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Rand Paul weighs in


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Mistakes were clearly made and it seems some simply want to re-litigate the Iraq Invasion. That's history but I am of the opinion that Obama created the problems we have now because of his insistence on full scale retreat we now have no options. Pulling out with no status of forces agreement in place created a vacuum into which extremists emerged.

There are 100,000 troops in defeated Axis powers countries even still. A semblance of peace had been established in Iraq. There was no mass murders or terrorist activity until the US pulled out and now getting involved almost necessitates picking a side in a civil war which we cannot do. I dont have a problem with not getting involved now but I have a great problem with our lack of diplomatic efforts with regard to negotiating immunity for our troops and arriving at a status of forces agreement before completely pulling the plug

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He'd make a very good president but I wish he were a governor first.

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