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Rolando McClain


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Seems as though Ro has decided to hang up the cleats and his pads at age 23. Even though he's a bammer through and through you hate to see such God-given ability wasted like that.



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Looks like life without uat protection/cover-up was just a little too rough for him. I wonder when he is going to give his interview to expose how uat ruined his life.......... I cant feel sorry for this guy, and not just because he went to uat - it just doesnt help. I would like to think he will learn but aside from his 4 years off the books in college - aside from the whole hitting a guy with his car twice and beating him thing - not much in his life points towards learning.

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He needs to take a year off.

He needs to get help with a fundamental life attitude change

He need to finds new friends that keep him out of trouble.

Then he can probably go back to the NFL or whatever fulfills his life in a positive way.

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