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"IRS says it can’t produce e-mails from six more employees..."

DKW 86

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"IRS says it can't produce e-mails from six more employees..."


These folks are totally oblivious to just how bad they all look here.

And say what you want, you chum the water enough, the sharks in the media will eventually come.

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David, the MSM is still in love with the One. In fact their legs still tingle, so don't expect real investigative journalism. They are too invested.

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Someone should look into that epidemic of dogs eating the IRS's e-mails.

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JOHN KING: Here's another one, sorry, I'm going to be a little flippant here, and I don't, well, maybe I do mean to be.

Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?

Do you believe in Santa Claus?

Do you believe that Lois Lerner's emails just suddenly went poof?

Lois Lerner, if you recall the IRS story, she is the key official at the Treasury Department, the IRS, that the Republicans want to know if she was unfairly targeting Tea Party groups, challenging their tax-exempt status and the like.

Well, the investigation has been going on for some long -- you see the graphic there. Her emails from January 2009 to 2011 have gone poof, disappeared. The administration saying she put them on a hard drive. That hard drive has crashed. They have recovered some of them by searching the computer for the people she sent those emails to.

But Republicans are very skeptical because they want to know if outside people, people outside the government were influencing her to go after the Tea Party. Here's the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Dave Camp. He says this, and it's hard to argue with: "The fact that I am just hearing about this, over a year into the investigation, is completely unacceptable."

You're either a conspiracy theorist, you think something nefarious happened here, or let's assume a horrible accident happened. Waiting a year to tell the Congress makes me suspicious.


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"IRS says it can't produce e-mails from six more employees..."


These folks are totally oblivious to just how bad they all look here.

And say what you want, you chum the water enough, the sharks in the media will eventually come.

I think you are dead on target, but what will be the outcome? My gut says nothing.
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Obama's double asterisks on IRS

5]...the IRS
, somewhat dubiously, that "a hard drive crash" on Lerner's computer led to the loss of emails to outside entities "such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices." You know, the very people she's accused of coordinating her harassment with.

5]With those emails missing, it'll be harder to prove whether Lerner's Tea Party harassment might have been at the behest of other wrongdoers, perhaps going as high as the Oval Office itself. But since government agencies seldom "lose" evidence that makes them look good,
reasonable people might suspect that there's a cover-up going on. After all, nobody thought that the famous "
" on Richard Nixon's White House tapes contained anything positive about White House involvement in Watergate.

National Journal'
s Ron Fournier thinks that "
." No, you couldn't. In fact, you'd have to be pretty gullible — or in-the-tank — not to suspect a cover-up.


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Nothing will happen, because the media are brain locked on making Obama into the messiah they said he was.

Nothing about JFK's CAMELOT was remotely as the media had made it out to be, but 50+ years later, it's still viewed as romanticized fact. The culture of the press in this country does not want to part ways with their fairy tales, and Obama is living proof of it.

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