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Sammie Coates opines


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I'd love to see Sammie produce before he started spouting off about guys not "showing it" on the field. Three catches on the season and one huge drop that could've changed the complexion of the LSU game.

Regardless, I don't mind most of what he said. The QBs have a duty to process everything out loud. Especially in an offense like this, they have to explain what they see so the WRs can attempt to read the plays in the same way. If the QB/WR aren't on the same page on option routes, it often turns into an INT. It's the QBs duty to get everyone on the same page.

Still, PRODUCE SAMMIE!! Stop talking so damn much, get open, demand the ball, and freaking catch it when you have a chance to break a game open. We're deperate for a WR to take the top off the defense. Emory is a lot of things, but he isn't that kind of WR. Sammie and Jaylon are the best possibilities so it's time for one of those guys to take the position by the scruff of the neck.

Thank you! Exactly what I was thinking!

The talking needs to stop. All this team has done is talked. It doesn't matter what you say what matters is what you do on Saturdays. He wants someone to step up and lead? Then he should do it. I'm tired of this attitude on the team with someone else needs to do something. We need these guys to look into the mirror and ask themselves "What can I do to change this team." The more I hear the more I realize we have a bunch of spoiled brats on this team that haven't been brought down to reality. Points to a soft coaching staff that would rather be their buddies then their coaches....

I am a bit disgusted if u can't tell....

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Great. Now Jake Holland is disagreeing with him saying leadership has been the same since day one. Maybe they are seeing different things being on different sides of the ball?? Also, "leaders" would say that the leadership is fine.

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Great. Now Jake Holland is disagreeing with him saying leadership has been the same since day one. Maybe they are seeing different things being on different sides of the ball?? Also, "leaders" would say that the leadership is fine.

Well....... perhaps that is part of our problem.

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Great. Now Jake Holland is disagreeing with him saying leadership has been the same since day one. Maybe they are seeing different things being on different sides of the ball?? Also, "leaders" would say that the leadership is fine.

Well....... perhaps that is part of our problem.

The defense is the unit that is playing well...THEY probably have plenty of leaders stepping up....offense on the other hand is playing like trash.....they are probably all playing the blame game

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Excuse me but why are we even giving press conferences anymore?

I've been saying it for a long while, there needs to be one voice coming out of Auburn, period. One man talking publically about his program.

No more players, no more coordinators, no more former coaches.

Coach Chizik needs to put a gag order on anyone involved directly with Auburn football. No more twitting - no more facebook - no more facetime in front of the media. Shut it all down Coach, and get everybody on one page focused on getting better.

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Great. Now Jake Holland is disagreeing with him saying leadership has been the same since day one. Maybe they are seeing different things being on different sides of the ball?? Also, "leaders" would say that the leadership is fine.

Well....... perhaps that is part of our problem.

The defense is the unit that is playing well...THEY probably have plenty of leaders stepping up....offense on the other hand is playing like trash.....they are probably all playing the blame game

I don't know that i would say they are playing well, will agree they are playing better than our offense, but not well.

The bottom line is that if you are a leader and someone that you are "supposed" to be leading says your not, your not

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Great. Now Jake Holland is disagreeing with him saying leadership has been the same since day one. Maybe they are seeing different things being on different sides of the ball?? Also, "leaders" would say that the leadership is fine.

Well....... perhaps that is part of our problem.

The defense is the unit that is playing well...THEY probably have plenty of leaders stepping up....offense on the other hand is playing like trash.....they are probably all playing the blame game

I don't know that i would say they are playing well, will agree they are playing better than our offense, but not well.

The bottom line is that if you are a leader and someone that you are "supposed" to be leading says your not, your not

The defense is constantly improving. Which is to be expected as they get better with the new schemes. If the offense was actually doing something more than getting 3 and outs then our defensive stats would be even more significantly improved.

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Leadership doesn't have to come from a guy producing, but it does have to come from a guy that works just as hard or harder than the hardest worker on the team. It would be good for Sammie to address the team about his comments before practice for the simple fact that it would not look like he was throwing guys under the bus. I like the fact he said what he said because it shows he is not use to losing. There is no rule that says the team leader needs to be an upperclassman. Maybe Sammie can take a little bit of the leadership role

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Great. Now Jake Holland is disagreeing with him saying leadership has been the same since day one. Maybe they are seeing different things being on different sides of the ball?? Also, "leaders" would say that the leadership is fine.

Well....... perhaps that is part of our problem.

The defense is the unit that is playing well...THEY probably have plenty of leaders stepping up....offense on the other hand is playing like trash.....they are probably all playing the blame game

I don't know that i would say they are playing well, will agree they are playing better than our offense, but not well.

The bottom line is that if you are a leader and someone that you are "supposed" to be leading says your not, your not

The defense is constantly improving. Which is to be expected as they get better with the new schemes. If the offense was actually doing something more than getting 3 and outs then our defensive stats would be even more significantly improved.

i agree with part of that, but the damage is being done early in games, LSU and Arky. The poor output on the offensive side of the ball has very little to do with that. That is not being ready to play. That is a leadership issue.

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Great. Now Jake Holland is disagreeing with him saying leadership has been the same since day one. Maybe they are seeing different things being on different sides of the ball?? Also, "leaders" would say that the leadership is fine.

Well....... perhaps that is part of our problem.

The defense is the unit that is playing well...THEY probably have plenty of leaders stepping up....offense on the other hand is playing like trash.....they are probably all playing the blame game

I agree. Jake Holland is leading verbally now, as well as on the field.

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Every new player quote, tweet, etc. I read is more and more disturbing... grrrr.

Something just ain't right about this so-called "team".......

It's got me worried.

agreed... not very unified however I like Coate's bluntness. I think the issue is we just have a bunch of quiet leaders and not a lot of ray lewis in your face type leaders. Maybe Coates will fill that roll.

Oh my, Ray Lewis as a role model. Research the murder Ray Lewis got away with before holding him out as something to be emulated. Re. outspoken players: there's a fine line between motivation and a Sparky Woods/Gamecocks/Tanneyhill situation.

i don't want Ray Lewis as a role model i just wanted more of that ray lewis in your face type leadership on the field. Lewis was just the first player that poped in my mind.

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Every new player quote, tweet, etc. I read is more and more disturbing... grrrr.

Something just ain't right about this so-called "team".......

It's got me worried.

agreed... not very unified however I like Coate's bluntness. I think the issue is we just have a bunch of quiet leaders and not a lot of ray lewis in your face type leaders. Maybe Coates will fill that roll.

Oh my, Ray Lewis as a role model. Research the murder Ray Lewis got away with before holding him out as something to be emulated. Re. outspoken players: there's a fine line between motivation and a Sparky Woods/Gamecocks/Tanneyhill situation.

i don't want Ray Lewis as a role model i just wanted more of that ray lewis in your face type leadership on the field. Lewis was just the first player that poped in my mind.

Can we have Ray Lewis as a LB? I don't really care if he leads or not!

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i agree with part of that, but the damage is being done early in games, LSU and Arky. The poor output on the offensive side of the ball has very little to do with that. That is not being ready to play. That is a leadership issue.

The defense kept us in a position to win for most of the MSU, LSU, and Arkansas games, had the offense been able to do something. I hope I'm remembering accurately, but the defense made the first two turnovers against MSU add up to 0 points. They're much improved.

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The defense is constantly improving. Which is to be expected as they get better with the new schemes. If the offense was actually doing something more than getting 3 and outs then our defensive stats would be even more significantly improved.

Not to steer too far off topic, but I'm surprised more people aren't talking about that. We gave up 36 combined points to LSU and Arkansas, despite our horrific offense giving away several extra possessions. Last year, both of those teams scored over 36 on their own. Even accounting for home field advantage, that's a pretty dramatic improvement.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled meltdown...

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i agree with part of that, but the damage is being done early in games, LSU and Arky. The poor output on the offensive side of the ball has very little to do with that. That is not being ready to play. That is a leadership issue.

The defense kept us in a position to win for most of the MSU, LSU, and Arkansas games, had the offense been able to do something. I hope I'm remembering accurately, but the defense made the first two turnovers against MSU add up to 0 points. They're much improved.

No argument. The defense is much improved.

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The defense kept us in a position to win for most of the MSU, LSU, and Arkansas games, had the offense been able to do something. I hope I'm remembering accurately, but the defense made the first two turnovers against MSU add up to 0 points. They're much improved.

No argument. The defense is much improved.

That said, our offense makes me think everyone is taking hallucinogens before playing.

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Now that's a leader!! now, will he be ostracized or heralded as a leader as he should be. I say keep him out there and make him a captain. At least he shows that he cares and is not afraid to express his outrage!

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The defense kept us in a position to win for most of the MSU, LSU, and Arkansas games, had the offense been able to do something. I hope I'm remembering accurately, but the defense made the first two turnovers against MSU add up to 0 points. They're much improved.

No argument. The defense is much improved.

That said, our offense makes me think everyone is taking hallucinogens before playing.

Ok well i have had my fill. I do not post much,been here and at Ae for awhile, but I am tired....

The problem with our football team IMO, is that we are very selfish. That simple. We have no TEAM philosophy. On defense we are better because you are forced to buy into the team philosophy quicker. If you give effort on every play, you could make the tackle. Less me more team. On offense i think it is about my touches, my carries, running play, not gonna block 100%. Too many me players and the OC is simply not strong or experienced enough to put them in their place. There I am done.. Fire away

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That said, our offense makes me think everyone is taking hallucinogens before playing.

Ok well i have had my fill. I do not post much,been here and at Ae for awhile, but I am tired....

The problem with our football team IMO, is that we are very selfish. That simple. We have no TEAM philosophy. On defense we are better because you are forced to buy into the team philosophy quicker. If you give effort on every play, you could make the tackle. Less me more team. On offense i think it is about my touches, my carries, running play, not gonna block 100%. Too many me players and the OC is simply not strong or experienced enough to put them in their place. There I am done.. Fire away

Some of the players seem to be making comments to that effect, so I don't think that point can be disagreed with. I also don't think these guys should be on the field in an Auburn uniform. If they don't want to earn it, they should be on the pine.

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For those of us that actually know Sammie's character, we can say that Sammie has always had passion on the football field.

I have watched every game so far this season, either on TV or in person. The WR's aren't the ones needing the extra practice. When he is given the opportunity to catch a ball he will be putting forth 100% and he will "PRODUCE". The problems come before the ball is thrown. And if you don't get what I'm talking about, then you need to go back and rewatch the games.

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Excuse me but why are we even giving press conferences anymore?

I've been saying it for a long while, there needs to be one voice coming out of Auburn, period. One man talking publically about his program.

No more players, no more coordinators, no more former coaches.

Coach Chizik needs to put a gag order on anyone involved directly with Auburn football. No more twitting - no more facebook - no more facetime in front of the media. Shut it all down Coach, and get everybody on one page focused on getting better.

And can we PLEASE get rid of Auburn Everyday!!! Or as I call it, Coachspeak with Gene Chizik! We do not need any prying eyes into the "inner workings" of our program right now. Tell Jeff Whitaker, Jake Holland, and the others to get out from in front of the cameras and play some friggin' football!!! And tackle somebody!!! Cheese and Rice, the entire country is laughing at our demise, and we're putting "In the Trenches with Jeff Whitaker" out there for everyone to see. SMH

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Jake needs this kid of fire..he could tackle better if he didnt have 8 rolls of tape on his wrists..There is zero leadership anywhere..coates nailed it..he should be more involved on O...louis as well...

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