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Al Gore, Man of the People, Gets Paid Over $1 Million a Day to Sit on Apple’s Board, $125,000 per hour


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Poor old Al making millions of dollars in the last 12 years....


If you want a poster child for corporate greed, you can look no further than Al Gore. After he failed to get enough votes to win Florida, and therefore the Presidential election in 2000, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs added him to the list of Yes Men on Apple’s board of directors.

A report out today says Al Gore cashed out about half of his Apple stock options in January to the tune of $30 million and has at least $15 million more. But that was his bonuses, that didn’t include his base pay. According to Reuters, during the height of the 2008 recession, Al Gore ‘only’ made $633,000 per year, or $127,000 per board meeting, since the board only met fives times that year. — However according to SEC filings, by 2010, his yearly compensation was back up to $1.3 million per year.

Looking at the numbers, Gore has made about $1,000,000 a year for the last 10 years to sit on a board that was famously paid to agree with Steve Jobs. And then he got $45 million in stock options as a bonus for a total of about $55 million. Considering the board meets about 5 times years, that’s just over $1,000,000 per day or $125,000 per hour.

So what has Gore done to earn that money? Gore’s most famous accomplishment was to lead the board’s investigating committee, which “cleared CEO Steve Jobs and current management of wrongdoing” in a stock option backdating scandal which Apple later admitted Jobs knew about.

When you’re Al Gore, Greed is good.

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Where's the thread about board members making thousands of times more than the employees and how unfair it is.

What's your point?

Is it that Al Gore should have turned down the opportunity because he's Al Gore?

Is it that compensation trends for executives aren't unconscionable because Al Gore is taking advantage of them?


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Poor old Al making millions of dollars in the last 12 years....


If you want a poster child for corporate greed, you can look no further than Al Gore. After he failed to get enough votes to win Florida, and therefore the Presidential election in 2000, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs added him to the list of Yes Men on Apple’s board of directors.

A report out today says Al Gore cashed out about half of his Apple stock options in January to the tune of $30 million and has at least $15 million more. But that was his bonuses, that didn’t include his base pay. According to Reuters, during the height of the 2008 recession, Al Gore ‘only’ made $633,000 per year, or $127,000 per board meeting, since the board only met fives times that year. — However according to SEC filings, by 2010, his yearly compensation was back up to $1.3 million per year.

Looking at the numbers, Gore has made about $1,000,000 a year for the last 10 years to sit on a board that was famously paid to agree with Steve Jobs. And then he got $45 million in stock options as a bonus for a total of about $55 million. Considering the board meets about 5 times years, that’s just over $1,000,000 per day or $125,000 per hour.

So what has Gore done to earn that money? Gore’s most famous accomplishment was to lead the board’s investigating committee, which “cleared CEO Steve Jobs and current management of wrongdoing” in a stock option backdating scandal which Apple later admitted Jobs knew about.

When you’re Al Gore, Greed is good.

Board compensation tends to be absurd. It only bothers you when a Democrat benefits. Otherwise, you'd defend it as capitalism at work and decry critics as socialists. Yes, there is great, but unwitting, evidence of hypocrisy in your post... :rolleyes:

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The way I see it, is that if someone is stupid enough to pay this doofus that kind of money to do virtually nothing, then more power to the one receiving it.

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Where's the thread about board members making thousands of times more than the employees and how unfair it is.

What's your point?

Is it that Al Gore should have turned down the opportunity because he's Al Gore?

Is it that compensation trends for executives aren't unconscionable because Al Gore is taking advantage of them?


Reagan got raked over the coals by the Libs for making speeches for 100 K. AlGore, already a multi-millionaire, gets even richer for doing what, exactly ?

Kennedy, Kerry, Edwards, Gore... limousine Liberals who steal $ hand over fist, and yet the media treat them like Gandhi's disciples, for standing up for " the poor ". Meanwhile, Romney gets painted as greed incarnate, simply because he was successful in business, in the free market.

Priorities turned up side down.

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Where's the thread about board members making thousands of times more than the employees and how unfair it is.

What's your point?

Is it that Al Gore should have turned down the opportunity because he's Al Gore?

Is it that compensation trends for executives aren't unconscionable because Al Gore is taking advantage of them?


Reagan got raked over the coals by the Libs for making speeches for 100 K. AlGore, already a multi-millionaire, gets even richer for doing what, exactly ?

Kennedy, Kerry, Edwards, Gore... limousine Liberals who steal $ hand over fist, and yet the media treat them like Gandhi's disciples, for standing up for " the poor ". Meanwhile, Romney gets painted as greed incarnate, simply because he was successful in business, in the free market.

Priorities turned up side down.

OK, I get it. You are ranting on a perceived bias in the media.

But I don't recall the media crashing on Reagan for $100k speeches. Nor do I recall media articles criticizing Romney because of his success, although I am sure you could find one if you looked. After all, the term "media" covers a lot of ground.

And I still don't get the reference to the recent thread on CEO compensation. I don't recall it being partisan at all.

Perhaps the problem lies more in your perception of things rather than inherent bias.

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Hypocrite! Proof that Democrats are really Republicans and Republicans are really Democrats!

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Where's the thread about board members making thousands of times more than the employees and how unfair it is.

What's your point?

Is it that Al Gore should have turned down the opportunity because he's Al Gore?

Is it that compensation trends for executives aren't unconscionable because Al Gore is taking advantage of them?


Reagan got raked over the coals by the Libs for making speeches for 100 K. AlGore, already a multi-millionaire, gets even richer for doing what, exactly ?

Kennedy, Kerry, Edwards, Gore... limousine Liberals who steal $ hand over fist, and yet the media treat them like Gandhi's disciples, for standing up for " the poor ". Meanwhile, Romney gets painted as greed incarnate, simply because he was successful in business, in the free market.

Priorities turned up side down.

You're off a bit. As usual...

He received $2M from Japan and opened a lucrative door for future presidents that his predecessors had not chosen.


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Poor old Al making millions of dollars in the last 12 years....


If you want a poster child for corporate greed, you can look no further than Al Gore. After he failed to get enough votes to win Florida, and therefore the Presidential election in 2000, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs added him to the list of Yes Men on Apple’s board of directors.

A report out today says Al Gore cashed out about half of his Apple stock options in January to the tune of $30 million and has at least $15 million more. But that was his bonuses, that didn’t include his base pay. According to Reuters, during the height of the 2008 recession, Al Gore ‘only’ made $633,000 per year, or $127,000 per board meeting, since the board only met fives times that year. — However according to SEC filings, by 2010, his yearly compensation was back up to $1.3 million per year.

Looking at the numbers, Gore has made about $1,000,000 a year for the last 10 years to sit on a board that was famously paid to agree with Steve Jobs. And then he got $45 million in stock options as a bonus for a total of about $55 million. Considering the board meets about 5 times years, that’s just over $1,000,000 per day or $125,000 per hour.

So what has Gore done to earn that money? Gore’s most famous accomplishment was to lead the board’s investigating committee, which “cleared CEO Steve Jobs and current management of wrongdoing” in a stock option backdating scandal which Apple later admitted Jobs knew about.

When you’re Al Gore, Greed is good.

Board compensation tends to be absurd. It only bothers you when a Democrat benefits. Otherwise, you'd defend it as capitalism at work and decry critics as socialists. Yes, there is great, but unwitting, evidence of hypocrisy in your post... :rolleyes:

No hypocrisy on my part, maybe on Al's. If he can earn the money legally, he should go for it. He is like any former government official, using his contacts to make money. He is has been extremely successful at pushing his agenda and sitting on corporate boards in his private sector life.

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