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Lost a good Auburn Man


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My heart goes out the family and friends of this young man. I know God will take of this young man and his family. I had my favorite nephew who was 24 years old, to take his life 1 year ago. My nephew's wife left him for no reason. The had dated for 5 year before they were married. He came home from work the day his wife left him. He had no idea whatsoever, that there were any problems. This broke Jason's heart so badly. A couple of months later, he took his life with his handgun. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about him and what I could have done to prevent this. I was going to offer him to come and live with my wife and me here in North Carolina. I regret everyday that I did not follow through with this. I guess I have gone on too much.

I will keep this young man & his family in my prayers. Some folks say that you cannot pray for the deceased. But I feel that it is never too late to ask our Lord for help with all of his children alive or passed away.

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my wife is Schizoeffective, thats schizophrenia and bipolar. she has clinical depression. She has attempted suicide a hand full of times. I thank God every day that she is still alive. I wouldnt know what to do without her.

As others have said, Sometimes the signs of depression are difficult to see, and sometimes they are nonexistent. From November until April is what is known as the suicide months. Please pay attention to your friends and family a little closer during g this period of time. And please brothers and sisters if you are having problems, reach out to friend or family member. Even one of us. It can never be so bad that suicide is the answer. We are here for you.

My prayers go out to the family and friends of this young man. May God ease their suffering.

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