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College World Series


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CWS underway....AU not there of course but I do love college baseball.

Vandy off to a good start in their game against Louisville leading 3-0. V looking good with the first of their staff of power pitchers....guy's hitting 95-98 mph with his fastball...and announcers noting that Vandy has 4 more guys that are 90+ mph throwers.

Hoping Sunny comes up with a new pitching coach who can recruit and develop guys like Vandy, Fla, LSU, Ole Miss.

Thompson looks like he could be in that class...but after him? Who do we have?

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Looking forward to it starting centerfielder is Auston Bousfield. Son of some very good friends of our. Known Auston since he was 5 years old. Plus we know 2 other starter fromm the central Fl. area. Sherrie and Carl, Auston parents, are in Omaha now. I use to live in Omaha and would go to the series every year at Rosenblatt Stadium. Go Rebels

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Looking forward to it starting centerfielder is Auston Bousfield. Son of some very good friends of our. Known Auston since he was 5 years old. Plus we know 2 other starter fromm the central Fl. area. Sherrie and Carl, Auston parents, are in Omaha now. I use to live in Omaha and would go to the series every year at Rosenblatt Stadium. Go Rebels

Guess you enjoyed that over the shoulder catch last night....quite a play that kept OM in the game at a crucial time.

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Fantastic catch and it did keep them in the game. That's what got Auston there was his defense. He started in centerfield the first game as a freshmen and has mad a total of three erros in 3 years. His hittting has improved greatly since being there. Tough lost for the reb's

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Commodores big fella...Commodores.....do you always choose the wrong baseball team?

In your eyes maybe. Seriously only reason pulling for Reb's is Auston otherwise can't stand them. I am pulling for the Dores as well

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I was an Ole Miss fan as a kid..back in the days of Johnny Vaught....and a couple of my HS class mates played for them in the early 60s......so still have a little affection for them..and certainly no reason to pull against their baseball team.

I'm good with the 'dores though it does seem odd for me, a small town kid, to pull for a rich/elite school....but I'm glad they pulled Beede before he got them in more trouble. Sure did not look like a multi-million dollar draft pick tonight.

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Vandy vs Virginia in the finals. Should be entertaining. I will be pulling for the dores.

Thought the Vandy win was symbolic of today's college baseball....with bases loaded and two outs, a kid beat the dead baseball into the dirt in front of the plate..... and while the UTx shortstop waited for it to come down the Vandy player beat the throw to first.

So now we have two somewhat elite schools with very little CWS experience playing for the championship. Virginia is ranked near the top in all major defensive stats....Vandy got there with balanced defense and hitting and lots of help from the Texas defense.

JMO but Vandy might not score in either game against UVa in that big ball park.

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...JMO but Vandy might not score in either game against UVa in that big ball park.

After a 9 run third for the 'dores, I can't help but laugh at this comment.

Though it was mostly from UVA's pitcher having a meltdown.

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...JMO but Vandy might not score in either game against UVa in that big ball park.

After a 9 run third for the 'dores, I can't help but laugh at this comment.

Though it was mostly from UVA's pitcher having a meltdown.

Got nine runs on three hits....5 walks and an error....the ultimate small ball?

But .....UVa pitching has been dominant all year and Vandy should be happy that they got so much help...though maybe 9 is not going to be enough ? :-\ At this rate, UVa is liable to pass them by the 7th inning.

This game definitely not typical of CWS to this point. Pressure?

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Glad V won...but when was the last time anyone saw baseball game with 17 runs scored and no home runs. There were a hand full of doubles and triples but nobody could get the ball out of the park.

What surprised me was the shaky pitching by both teams....prior to this game they had been pretty much lights out...but a hard night...Vandy gave up a ton of hits and the UVa pitchers couldn't find the plate.

Should be interesting to see if they get back to their normal level of play now that the first game is out of the way....first time in a CWS championship for either school....

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Vandy won the CWS....happy for them. Two classy institutions in the championship and a quality game for the final.

Probably fitting that the last home run of the college "dead ball" era was the game winner.....a "blast" over the 335 sign off a 97 mph fastball.

Can't wait until the game is livened up and the HR becomes a regular factor again.

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Vandy had a better overall team, talentwise last year. I even think back to when David Price was in school there. That was a loaded team. It's just funny how things work out sometimes. I don't think that college baseball will go back to the crazy run producing game it once was. The change in the bats is a factor plus MLB wants to get a more realistic look at how players will fare in pro ball.

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...I don't think that college baseball will go back to the crazy run producing game it once was....

They're changing the ball next year. I hope it ends this deadball period in college baseball.

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