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Stock Piling Jr College Players


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You may not see any of these JC players start this year. I think what Gus was actually bringing in was needed depth in some positions. Just like the NM. They probably new of JS's situation and new we needed at least 4 scholaship QBs at the very least. That doesn't mean that NM won't start, but for some to automatically assume that GM saw something wrong with his others is also wrong. Some positions like both lines,players need time to grow physically. Not sure in those case you are not better at getting players that have spent that time in the JC ranks also gaining confidence by playing. As others have stated, a lot of times these are very good players that have gone the JC route because of grade issues or even size issues. Some have gone there like Cam to get playing time also. I have no problem with the mix, as long as the coaches are getting quality players and fill the needs the team has. War Eagle.

Totally disagree. Many of these JUCOs will start or have split playing time.

Nick Marshall and CAP will definitely be difference makers this year and if both stay for their senior year, next year as well. Flowers will be in the rotation and may start at some point this year.

I agree, that for some positions, this was to increase depth, but for others CGM definitely saw weaknesses. QB play was not good last year and with the departure of OMAC, Dyer, and Blakely, we definitely need more RB depth.

Of course we have been very thin at Linebacker for many years now.

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I've said it a few times in the recruiting forum, but we are behind in recruiting relationships. That impacts the HS kids willing to look at Auburn, especially given our performance last year. The JUCO signings will drop off starting with the 15' class. In the interim, it appears we are only targeting positions of need, and top JUCO players at those positions. Gus definitely is trying to make an early impact on the field.

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Since Bama is the Gold Standard right now...

Shouldn't that be "gold, suits, and rims" standard? Maybe they don't go after JuCo's because they want to get 3-4 years out of their investment. :rolleyes:
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If your really thin in some spots on your team, then you go out and sign as many junior college players as you need who's ready to step up and fill those thin spots right now.

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I've said it a few times in the recruiting forum, but we are behind in recruiting relationships. That impacts the HS kids willing to look at Auburn, especially given our performance last year. The JUCO signings will drop off starting with the 15' class. In the interim, it appears we are only targeting positions of need, and top JUCO players at those positions. Gus definitely is trying to make an early impact on the field.

That all depends on '13 and '14 being developed enough to fill in the needs in the 2 deep that '11 and '12 can't handle. If they can't, then the level of JUCOs would continue. In addition to the 6 JUCOs in '13, it looks like it might be another 6 in '14. In '15 we are losing 10 Seniors on defense, (6 DL, 1 LB, 4 DBs) so I think the JUCOs could still be about the same in '15, but we'll see.
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I love JUCOs. They have matured, they have their academics under control, and there are almost no behavioral problems left to work on, plus they are motivated to take it to the next level. It's a win-win for everyone involved. Coaches have a pretty good idea what they're getting, and the kids get the chance to show their talent on a bigger stage, and get a 4 year degree if they want it.

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Kenny Flowers?

Correct, we signed 5 JUCOS last


Did not say there is something wrong with what Gus and company are doing, but yes, we are targeting more JUCO players than in the recent past.

2013 JUCO Commits

1. Nick Marshall -- QB

2. Brandon King -- DB

3. Ben Bradley -- DT

4. Cameron Artis Payne - RB

2014 JUCO Targets

1. D'haquille Williams WR -- Verbal Commit

2. Devaroe Lawrence DT - Verbal Commit

3. Derrick Moncrief DT -- Verbal Commit

4. Carl Williams Safety

5. Dontavious Blair OT

6. Devonte Lambert SDE

7. Abu Lambin DT

I would say 7 targets as JUCO is much higher than usual. If we land all of these targets, that is 13 JUCOs on the squad in two years.

Ugh, you left 2 JUCO signees off of the 2013 list - Devonte Danzey and Kenny Flowers. We signed 6 JUCOS in '13.

Thanks.. Was trying to compile this quickly. Thanks for correcting the list.

So we MUST assume that Gus is Definitely filling holes and wants Auburn back on the winning side as soon as possible, as well as building depth.

2013 will be the beginning of the rebuilding. If we keep the JUCOs for 2014, here's believing we are at the top the SEC again (along with some talented and experienced underclassmen).

No worries and I agree with your analysis.

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Ive always said, when you see a hole, fill it the fastest way possible, to the best of your ability.

Go Gus

That's what she said.

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There os no specific blue print or plan to be successful in recruiting. You go with what looks right at the time. Chizik didn't want Cam because he wasn't in the "plan".

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It seems they are only recruiting the top JC guy's.I see no downside to getting the best players you can get.I would rather have a Cam for one year than not have him at all.

Good point!!!

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There os no specific blue print or plan to be successful in recruiting. You go with what looks right at the time. Chizik didn't want Cam because he wasn't in the "plan".

THANK GOD that was one of the few times Chiz listened to Gus.
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I like the immediate impact/expirence JC players can bring. They can help jump start important positions. A La Rudi Johnson & Cam Newton.

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I love JUCOs. They have matured, they have their academics under control, and there are almost no behavioral problems left to work on, plus they are motivated to take it to the next level. It's a win-win for everyone involved. Coaches have a pretty good idea what they're getting, and the kids get the chance to show their talent on a bigger stage, and get a 4 year degree if they want it.


JUCO players come in with maturity, they have worked hard enough to get noticed by big time programs, and they have a short amount of time to prove they "belong" in DivI football and showcase their talents to the pro's. They don't come in with an ego because they've already had to work hard to get to div1. More times than not, they make the most of the opportunity they have in front of them and they won't jeopardize the chance they've been given.

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We are signing JUCO players because we need good football players. Look at us last year. What about worse season in school history do some of you not understand. Gus needs to turn this around with a quickness or him and Jay are out on their ear.( He will not get 3 rebuilding years) We all like to talk about the "Talent" we have. Im not as convinced as most of you. I dont think Gus was either. Gus went out and found some guys that could come in and play tomorrow.

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I like the immediate impact/expirence JC players can bring. They can help jump start important positions. A La Rudi Johnson & Cam Newton.

Also, I like how you kind of what you got. Risk is lower IMO

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We are signing JUCO players because we need good football players. Look at us last year. What about worse season in school history do some of you not understand. Gus needs to turn this around with a quickness or him and Jay are out on their ear.( He will not get 3 rebuilding years) We all like to talk about the "Talent" we have. Im not as convinced as most of you. I dont think Gus was either. Gus went out and found some guys that could come in and play tomorrow.

Gus did not go out to find talent because we had none. Where do people come up with crap like this ? Gus took over with just a month left to recruit. Most of our recruits had already either walked or threatened to. Gus needed to complete the class, and what was avilable was JC guys. Tell me the last time you saw a coach come in like that and finish with a top ten class. Nick did not even finish that well his first year, and he also had to take a couple of JC players. Gus pretty much saved this recruiting year for AU by taking JC folks. Has nothing what so ever to do with what he saw in the players returning. War Eagle.

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We are signing JUCO players because we need good football players. Look at us last year. What about worse season in school history do some of you not understand. Gus needs to turn this around with a quickness or him and Jay are out on their ear.( He will not get 3 rebuilding years) We all like to talk about the "Talent" we have. Im not as convinced as most of you. I dont think Gus was either. Gus went out and found some guys that could come in and play tomorrow.

Gus did not go out to find talent because we had none. Where do people come up with crap like this ? Gus took over with just a month left to recruit. Most of our recruits had already either walked or threatened to. Gus needed to complete the class, and what was avilable was JC guys. Tell me the last time you saw a coach come in like that and finish with a top ten class. Nick did not even finish that well his first year, and he also had to take a couple of JC players. Gus pretty much saved this recruiting year for AU by taking JC folks. Has nothing what so ever to do with what he saw in the players returning. War Eagle.

Well from 5/12/13- 7/21/13, Gus has already taken 3 JUCO commits in the '14 class and we still have 6 months to go before NSD. With the JUCO targets Gus is still interested in, Dontavius Blair and DaVonte Lambert to name 2, it looks like Gus might take a total of 5-6 JUCOs again. We obviously don't have enough players developed yet that can meet the standards Gus set for the 2 deep, or he wouldn't be looking for 12 JUCOs in 2 classes to fill in. Make sense ?
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Is it at all possible that we recruited hype/stars instead of talented athletes? Not all of them, of course.

First we were too young, now we are not developed enough. I am just tired of the excuses.

BTW, I am not directing this at anyone in particular, just spit-balling.

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Is it at all possible that we recruited hype/stars instead of talented athletes? Not all of them, of course.

First we were too young, now we are not developed enough. I am just tired of the excuses.

BTW, I am not directing this at anyone in particular, just spit-balling.

Excuses or not they are/were realities my friend.
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Is it at all possible that we recruited hype/stars instead of talented athletes? Not all of them, of course.

First we were too young, now we are not developed enough. I am just tired of the excuses.

BTW, I am not directing this at anyone in particular, just spit-balling.

Yep, that's possible too and there is some of that going on for sure. The context in my own reference to the word "developed" was, " yet to meet the standards Gus set for the 2 deep". To me that isn't an excuse, it is just recognizing the reality and is only logical or Gus wouldn't need to be going to JUCOs to this extent for his 2 deep. So between some "hyped stars" and "not 2 deep developed yet", we have Gus taking care of it another way.

As far as development, I do think this off season went a long way, maybe 75%, in getting the development issue behind us. I did predict in Dec that we would see a big improvement in development but it would take a total of two off season cycles to finish the job. With respect to youth, Chiz's "yute excuse" was always bs to me. Now that was an excuse and just a cover for bad coaching imo. I think we are pretty much on the same page.

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Is it at all possible that we recruited hype/stars instead of talented athletes? Not all of them, of course.

First we were too young, now we are not developed enough. I am just tired of the excuses.

BTW, I am not directing this at anyone in particular, just spit-balling.

Excuses or not they are/were realities my friend.

I'm starting to think all 3 are a reality.
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Our program had some appeal to top prospects who's primary focus was not necessarily working hard. We've got talent, but this is the first time in a while we are holding people accountable for their work. Hence, we need to bring in JUCOs to overcome some of the kids our program was attracting.

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There os no specific blue print or plan to be successful in recruiting. You go with what looks right at the time. Chizik didn't want Cam because he wasn't in the "plan".

THANK GOD that was one of the few times Chiz listened to Gus.

there are 2 more I can think of. the 4rth and 3 in the 2010 iron bowl, you saw gus flat tell him "I wanna go for it". then before the kick vs. Oregon chiz was going to kick with 20something seconds left and 2nd or 3rd down and a timeout in his pocket. gus stopped him and ran the (kneel down that wasn't a kneel down) then kicked with 1.9sec. watch it again that was all gus.

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Is it at all possible that we recruited hype/stars instead of talented athletes? Not all of them, of course.

First we were too young, now we are not developed enough. I am just tired of the excuses.

BTW, I am not directing this at anyone in particular, just spit-balling.

Excuses or not they are/were realities my friend.

I'm starting to think all 3 are a reality.

In hind sight, so am I.

Patience with the new staff will be needed, and it won't be fixed quickly. There's a sense of urgency from the guys in charge of the AD (Jay Jacobs/Jay Gouge) and after the dismal season from AU athletics as a whole, there damn well should be a sense of urgency in every sport. Gus & Tony have the heaviest weight on their shoulders today. There is zero excuse why Auburn can't consistantly field a solid football and basketball team, we have the resources, the capital, the facilities, the fan support, the community and unity on campus (Family), we have the academic resourses to give a student-athlete everything they need to be successful in the classroom and on the field/court. The excuses have run their course. I think Gus knows that and that's why he is managing this team the way "he" see's fit ~ It's a New Day!

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