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ESPN "Playmakers"


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Just wondering if anyone has been watching this? I didn't think I would like it, but it really isn't that bad.

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I watched it once but it really didn't do anything for me. I half watched it a couple times after that but found myself doing other stuff during it and not paying attention.

It just comes across as the ultimate male soap opera to me :D

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It just comes across as the ultimate male soap opera to me

yep, just like wwf, wcw, or whatever they are now. That's also why I didn't think I would like it.

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well, i caught a rerun this morning around 3:30am or so...(jetlag).

it was the first episode i've seen, and it was the one where the gay player was named to the pro bowl and was forced to go on the IR.

any show that purportedly 'entertainment' that tries to preach a message is a turnoff to me, and that's how it came across to me.

just too PC....


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I've tried to watch it, but its a little too over the top for me. That team has every modern soceital problem going on in one season. No wonder the coach has cancer. :rolleyes:

Besides, the new season of 24 started last night, so my tuesday evenings are going to be taken up by that and NYPD blue.

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