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Gun Control? Really?

DKW 86

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"Between 1993 and 2011, NONFATAL GUN CRIMES PLUMMETED 69%; from 1.5 million to 467,300. GUN-RELATED MURDERS DROPPED 40%; from 18,253 to 11,101. GUN RELATED MURDERS FOR BLACK AMERICANS DROPPED by 51%.

The report also shows that the media-created hysteria over school shootings is wildly misleading. Between '93 and '11, the murder rate in schools dropped by almost a third; from 29 to 20."

Link to actual DOJ Report.



„1) Firearm-related homicides declined 39%, from 18,253 in

1993 to 11,101 in 2011.

„2) Nonfatal firearm crimes declined 69%, from 1.5 million

victimizations in 1993 to 467,300 victimizations in 2011.

„3) For both fatal and nonfatal firearm victimizations, the

majority of the decline occurred during the 10-year period

from 1993 to 2002.

„4) Firearm violence accounted for about 70% of all homicides

and less than 10% of all nonfatal violent crime from 1993 to


„5 )About 70% to 80% of firearm homicides and 90% of

nonfatal firearm victimizations were committed with a

handgun from 1993 to 2011.

„6) From 1993 to 2010, males, blacks, and persons ages 18 to 24

had the highest rates of firearm homicide.

„7) In 2007-11, about 23% of victims of nonfatal firearm crime

were injured.

8)„ About 61% of nonfatal firearm violence was reported to

the police in 2007-11.

9)„ In 2007-11, less than 1% of victims in all nonfatal violent

crimes reported using a firearm to defend themselves

during the incident.

10)„ In 2004, among state prison inmates who possessed a gun

at the time of offense, less than 2% bought their firearm at

a flea market or gun show and 40% obtained their firearm

from an illegal source.

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I've posted numbers showing this on several occasions. The people that have bought into this hysteria simply do not care what the facts are. They are too stubborn to admit they're wrong and hold on to the simplistic theory that less guns equates to less violence.

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I've posted numbers showing this on several occasions. The people that have bought into this hysteria simply do not care what the facts are. They are too stubborn to admit they're wrong and hold on to the simplistic theory that less guns equates to less violence.

Amen...i posted this up on the message boards of one of the most vocal Liberal Talk Show hosts in the country...CRICKETS...

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Kids not getting shot just doesnt make the news - 24 hour news shows got their start during the late 80's really. It is no small wonder we think gun crimes are worse today.

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The feds are null in my book. If we don't line up to what their perverted idea of what America should be then they start with the authoritarian BS. Eff 'em all, let 'em find another victim to fund their retirements.

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