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TV Nostalgia

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Was browsing around YouTube and came across this. I know we have some folks on here that can probably remember when there was no such thing as TV (AUGolf, etc-Just kidding!) but for me, at 41, this brings back some really cool memories. Anyone remember this?

You just KNEW when you heard the music that something great was coming in the realm of entertainment!

Feel free to post/hijack with your favorite tv memories! (Other than AU Football heh)

Have a nice day.

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Yep remember that one as well as this one

and first video

and yes I do remember when there was no TV just a radio and listen to "The Whistler" use to scare the crap out of me

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Yep remember that one as well as this one

and first video

and yes I do remember when there was no TV just a radio and listen to "The Whistler" use to scare the crap out of me

God I wish pops was still around but we still have slammer

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All we had was black and white TV and 3 channels out of Nashville. One came in ok and the other 2 were weak. My kids born in the late 1980s refer to black and white TV as black and grey which probably is accurate.

Late at night in winter when it was clear and cold we could sometimes get TV signals skipping in from some place like cincinnati. Over the air analog TV was an adventure sometimes.

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Trust me, It's not boring to me! I could read stories like this all day. For fun a few years ago I actually listened to some old radio shows as I fell asleep. They're surprisingly entertaining!

I never knew life without a tv, but I remember at one point (1983-1992) living in the sticks of Clay County we only had 3 channels and one of them was PBS from Mount Cheaha. The other was WSFA 12 in Montgomery (Thank God for their strong signal!) and channel 3 WRBL in Columbus-their weatherman used a chalk board and Rece Davis was their goofy sports guy.

Sometimes we would get a fuzzy 4 from Dothan and if you could get enough aluminum foil or rabbit wire for channel 9 you could ALMOST make out which team was running with the ball on Monday Night Football. (Forget about seeing the actual ball however...)

I would have given the moon for one of those 10 foot dishes!

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A buddy tells the story of his grandad... who keep inching closer to the screen. His folks had just gotten their first TV and proudly invited everyone over. So as the crowd thinned and the pretty girl keep flashing on the tube, Granny caught him slipping up ever closer, so he could look down, and get a better view of her cleavage. Seems it's a bit of folklore in their house and occasionally brought up fondly in remembrance of his passing.

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All we had was black and white TV and 3 channels out of Nashville. One came in ok and the other 2 were weak. My kids born in the late 1980s refer to black and white TV as black and grey which probably is accurate.

Late at night in winter when it was clear and cold we could sometimes get TV signals skipping in from some place like cincinnati. Over the air analog TV was an adventure sometimes.

Back in those days, from south Alabama, we could get signals from Vera Cruz, Mexico, and from Havana. I guess they carried well over the Gulf of Mexico.
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I remember oru first TV set in 1957. We got only one channel at first, WSFA in Montgomery. Later we got WCOV and the ABD affiliate in Montgomery and WAIQ@ in Dozier. At times we could pick up Vera Cruz, Mexico, and Havana, Cuba.

And I remember this from the early days of TV. One of the best TV these pieces ever written, maybe the best ever.

It's in the key of E. Never changes chords. If you need proof, listen to the base line carefully. It never changes. Somehow I have a picture of Henry Mancini drinking late one night with someone who says, "I bet you can't write a good piece of music with only one chord." And Mancini bests him that he can. And this was the result.

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Every once in a while in my travels across the country I'll run across a station on the radio playing one of those old programs made back when radio was all there was. I always get a kick out of those and enjoy the heck out of them.

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Every once in a while in my travels across the country I'll run across a station on the radio playing one of those old programs made back when radio was all there was. I always get a kick out of those and enjoy the heck out of them.

XM satellite radio has a radio classics channel. They play old radio shows from the late 1930s thru the 1950s. 24 hours a day. Good stuff. Greg Bell is the host that introduces each show. http://gregbellmedia.com/

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All we had was black and white TV and 3 channels out of Nashville. One came in ok and the other 2 were weak. My kids born in the late 1980s refer to black and white TV as black and grey which probably is accurate.

Late at night in winter when it was clear and cold we could sometimes get TV signals skipping in from some place like cincinnati. Over the air analog TV was an adventure sometimes.

Back in those days, from south Alabama, we could get signals from Vera Cruz, Mexico, and from Havana. I guess they carried well over the Gulf of Mexico.

Yep, I heard of people using VHF ham radio sets talking to South America from mobile.

I was at my mothers house in south central Kentucky about 20 years ago at Christmas. She didn't have cable but did have an antenna on a rotor so I was moving it around late one night to see what I could pickup. Suddenly I was getting channel 9 WGN in Chicago very clearly. A TV station 400 miles away, might be doable, but the antenna was pointed south away from the direction to Chicago. Then it dawned on me what was going on, the TV antenna was pointed at the cable TV terminal on the power pole in the back yard. The coax cable terminal was leaking / emitting enough RF for the TV antenna 100 feet away to pick up channel 9.

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I cannot recall the last time I've watched movies on HBO, and had completely forgotten about the chilling intro presentation theme. I heard it for the first time in ages being sampled by an artist in some underground music I happened into while cruising the web filling in for a co-worker on a slow weekend graveyard shift.

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All we had was black and white TV and 3 channels out of Nashville. One came in ok and the other 2 were weak. My kids born in the late 1980s refer to black and white TV as black and grey which probably is accurate.

Late at night in winter when it was clear and cold we could sometimes get TV signals skipping in from some place like cincinnati. Over the air analog TV was an adventure sometimes.

Back in those days, from south Alabama, we could get signals from Vera Cruz, Mexico, and from Havana. I guess they carried well over the Gulf of Mexico.

Yep, I heard of people using VHF ham radio sets talking to South America from mobile.

I was at my mothers house in south central Kentucky about 20 years ago at Christmas. She didn't have cable but did have an antenna on a rotor so I was moving it around late one night to see what I could pickup. Suddenly I was getting channel 9 WGN in Chicago very clearly. A TV station 400 miles away, might be doable, but the antenna was pointed south away from the direction to Chicago. Then it dawned on me what was going on, the TV antenna was pointed at the cable TV terminal on the power pole in the back yard. The coax cable terminal was leaking / emitting enough RF for the TV antenna 100 feet away to pick up channel 9.

For one brief moment in time around 1989, my father got us a 50 foot pole with a rotor and a booster! It was entertainment heaven! Actually picked up TBS!

A few days later a huge storm bent the pole over double and we were back to 3 channels again with what was left of the mangled antenna. :brickwall:

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