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Who Will Be Next?

Proud Tiger

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Today it is the EPA. Who will be next. How cah any honest American say this isn't the most corrupt administration in history escapes me.

How many more scandal are out here? We have over two years to find out unless Obama gets himself impeached.


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All this shows is that Bush left the govt and the country in such a mess, that our federal agencies don't even have adequate computers to handle the job.

All we need is to spend billions of dollars more to update our systems.

There's no scandal here at all, what so ever.

It's Bush's fault


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I remember how upset you guys were about this. The hypocrisy is staggering.

So ,instead of acknowledging the corruption going no now, involving the targeting of ordinary citizens, you are compelled to play the distraction / equivocation game ?

Truly pathetic.

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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

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TT....isn't Carney gone? I think he got tired of having to cover Obama's butt. But yes if he admitted a screw up AND it was corrected I would give him credit. But the subject screw up was an internal RNC problem, not a gov't agency AND it was corrected If Obama would recognize he has a huge problem with corruption in many areas and get competent people surrounding his surrounding him who correct those problems, then yes I think people would give him credit. I think the Bush administration had it's own problems but that is history and it doesn't solve current problems by deflecting to those. But you can't solve problems unless you admit you have them. AS we have seen over and over, Obama won't even he has problem until he is backed into a corner or confronted with his lies.

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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the IRS screwed up? And what did the WH have to do with it?

Answer the question.

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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the IRS screwed up? And what did the WH have to do with it?

Answer the question.

The IRS didn't screw up. It deliberately targeted tea party and other conservative groups. Well as to,the white house involvement, that is what we are trying to find out. Those missing emails might lead us to find out. Obama doesn't have to give an order. People like Lois Lerner are in their job because the are just like Obama. They are fellow travellers. They know what he wants. He just goes out and gives some speeches about how bad the tea party people are and these people know what to do.
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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the IRS screwed up? And what did the WH have to do with it?

Answer the question.

So in your world it's OK for the IRS to target political opponents of the president.
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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the IRS screwed up? And what did the WH have to do with it?

Answer the question.

The IRS didn't screw up. It deliberately targeted tea party and other conservative groups. Well as to,the white house involvement, that is what we are trying to find out. Those missing emails might lead us to find out. Obama doesn't have to give an order. People like Lois Lerner are in their job because the are just like Obama. They are fellow travellers. They know what he wants. He just goes out and gives some speeches about how bad the tea party people are and these people know what to do.

The IRS targeted 501©(4) for audits, which IMO, is a good thing. That is what they are supposed to do.

The fact that more conservative organizations file for 501©(4) status than liberal organizations is incidental. Liberal 501©(4)'s were also audited.

Besides, what harm was done to these organizations? Were any denied their 501© status?

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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the IRS screwed up? And what did the WH have to do with it?

Answer the question.

So in your world it's OK for the IRS to target political opponents of the president.

It's OK for the IRS to audit any 501©(4) organization.

I do agree that it is wrong to use a political-based criteria to choose which of these organizations are audited.

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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Bush was trying to stack the US Attorney corp with political hacks-- grossly politicizing what and who gets prosecuted. This was a far greater threat to freedom and the rights of individual citizens than scrutinizing whether an obvious political group should be awarded the fictitious status of being non political to avoid paying taxes.

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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the IRS screwed up? And what did the WH have to do with it?

Answer the question.

So in your world it's OK for the IRS to target political opponents of the president.

It's OK for the IRS to audit any 501©(4) organization.

I do agree that it is wrong to use a political-based criteria to choose which of these organizations are audited.

In coordination with and at the request of the White House and other democrats? Keep spinning fool. No one with half a brain believes it was normal every day business or that it was just an innocent mistake that the e-mails were lost. Dang it wasn't long ago your Dear Leader was saying it was just an isolated incident of one agent at one office.
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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Bush was trying to stack the US Attorney corp with political hacks-- grossly politicizing what and who gets prosecuted. This was a far greater threat to freedom and the rights of individual citizens than scrutinizing whether an obvious political group should be awarded the fictitious status of being non political to avoid paying taxes.

Oh so that was bad then but good now. I see how that works for you guys.
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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Bush was trying to stack the US Attorney corp with political hacks-- grossly politicizing what and who gets prosecuted. This was a far greater threat to freedom and the rights of individual citizens than scrutinizing whether an obvious political group should be awarded the fictitious status of being non political to avoid paying taxes.

Oh so that was bad then but good now. I see how that works for you guys.

Who's doing it now?

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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the IRS screwed up? And what did the WH have to do with it?

Answer the question.

The IRS didn't screw up. It deliberately targeted tea party and other conservative groups. Well as to,the white house involvement, that is what we are trying to find out. Those missing emails might lead us to find out. Obama doesn't have to give an order. People like Lois Lerner are in their job because the are just like Obama. They are fellow travellers. They know what he wants. He just goes out and gives some speeches about how bad the tea party people are and these people know what to do.

The IRS targeted 501©(4) for audits, which IMO, is a good thing. That is what they are supposed to do.

The fact that more conservative organizations file for 501©(4) status than liberal organizations is incidental. Liberal 501©(4)'s were also audited.

Besides, what harm was done to these organizations? Were any denied their 501© status?

there are many who are still waiting for that. It was not incidental. They were targeted and their aplications being held up and delayed purposely simply because they were conservative.
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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Bush was trying to stack the US Attorney corp with political hacks-- grossly politicizing what and who gets prosecuted. This was a far greater threat to freedom and the rights of individual citizens than scrutinizing whether an obvious political group should be awarded the fictitious status of being non political to avoid paying taxes.

You conveniently forget Clinton coming in and firing every one of U.S. attorneys right off the bat. Nobody raised a stink about that. You think he didn't put in his kind of people?
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TexasToger - that's laughably rich as it is false. All presidents stack the system to their favor , politically. What Obama & Lois did was flatly illegal @ a Constitutional level.

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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the IRS screwed up? And what did the WH have to do with it?

Answer the question.

The IRS didn't screw up. It deliberately targeted tea party and other conservative groups. Well as to,the white house involvement, that is what we are trying to find out. Those missing emails might lead us to find out. Obama doesn't have to give an order. People like Lois Lerner are in their job because the are just like Obama. They are fellow travellers. They know what he wants. He just goes out and gives some speeches about how bad the tea party people are and these people know what to do.

The IRS targeted 501©(4) for audits, which IMO, is a good thing. That is what they are supposed to do.

The fact that more conservative organizations file for 501©(4) status than liberal organizations is incidental. Liberal 501©(4)'s were also audited.

Besides, what harm was done to these organizations? Were any denied their 501© status?

there are many who are still waiting for that. It was not incidental. They were targeted and their aplications being held up and delayed purposely simply because they were conservative.

That's your opinion. None of the investigations that have been done indicated that.

Whose application was "held up" and what damage did that cause?

And no 501(4)© organizations has the "right" to claim such a tax-exempt status without being audited and approved.

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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the IRS screwed up? And what did the WH have to do with it?

Answer the question.

So in your world it's OK for the IRS to target political opponents of the president.

It's OK for the IRS to audit any 501©(4) organization.

I do agree that it is wrong to use a political-based criteria to choose which of these organizations are audited.

In coordination with and at the request of the White House and other democrats? Keep spinning fool. No one with half a brain believes it was normal every day business or that it was just an innocent mistake that the e-mails were lost. Dang it wasn't long ago your Dear Leader was saying it was just an isolated incident of one agent at one office.

You are making that up. There is no evidence that happened.

And nice insult. Be sure to remember that next time we discuss incivility and who is most guilty. ;)

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Right AURaptor.....he also ignores that Perino admitted the WH "screwed up" and things were corrected. This WH screws up every day and blames someone else or ignores the facts, as do the blind mice who defend them.

Oh, so if Carny admits a screw up , all is forgiven?

Whose RIGHTS were violated when the Bush WH 'screwed up' ?

Answer the question

Bush was trying to stack the US Attorney corp with political hacks-- grossly politicizing what and who gets prosecuted. This was a far greater threat to freedom and the rights of individual citizens than scrutinizing whether an obvious political group should be awarded the fictitious status of being non political to avoid paying taxes.

Oh so that was bad then but good now. I see how that works for you guys.

Who's doing it now?

Are you implying Mr Obama's DOJ has not put politics first in choosing who and what to prosecute? Are you implying this administration abides by the laws of the land? If that's what you are saying, it says a lot about your nonpartisan and moral beliefs. I thought more of you than that.
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