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India declares Greenpeace a threat

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Use to agree with Greenpeace. Then they got too radical.

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What was that about India and activism ???

The British government announced Tuesday that it will install a statue of Indian independence icon Mahatma Gandhi opposite Parliament alongside statues of other pioneering statesmen, including Nelson Mandela and Abraham Lincoln. The statue is scheduled to be unveiled next spring to mark the centennial of Gandhi's return to India from South Africa, where the then-young lawyer had begun cultivating his ideas about self-rule and civil disobedience.

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An Intelligence Bureau report on foreign-funded NGOs “negatively impacting economic development” in India has called Greenpeace “a threat to national economic security”, citing activities ranging from protests against nuclear and coal plants and funding of “sympathetic” research, to allegedly helping out an Aam Aadmi Party candidate in the recent Lok Sabha elections.

This is why the AGW movement to strap carbon taxes on emerging nations will fail. They want to advance themselves, cheaply, for the benefit of their citizens.

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