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A Constitutional Convention of states


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If 2/3s of the states vote on and pass a bill calling for a convention of states the federal govt has to allow it. Michigan was all that was needed and they became the 34th state to approve the convention. I never thought i would see such widespread dissent against an administration gone bad in my lifetime but its here. Apparently passing a balanced budget amendment is priority #1. This could get interesting


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Or it could get "Real" interesting. I mean in a chaotic way. It's an interesting situation.

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A real, actual, no 10 years in the future, balanced budget is my #1 concern with whoever gets in office. All this environmental, racial, class warfare stuff does not make one difference if we are all broke - or have jobs and cant afford to buy anything. I do question whether this could really solve our problems or if this will end up just a bunch of red vs blue states. Honestly, the best interest of the nation would be to vote out the Dems and Repubs forcing them to draw up plans that benefit more than the lobbyists and themselves. Notice the only thing they can agree on is how "dangerous" these other parties are. That should tell you something!

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A real, actual, no 10 years in the future, balanced budget is my #1 concern with whoever gets in office. All this environmental, racial, class warfare stuff does not make one difference if we are all broke - or have jobs and cant afford to buy anything. I do question whether this could really solve our problems or if this will end up just a bunch of red vs blue states. Honestly, the best interest of the nation would be to vote out the Dems and Repubs forcing them to draw up plans that benefit more than the lobbyists and themselves. Notice the only thing they can agree on is how "dangerous" these other parties are. That should tell you something!

The arguing would be all form and no substance if 34 states voted for a balanced budget amendment it would be the law by virtue of Constitutional precedent

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