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Sammie Coates opines


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I like seeing some fire! Even if this season is a complete loss - we know that we have AT LEAST one guy willing to put himself out there and challenge his team and sometimes that is what it takes to build a team with chemistry. Some of our older guys are those who lived the dream in 2010........I wonder if the desire to compete in the face of a 8-4 season, at very best, after a rebuild season last year is motivation enough for them.

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My friends and I have come to the conclusion that Holland finds a way to take himself out of plays. Every time I watch him it seems like he will engage the nearest guy who can take him out of the play while still making it look like he's doing something. Then once the play is over he comes and hops on the pile.

I like Coates' fire here, and I hope we see a late rally with this team.

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I think it's good to see. No need to hold back and be fake. If you need to get it off your chest then get it off your chest. If it's the truth it's the truth. If the ones he is talking about don't like it then change it.

My only thing is I hope he has gone to them about it and not just done it in this way only. Which I would think he has probably gone to his team mates.

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Excuse me but why are we even giving press conferences anymore?

I've been saying it for a long while, there needs to be one voice coming out of Auburn, period. One man talking publically about his program.

No more players, no more coordinators, no more former coaches.

Coach Chizik needs to put a gag order on anyone involved directly with Auburn football. No more twitting - no more facebook - no more facetime in front of the media. Shut it all down Coach, and get everybody on one page focused on getting better.

And can we PLEASE get rid of Auburn Everyday!!! Or as I call it, Coachspeak with Gene Chizik! We do not need any prying eyes into the "inner workings" of our program right now. Tell Jeff Whitaker, Jake Holland, and the others to get out from in front of the cameras and play some friggin' football!!! And tackle somebody!!! Cheese and Rice, the entire country is laughing at our demise, and we're putting "In the Trenches with Jeff Whitaker" out there for everyone to see. SMH

It's funny you mention this.. last friday I was watching and the segment with Jeff Whitaker in the Trenches with Kiehl Frazier gave me some insight.. I know Jeff was trying to be cute but some of his comments were a little off putting to me.. the way he teased Kiehl didn't seem like he had alot of respect or that he viewed Kiehl as a leader deserved or not.. I also felt that Kiehl in his responses was - for lack of a better word - a little timid.. maybe I am completely missing it but thats how I took it.

BTW I think it was a HUGE mistake pulling Kiehl!!

Still loving and supporting this team - it's time to enforce a gag order and hunker down and try to salvage whats left of the season. Get these guys working together!

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I gotta disagree, ATM62. Pulling Kiehl might have been exactly what he needed. I have seen QBs really see the light after being pulled. Of course some have gone the other way as well. I believe KF has the moxy to step up and be the QB and leader he needs to be.


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I gotta disagree, ATM62. Pulling Kiehl might have been exactly what he needed. I have seen QBs really see the light after being pulled. Of course some have gone the other way as well. I believe KF has the moxy to step up and be the QB and leader he needs to be.


he was pulled because his OL was failing him. Not because he was playing poorly. That is why a lot of us think he shouldn't have been pulled.

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I don't doubt Sammie's fire. I doubt his hands. Again, that's a lot of noise to make when you have 3 catches in your career and one huge drop on a perfectly thrown ball on your record. Still, maybe it'll light a fire under someone's butt.

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I understand where people are coming from by saying that a guy with 3 catches in his career shouldn't be calling people out, but...if nobody else is going to do it, in light of everything that seems to be going on, SOMEBODY has to step up.

The lack of senior leadership (in numbers -- which is key) is really hurting us in a bad way right now.

I'm hoping this is our 2003 for a 2004 coming up soon. Its just worse because at least the 2003 team had senior leadership. What really pains me is that we have all this talent, the most talent ever put together at Auburn, and are wasting it away and essentially wasting one year of everyone's eligibility.

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I heard on Finebaum's show today---yes, I listened to some of it---that when Chizik was asked about Coats' comments, he simply said, "That's one man's opinion." I wonder how many stadium steps Coats has had to run so far since he made his feelings known. BTW, I like what Coats had to say. Maybe it'll take a RS Freshman to jump-start this team.

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I heard on Finebaum's show today---yes, I listened to some of it---that when Chizik was asked about Coats' comments, he simply said, "That's one man's opinion." I wonder how many stadium steps Coats has had to run so far since he made his feelings known. BTW, I like what Coats had to say. Maybe it'll take a RS Freshman to jump-start this team.


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I heard on Finebaum's show today---yes, I listened to some of it---that when Chizik was asked about Coats' comments, he simply said, "That's one man's opinion." I wonder how many stadium steps Coats has had to run so far since he made his feelings known. BTW, I like what Coats had to say. Maybe it'll take a RS Freshman to jump-start this team.

Chizik should have said, "that's one "kids" opinion", and "you folks won't be hearing anymore opinions from any AU players for a long while." "We've all got work to do, and if you have any more questions, you better come to me for your answers, because my players are off limits as of right now!"

At least I wish that's what Coach would have said.

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I heard on Finebaum's show today---yes, I listened to some of it---that when Chizik was asked about Coats' comments, he simply said, "That's one man's opinion." I wonder how many stadium steps Coats has had to run so far since he made his feelings known. BTW, I like what Coats had to say. Maybe it'll take a RS Freshman to jump-start this team.

I thought Chizik could have done better than that. With that type attitude the rest of the season doesn't look good.

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Let's face it, he just said what we were all thinking :dunno:

I don't really care how the rest of the team responds to his comments, it's not like morale or attitude on the sideline was positive in the first place. Personally i think it's emotion, execution, leadership, and coaching are all problems at the moment. Three the players can fix, i would rather see the team fail due to poor play calling than lack of effort and emotion

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