, "well, the economy. more people have moved from middle class to poverty under bush'. i promptly asked her, then, whether i should vote for the REPUBLICAN governor candidate then, since we've had a democratic governor for the past 4 years. she said, 'no, our state economy has done well...its the national economy that's been bad'.

just as i was about discuss further with her all the reasons to vote for kerry, the line moved, and she walked off. i motioned her back over, and she refused.

oh well.

on another interesting note, a minister in front of me was a democrat. lots of donks but all-in-all, more trunks it appeared to me.


have you voted yet?


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I voted two weeks ago, in Illinois, via absentee ballot. I knew I might be on the road the week of the election, and as it turns out, got a call last week that I need to be in Phoenix until the end of the year.

I voted for Bush.

For the senate election, I don't like Obama. However, I couldn't bring myself to vote for Keyes, since I blasted the democrats for bring Hilary to NY and letting her run for Senate there, and this was the same thing the Republicans were doing. For the first time in my life, I wrote someone in. Yes, I know I was throwing my vote away, but I would look at myself as a hypocrite if voted for Keyes.

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What kind of voting event were you attending where you had to stand in line?  Up here in Washington, the only way to vote early is by absentee ballot.


just this year, north carolina has started what is called, "one stop, "no excuses" early voting or something to that effect... with a limited number of polling spots having been open in each area since 10/15. winston has 7 spots.

all it appears to be is 'absentee voting done in person prior to the election'. the form i signed was more or less a request for absentee voting, with the reason being, "no reason". they estimate as many as 500,000 people in NC alone will take advantage of it. that's a huge chunk, considering we only had about 2.8 million people vote in the 2000 election.

we used a touch-screen voting booth, and prior to my starting to vote, it popped up my true voting location (i.e., where i should be voting), and then proceeded through teh ballot.

while the 2 hour wait wasn't great, it was great to vote at my convenience, now allowing me to watch the kids while my wife votes on 11/2.


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You can vote early in person in Texas too - Katie and I were in line at 7:00 am on Monday. Her first voting experience - straight ticket Republican - also the first time in my life I have ever done that - not one vote outside of party. But in Harris County, some of the races are uncontested and you really don't have a choice! :P

BUSH CHENEY '04!!!!!!

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- straight ticket Republican - also the first time in my life I have ever done that - not one vote outside of party.  :P

BUSH CHENEY '04!!!!!!


I have never voted that way before either, Jenny. But just today I was thinking that I very well may do so this year.


BUSH CHENEY '04!!!!!!!!

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