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Jacobs Resigns?


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So Jay Tate and PM are invited to the meetings with Dr G and the BOT?

I can just hear Dr G telling Jay Tate and PM: Now don't tell anyone about this....

Not even your spouse or best buddies! Word just can't get out yet.

Or do you believe Jay and PM have sources within the BOT. Then the BOT tell Jay Tate but no one else?

How many believe this stuff?

I think Jay Tate and PM do have sources, and those sources only leak out what they want the people to know. After A&M our fanbase was gathering torches and pitchforks while calling for the heads of Chizik and Jacobs. By leaking out this vague but intriguing info it keeps us dummies occupied and buys them some more time to figure this mess out. Meanwhile, no names or concrete details have been offered, and nobody can be held liable b/c we don't know who the source is.

More than likely things are running more along the lines of what you've said Dansby.

Face it, the AU Family was in a fever pitch and ready to tar and feather the AD & pretty much the entire coaching staff after that aTm game. In order to cool things off and ease the tempers of the fanbase, "someone" at AU had no choice but to get a little info out to the masses about possible replacements for both the AD & HC. They needed to buy time, and get the angry fans off their backs for at least a few more weeks. The best way to do that is to leak out a comment or two for Jay Tate & PMashall to get on the internet, and let it spread like wildfire. All it does is serve as a distraction to the angry AU folks. The real problem still remains.

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So Jay Tate and PM are invited to the meetings with Dr G and the BOT?

I can just hear Dr G telling Jay Tate and PM: Now don't tell anyone about this....

Not even your spouse or best buddies! Word just can't get out yet.

Or do you believe Jay and PM have sources within the BOT. Then the BOT tell Jay Tate but no one else?

How many believe this stuff?

I think Jay Tate and PM do have sources, and those sources only leak out what they want the people to know. After A&M our fanbase was gathering torches and pitchforks while calling for the heads of Chizik and Jacobs. By leaking out this vague but intriguing info it keeps us dummies occupied and buys them some more time to figure this mess out. Meanwhile, no names or concrete details have been offered, and nobody can be held liable b/c we don't know who the source is.

More than likely things are running more along the lines of what you've said Dansby.

Face it, the AU Family was in a fever pitch and ready to tar and feather the AD & pretty much the entire coaching staff after that aTm game. In order to cool things off and ease the tempers of the fanbase, "someone" at AU had no choice but to get a little info out to the masses about possible replacements for both the AD & HC. They needed to buy time, and get the angry fans off their backs for at least a few more weeks. The best way to do that is to leak out a comment or two for Jay Tate & PMashall to get on the internet, and let it spread like wildfire. All it does is serve as a distraction to the angry AU folks. They may be trying to divert our attention, but we ALL know the real problem still remains.

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My point is this:

Jay Tate has a source that tells him this and that. That same source doesn't tell his spouse...Doesn't tell his buddies...Doesn't tell his parents....His friends at Church etc...

Nothing against Jay Tate or PM, but these guys do this for a living. If Jay has sources that trust "a person in the media" to keep a secret.....Others will also be told and the secret gets out!

Not trying to tick-off anyone at all. Make sense?

Your missing the point. It is kind of like politics, leaks to the media happen on purpose most of the time. Hell, the BOT probably even discussed how they were going to leak what tid bit of information. That is how things get done sometimes.

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My point is this:

Jay Tate has a source that tells him this and that. That same source doesn't tell his spouse...Doesn't tell his buddies...Doesn't tell his parents....His friends at Church etc...

Nothing against Jay Tate or PM, but these guys do this for a living. If Jay has sources that trust "a person in the media" to keep a secret.....Others will also be told and the secret gets out!

Not trying to tick-off anyone at all. Make sense?

Exactly. I think all these sources are unreliable. They throw stuff around to stick. If it doesn't there's always a built in excuse. I have a guy near the Ath dept that tells me stuff. For the most part he's on target. But he can't give me specifics nor should he...I think we should all temper our emotions and expectations...but I know I sound like the Grinch.

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Think about it. Maybe they want someone in place before letting Jacobs go. Maybe not. With the info Jay Tate reported, AU would have recieved contact from a serious candidate and pushed things back allowing the chips to fall where they may. And if this AD is connected with a current HC, we might have to wait til the end of the season. If they announce the new AD then everyone will immediately start connecting the dots and might put pressure on the potential HC.

I don't know. My two cents. TIFWIW.

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Per Phillips Marshall's article today....cliff notes:

What I'm hearing from people close to the situation:

* Head football coach Gene Chizik's situation remains extremely shaky. As I've said earlier, it's unlikely that he will be able to save his job.

* Athletics director Jay Jacobs' situation is much less clear. It is entirely possible that he could remain in his position going forward, regardless of the final decision on Chizik. Though he has made what some see as missteps, he also has been successful in numerous areas.

* It is unlikely that anything will be done until after the Iron Bowl.

* President Jay Gogue will have final word on what decisions are made. The Board of Trustees will be informed and be heard but will be minimally involved if at all in the the final decisions.

* There continues to be great division over whether Bobby Petrino should be considered. I continue to believe that to be highly unlikely, though I will say I have moved from almost zero to maybe a fraction better than that. Please don't take that as me saying I believe there is a reasonable chance it could happen. I do not. The fact that Kentucky refuses to even consider hiring him is telling.

* At one time, I thought there was a serious chance that an NFL coach could be in the mix. I now believe that to be unlikely.

Please understand that I'm telling our subscribers what I've heard from people close to the situation. I am not saying what I want to happen or what I think should happen. Also please understand that things can change very quickly.

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My point is this:

Jay Tate has a source that tells him this and that. That same source doesn't tell his spouse...Doesn't tell his buddies...Doesn't tell his parents....His friends at Church etc...

Nothing against Jay Tate or PM, but these guys do this for a living. If Jay has sources that trust "a person in the media" to keep a secret.....Others will also be told and the secret gets out!

Not trying to tick-off anyone at all. Make sense?

Your missing the point. It is kind of like politics, leaks to the media happen on purpose most of the time. Hell, the BOT probably even discussed how they were going to leak what tid bit of information. That is how things get done sometimes.

OK, thanks. War Eagle!

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Per Phillips Marshall's article today....cliff notes:

What I'm hearing from people close to the situation:

* Head football coach Gene Chizik's situation remains extremely shaky. As I've said earlier, it's unlikely that he will be able to save his jobs Check everyone knows this no sources needed.

* Athletics director Jay Jacobs' situation is much less clear. It is entirely possible that he could remain in his position going forward, regardless of the final decision on Chizik. Though he has made what some see as missteps, he also has been successful in numerous areas. Check everyone knows this no sources needed. Known facts...

* It is unlikely that anything will be done until after the Iron Bowl. Check typically last game of the season as in most potential coaching changes.

* President Jay Gogue will have final word on what decisions are made. The Board of Trustees will be informed and be heard but will be minimally involved if at all in the the final decisions. Check everyone knows this no sources needed.

* There continues to be great division over whether Bobby Petrino should be considered. I continue to believe that to be highly unlikely, though I will say I have moved from almost zero to maybe a fraction better than that. Please don't take that as me saying I believe there is a reasonable chance it could happen. I do not. The fact that Kentucky refuses to even consider hiring him is telling. Check everyone knows this no sources needed. Just look at this message board.

* At one time, I thought there was a serious chance that an NFL coach could be in the mix. I now believe that to be unlikely. Check speculation running rampant.

Please understand that I'm telling our subscribers what I've heard from people close to the situation.(Not sure who he is speaking with as he typically has been on the outside with this coaching staff) I am not saying what I want to happen or what I think should happen. Also please understand that things can change very quickly. Check CYA statement

No disrespect to you TT09 but PM really doesn't have a clue and has to put out this stuff because he has deadlines. What he has said could have been written by anyone on this board. Bottom line is he doesn't know nor do we really know what is going to happen. Unless you are a big money guy willing to write a big check. But then you would expect a say so in the hiring of the next coach which then puts us in this carousel again. We have to start with the cleaning of the AD office and then have the new AD evaluate all of our programs....before changes are made. We may find out that some of our coaches aren't the problem but that our AD and his minions are the problem.

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Per Phillips Marshall's article today....cliff notes:

What I'm hearing from people close to the situation:

* Head football coach Gene Chizik's situation remains extremely shaky. As I've said earlier, it's unlikely that he will be able to save his job.

* Athletics director Jay Jacobs' situation is much less clear. It is entirely possible that he could remain in his position going forward, regardless of the final decision on Chizik. Though he has made what some see as missteps, he also has been successful in numerous areas.

* It is unlikely that anything will be done until after the Iron Bowl.

* President Jay Gogue will have final word on what decisions are made. The Board of Trustees will be informed and be heard but will be minimally involved if at all in the the final decisions.

* There continues to be great division over whether Bobby Petrino should be considered. I continue to believe that to be highly unlikely, though I will say I have moved from almost zero to maybe a fraction better than that. Please don't take that as me saying I believe there is a reasonable chance it could happen. I do not. The fact that Kentucky refuses to even consider hiring him is telling.

* At one time, I thought there was a serious chance that an NFL coach could be in the mix. I now believe that to be unlikely.

Please understand that I'm telling our subscribers what I've heard from people close to the situation. I am not saying what I want to happen or what I think should happen. Also please understand that things can change very quickly.

I sure would like to know what "numerous areas" he has been successful in. It's starting to sound like I amy not need to go on a hunger strike after all. I don't want to starve to death on top of having to watch how this season has unfolded. I am a glutton for punishment, but durn.

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Yup...agree that JJ needs to go. That man isn't qualified to be making any of our coaching hires....he is way out of his league. I believe the AU fan base has leverage in terms of $$$. For me, as long as JJ is the Athletic Director....no $$$ for tickets, alumni association and AU merchanising. Hoping the AU/UGA game attendance is miserable.

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In what "numerous areas" has JJ been successful? We have the third highest athletic department expenses in the SEC and the 10th best winning percentage in the three big programs.

He caused swimming coach David Marsh, the most successful coach in Auburn history, in any sport, to leave over a quarrel about minor needed facility improvements.

Jacobs caused Will Muschamp to bolt for Texas because of a minor, fine print detail in his contract.

His choice of a baseball coach is heading into what, barring a miracle, will be his last year. His replacement of Nell Fortner in the women's basketball program could work out, I suppose, but on paper the choice in uninspiring.

I could go on but why bother? JJ is not part of any future solution, JJ is a large part of the problem.

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In what "numerous areas" has JJ been successful? We have the third highest athletic department expenses in the SEC and the 10th best winning percentage in the three big programs.

He caused swimming coach David Marsh, the most successful coach in Auburn history, in any sport, to leave over a quarrel about minor needed facility improvements.

Jacobs caused Will Muschamp to bolt for Texas because of a minor, fine print detail in his contract.

His choice of a baseball coach is heading into what, barring a miracle, will be his last year. His replacement of Nell Fortner in the women's basketball program could work out, I suppose, but on paper the choice in uninspiring.

I could go on but why bother? JJ is not part of any future solution, JJ is a large part of the problem.

I have to disagree on the women's bball coach. He got a hit with that one. She's a darn good one.
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So many people are close to so many situations. Aufamily hs turned into a rumor mill, mostly filled with opinionated garbage based on very little, if any factual information, but rather hearsay and conjecture. I seriously hope people aren't paying for that information by Marshall. Talk about straddling the fence. Anybody paying attention knows CGC is on shaky grounds. JJ may or may not return, but JG will have the final word? No insider information there. It certianly puts a damper on this thread though. Apparently, Marshall didn't get the memo about all the candidates Auburn is lining up for after the season and that Gene has already been told after the Vandy game he wouldn't be retained. Marshall could have saved himself a lot of time if he just read through the threads here at Aufamily first.

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Most of this is just people wanting change...... a lot of hope and hopeful change. No need to paint the AUFamily with a broad brush, murpjf. 2-7 never feels good at AU.

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So many people are close to so many situations. Aufamily hs turned into a rumor mill, mostly filled with opinionated garbage based on very little, if any factual information, but rather hearsay and conjecture. I seriously hope people aren't paying for that information by Marshall. Talk about straddling the fence. Anybody paying attention knows CGC is on shaky grounds. JJ may or may not return, but JG will have the final word? No insider information there. It certianly puts a damper on this thread though. Apparently, Marshall didn't get the memo about all the candidates Auburn is lining up for after the season and that Gene has already been told after the Vandy game he wouldn't be retained. Marshall could have saved himself a lot of time if he just read through the threads here at Aufamily first.


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So many people are close to so many situations. Aufamily hs turned into a rumor mill, mostly filled with opinionated garbage based on very little, if any factual information, but rather hearsay and conjecture. I seriously hope people aren't paying for that information by Marshall. Talk about straddling the fence. Anybody paying attention knows CGC is on shaky grounds. JJ may or may not return, but JG will have the final word? No insider information there. It certianly puts a damper on this thread though. Apparently, Marshall didn't get the memo about all the candidates Auburn is lining up for after the season and that Gene has already been told after the Vandy game he wouldn't be retained. Marshall could have saved himself a lot of time if he just read through the threads here at Aufamily first.



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So many people are close to so many situations. Aufamily hs turned into a rumor mill, mostly filled with opinionated garbage based on very little, if any factual information, but rather hearsay and conjecture. I seriously hope people aren't paying for that information by Marshall. Talk about straddling the fence. Anybody paying attention knows CGC is on shaky grounds. JJ may or may not return, but JG will have the final word? No insider information there. It certianly puts a damper on this thread though. Apparently, Marshall didn't get the memo about all the candidates Auburn is lining up for after the season and that Gene has already been told after the Vandy game he wouldn't be retained. Marshall could have saved himself a lot of time if he just read through the threads here at Aufamily first.



You better hit those bunks my little babies, or Sergeant Hulka with the "big toe" is gonna see how far he can stick it up your a$$.

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So many people are close to so many situations. Aufamily hs turned into a rumor mill, mostly filled with opinionated garbage based on very little, if any factual information, but rather hearsay and conjecture. I seriously hope people aren't paying for that information by Marshall. Talk about straddling the fence. Anybody paying attention knows CGC is on shaky grounds. JJ may or may not return, but JG will have the final word? No insider information there. It certianly puts a damper on this thread though. Apparently, Marshall didn't get the memo about all the candidates Auburn is lining up for after the season and that Gene has already been told after the Vandy game he wouldn't be retained. Marshall could have saved himself a lot of time if he just read through the threads here at Aufamily first.

Thank you. It's so irritating when PMarshall writes his garbage like he has some inside source. He's always sure to leave an "out" just incase things don't pan out like his "souces" said. He gets his crap from message boards and then tries his hardest to "publish" it as his own material.
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