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Running game


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Is it just me or do we not utilize the full back in short yardage plays? Would think that with someone like Prosch on the team, that would be like an automatic first down.. A locamotive running up the gut of the D would be next to impossible to stop without a massive gang tackle.. Would like to see him get the ball a few times....

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I would tend to agree with your sentiment. I was hoping that Prosch might get the ball when Tre Mason got pulled down for the safety. Then again, Mason is a powerful back if not a power-back as such therefore I understand the logic there as well. That stated, I still would like to see Prosch get the ball on 3rd and 4th with about a yard or two to go for the first or touchdown. Everybody will know where the ball is going, but so what? Sometimes it doesn't matter what the defense knows. I think this instance with Prosch might be one of those times.

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Or at least be utilized on 3rd & 4th downs! :dunno:

Is it just me or do we not utilize the full back in short yardage plays? Would think that with someone like Prosch on the team, that would be like an automatic first down.. A locamotive running up the gut of the D would be next to impossible to stop without a massive gang tackle.. Would like to see him get the ball a few times....

kept angrily wondering the same thing Saturday night, and yes it would be an automatic first down every time, makes me wonder about CSL as an OC and am glad his contract is for only 2 years.

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Prosch is a blocker. He didn't touch the ball at Illinois either. This may be news to some; but being big doesn't mean that you can "automatically" convert every short yardage situation. If it was that easy you'd see teams utilizing linebackers as short yardage backs...which rarely, if ever, happens in real life.

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Prosch is a blocker. He didn't touch the ball at Illinois either. This may be news to some; but being big doesn't mean that you can "automatically" convert every short yardage situation. If it was that easy you'd see teams utilizing linebackers as short yardage backs...which rarely, if ever, happens in real life.

This is 100% accurate!

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I think the sentiment was just giving it a shot. Actually, large defensive linemen have gotten the ball in short yardage situations throughout the recent history of football. I am not sure how badly it would hurt to try it one time or two.

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Prosch is a blocker. He didn't touch the ball at Illinois either. This may be news to some; but being big doesn't mean that you can "automatically" convert every short yardage situation. If it was that easy you'd see teams utilizing linebackers as short yardage backs...which rarely, if ever, happens in real life.

I never said "automatically" and I never said "carrying" the ball. Utilized means UTILIZED!!! WHAT??? Teams aren't using Guards on run plays?

Idiot. :homer:

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Prosch fumbling the ball once or twice is no worse than any other running back carrying the ball in the wrong hand and fumbling and loosing the ball. Anyone can learn to carry the ball, they just need a little coaching.. I know his hands aren't that weak... I would like to just see it happen. Just because Illinois didn't let him carry the ball doesn't me he can't..

I just think for some unknown reason, coaches get so focused on speed and passing that they forget that size and power can be just as effective if not more.. I would much rather tackle a 180lb dude than a 260+ bohemoth.

I may be off a few pounds but I think you get the point.

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The large fullback for LSU comes to mind. I can't remember his name exactly-was it Jacob Hester? I remember he wasn't really fast or all that agile but he got the necessary tough yards. By no means do I think any of us here are saying Prosch should become a big time carrer for the team. We're simply saying it may not be a bad idea to give him the ball once or twice when it's really short yardage.

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