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They finally recognized there is a problem


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"The moves mark a recognition by the administration that the unexpected influx of tens of thousands of immigrant children has become a serious humanitarian and political crisis. Since October, 52,000 unaccompanied minors and 39,000 adults with children have been apprehended along the Mexican border — a much higher proportion than normal."

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It's called feigned surprise.

They must act this way to convince the public that they weren't the very ones who were behind this, in the first place

Because they are.

This was entirely planned, as part of Obama's " fundamental change ".

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This administration has no intention of sealing the border. They want to open it up wide open. Got to get those uneducated people over here to perpetuate the underclass that they need. Between them and the chamber of commerce wanting the cheap labor I'm not sure who is worse.

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Border problems didnt start with this administration. This is a problem that has gone on for too long. I agree it needs fixed now.

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No it did not start with this administration. They have exacerbated the problem and done so deliberately. They have no intention of stopping it. Neither do the leadership of the republican party. They each have different reasons for wanting this to continue but both of them do want it to keep going.

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