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Is This the Democrats’ War on Women?


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Is This the Democrats’ War on Women?

In 2013, an ex-boyfriend called the cops on Monica Wehby—and four days before her GOP primary, the police report resurfaced. To blame for the leak? A Democratic attack, say Republicans.

Republicans are crying foul over an eleventh-hour flurry of press reports that Dr. Monica Wehby, a pediatric neurosurgeon and the frontrunner in Oregon’s Republican Senate primary, was labeled a “stalker” in a year-old police report published Friday by Politico.

The police report details a 2013 incident in which Wehby’s ex-boyfriend, timber executive and GOP donor Andrew Miller, called the police after Wehby came to his Portland home, knocked on the door for 10 minutes, and then let herself in through a back door. Miller told the police that Wehby had been to his home at least 10 times that week and also was calling employees at his company inappropriately.

Miller now says he regrets calling the police and that he and Wehby not only are friends but that he is supporting her Senate campaign. Indeed, he is helping to fund a six-figure outside spending effort to bolster her campaign against her socially conservative opponent, state House Rep. Jason Conger.

Hours after the Politico report broke, The Oregonian published the 911 call that Miller placed, in which he tells the dispatcher that he and Wehby had just ended their relationship and she was “very, very upset and angry.”

No candidate wants to be described as “very, very upset and angry” in any forum, but for a female candidate whose

being pictured as an unhinged, scorned lover could be devastating.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee pushed back against the stories Friday afternoon, labeling the entire episode a Democratic effort to destroy Wehby ahead of Tuesday’s primary and accusing Democrats of waging a war on women of their own against Wehby.

“In this situation, the person who filed the police report admitted that they overreacted, that they were responsible, that he was responsible, and that the couple ended their relationship on an amicable note and remain friends to this day,” said Brad Dayspring, communications director for the NRSC. “The insinuation that a respected professional woman who has performed over 7,000 surgeries on children is somehow less of a professional or a candidate because of this kind of petty tabloid story is ridiculous.”

Dayspring also called the stalking story “a shining example of why talented, intelligent women often are reluctant to run for public office.”

Dayspring called the stalking story “a shining example of why talented, intelligent women often are reluctant to run for public office.”

But as salacious as the stalking angle to the story is, no national women’s groups have come to Wehby’s defense to call the story sexist or even unfair, including the National Organization for Women, which once criticized Newsweek for running an extreme close-up photo of Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on its cover. The Women’s Campaign Fund and Name It. Change It., a group founded to highlight examples of sexism in campaigns and campaign coverage, did not respond to a request for comment.

Jennifer Lawless, the director of the Women & Politics Institute at American University, said that at this point in political campaigns, just about anything in a person’s past is fair game, no matter the candidate’s gender.

“When you are heading into Election Day, to the extent that your opponent has any information that would lead voters to question your leadership, your competence, your integrity, or your empathy, it’s fair game,” she said. “And although this particular case makes Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction look particularly salient, if a male candidate had engaged in behavior that could potentially be used to make him look unstable, we’d be just as likely to see that in the news.”

Jim Moore, an assistant professor of political science at Pacific University, said the impact of the stalking story four days before the election will have less of an effect in Oregon because as many as 40 percent of voters may have already cast their ballots in the state’s vote-by-mail system, which requires that ballots be received—not just postmarked—by the secretary of state’s office by Tuesday.

Moore also said he considers the current polling in the Senate race unreliable because the GOP primary electorate has historically been so unpredictable. But he said he believes that both Wehby and Conger would have a tough time knocking off incumbent Sen. Jeff Merkley in November.

“Merkley hasn’t done anything that really raises questions about him,” Moore said. “In general elections in Oregon, we have not had a Republican win in a decade, and there’s no reason to think that’s going to happen now.”

As news of the stalking allegations followed Wehby on Friday, she and Conger appeared at a candidate forum at the City Club of Portland. Wehby did not address the stalking story directly and left the venue without answering reporters’ questions about it, but she did say during her remarks that one strength of her candidacy for November would be as a female candidate running against a Democrat.

“They can’t use that war on women stuff with me,” she said. “They can’t say I hate women and children, puppy dogs and ponytails, and all of the other things that Republicans are supposed to hate.”


Defend it dems.

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Of course it's another example of liberal, political combat maneuvers. Systemic within the party. The GOP has its own issues but it isn't close to the degree that the Democrats use for political warfare.

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Yea, its them dimocraps that hate women. They is all goin to hell.

Well....not all of them. ;)

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She's the candidate who had the ad where she told an expected mother not to abort her baby, and Webby actually delivered the baby.

No wonder the Dems are mad as hell at her.

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She's the candidate who had the ad where she told an expected mother not to abort her baby, and Webby actually delivered the baby.

No wonder the Dems are mad as hell at her.

Well, yeah! Have you priced baby back ribs lately?

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The posse forgot their meds. :sad2:

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Yea, its them dimocraps that hate women. They is all goin to hell.

Translation: I can't defend it so I'll make fun of the rubes who think they matter. When in fact they should sit back and let their betters lead them. We know what's best for them and we actually let them vote. The ungrateful bastages should appreciate what we do for them.
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Wrong again TM. Merely pointing out the ridiculous and childish nature of politics that has turned into a contest of, "oh yeah, well they hate women more than we do". Oh well, the rhetoric is great for rallying the base.

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Yep you are right and they keep you guys fired up with their Republican war on women rhetoric.

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Yep you are right and they keep you guys fired up with their Republican war on women rhetoric.

Other than the "you guys" part, you are correct. Nice jump on to the "no we're not, you are" bandwagon though.

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Yep you are right and they keep you guys fired up with their Republican war on women rhetoric.

Other than the "you guys" part, you are correct. Nice jump on to the "no we're not, you are" bandwagon though.

Just following your lead. What you don't like it when other's do what you are doing? Libs you just can't please them.
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Yep you are right and they keep you guys fired up with their Republican war on women rhetoric.

Other than the "you guys" part, you are correct. Nice jump on to the "no we're not, you are" bandwagon though.

Just following your lead. What you don't like it when other's do what you are doing? Libs you just can't please them.

Easy TM ichy enjoys criticizing conservatives and rallying with homer celebrating all thing liberal but he's no democrat. Just ask him, he'll tell you.

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Yep you are right and they keep you guys fired up with their Republican war on women rhetoric.

Other than the "you guys" part, you are correct. Nice jump on to the "no we're not, you are" bandwagon though.

Just following your lead. What you don't like it when other's do what you are doing? Libs you just can't please them.

Easy TM ichy enjoys criticizing conservatives and rallying with homer celebrating all thing liberal but he's no democrat. Just ask him, he'll tell you.

I've been waiting for the notice to report to a reeducation camp.
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Yep you are right and they keep you guys fired up with their Republican war on women rhetoric.

Other than the "you guys" part, you are correct. Nice jump on to the "no we're not, you are" bandwagon though.

Just following your lead. What you don't like it when other's do what you are doing? Libs you just can't please them.

You're right. I never should have started this thread.

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Yea, its them dimocraps that hate women. They is all goin to hell.

Translation: I can't defend it so I'll make fun of the rubes who think they matter. When in fact they should sit back and let their betters lead them. We know what's best for them and we actually let them vote. The ungrateful bastages should appreciate what we do for them.

THIS^^^ puts it all in clear view and is undeniably the paternalistic attitude of the left.

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Yea, its them dimocraps that hate women. They is all goin to hell.

Translation: I can't defend it so I'll make fun of the rubes who think they matter. When in fact they should sit back and let their betters lead them. We know what's best for them and we actually let them vote. The ungrateful bastages should appreciate what we do for them.

THIS^^^ puts it all in clear view and is undeniably the paternalistic attitude of the left.

In one thread you're an MD and in this one a psychologist. You are amazing.

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