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Lost a good Auburn Man


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Last night a good friend of mine committed suicide in Auburn. If you haven't heard, a young man leapt to his death from the parking deck across from Sigma Nu. He survived the fall only to pass away at EAMC. He was a truly loved individual which is why I am posting this here. There was literally not a single sign that this young man was depressed. He was well liked, made good grades, was Auburn's BMOC, from Zeta Tau Alpha's philanthropy event, one year. He had the whole world ahead of him, but at some point felt like it couldn't go any further.

I highlighted these things to illustrate to you all that we need to pay closer attention to the ones we love and care about. Depression has the uncanny ability to hide itself. If only he had sought help, like so many who sought help in him. In reading the facebook posts today, it was clear the amount of lives he touched and helped and how so many people are grieving now that they were never given the chance to help him. If you know someone, or have any inclination that someone is suffering from this disease, please reachout to them. They will probably fight you off on it, deny it, but you just have to keep pushing forward for those you really care about. I've been in dark places, thought about easing others pain by ending mine, but I sought help in those close to me because they were there for me and I just had to be shown that.

I apologize if this is inappropriate here but I just wanted to put this message out. Please keep the family of Barrett Townsend in your thoughts, for they are more broken than I or anyone I know at this tragedy.

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I am so sorry, and I grieve for his family and friends. What a timely post, full of wisdom, and in perfect timing. Thank you. Comfort here, for any situation, no exception this one...it's my go-to time and time again. :sad2:

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."--2 Corinthians 1: 3-4

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Prayers said for Barrett's friends and family. So tragic and difficult to understand. May God use this tragic event for His good and lead more people to a knowledge and understanding of how to reach and support others. Also, how to lean on Him in times of suffering. Prayers that Barrett is in peace and not suffering anymore.

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This really sucks. One's college years (especially at AU), is something many alums look back at with fond memories. But we often forget how much of an emotional roller coaster college was when we were there. I certainly had euphoric highs and crushing lows during those years.

I don't know what made this kid think his life was over--a spurned lover, a failed class--we all had those. But he was in a field of study where the world was about to be his.

What a sad loss.

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I can not begin to say how sorry i am to hear this. Prayers for the family. it is so so sad....While I was going to Auburn I had two suicides to deal with..I still have not gotten over them. Just makes me sick.

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Prayers to family and friends.....one of those occurrences for which there is no adequate explanation.

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I don't post here too much anymore but I want to echo the sentiment in the OP. Bear was one of the most positive and uplifting people to be around and I'm sure nearly everyone was caught offguard. His blood relatives were extremely close to him as well and didn't see this coming last night.

You never know what people are going through when you are not around and it is important to always be supportive and there for those you care about.

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My heart is breaking for this young man and his family. As a parent of 3 kids in college....I just cannot imagine the pain his family and friends must be feeling. When I was in college I lost a close friend to suicide during the summer break after my sophomore year. I still cry when I think of him and I wonder if there was something I could have done if only I'd known that he felt so lost.

I will pray for Barrett. May he now find the peace that he could not find here on Earth. And I will pray for his loved ones who now have to face life without him.

This is just an awful tragedy.

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Terribly tragic! Depression is an awful disease. As others have said, it can hide and fester itself until a person just can't handle it any longer. In many cases, even the people closest to the depressed don't know it is festering. My heart goes out to his family and friends. My Mom lost her sight when I was in middle school. She started battling depression and fought it for years. We tried to help her as much as possible by talking with her and getting professional help for her. She took her own life at 56 when I was 26. It affects me to this day, over 30 years later. My Prayers are with his family and friends.

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Sadly it touches so many of us here and I pray for comfort to his family. I also wish I knew a way to reach those with his struggles. I lost my own brother who finished at Auburn with high honors, but could not overcome those things that we will never understand. As I type this it is still unimaginable, but he took is own life in a terrible moment of doubt 2 years ago at the age of 44.

I'm not trying to be dramatic by posting something this personal, but I sincerely hope that if anyone out there that is troubled will reach out to someone (even us goofs on here) and know that they are loved and have many, many friend in the AU Family.

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