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Obama leads the real 'War On Women'


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I've seen some hopeful signs that people are slowly beginning to realize what a load of fertilizer they have been sold.

Yeah, that townhall site is a great example of people lapping up BS.

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I've seen some hopeful signs that people are slowly beginning to realize what a load of fertilizer they have been sold.

Yeah, that townhall site is a great example of people lapping up BS.

You are the expert in such things. Still doesn't change the point that democrats have sold women and blacks a giant heaping load of it through the years.
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I've seen some hopeful signs that people are slowly beginning to realize what a load of fertilizer they have been sold.

Yeah, that townhall site is a great example of people lapping up BS.

You are the expert in such things. Still doesn't change the point that democrats have sold women and blacks a giant heaping load of it through the years.

Yeah, if women had any sense and listened to Republicans, they'd realize their place is in the home and be happy about it.

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I've seen some hopeful signs that people are slowly beginning to realize what a load of fertilizer they have been sold.

Yeah, that townhall site is a great example of people lapping up BS.

You are the expert in such things. Still doesn't change the point that democrats have sold women and blacks a giant heaping load of it through the years.

Yeah, if women had any sense and listened to Republicans, they'd realize their place is in the home and be happy about it.

Nah. What we would do is give them the choice. And a choice that doesn't involve an innocent unborn baby dying.
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I've seen some hopeful signs that people are slowly beginning to realize what a load of fertilizer they have been sold.

Yeah, that townhall site is a great example of people lapping up BS.

You are the expert in such things. Still doesn't change the point that democrats have sold women and blacks a giant heaping load of it through the years.

Yeah, if women had any sense and listened to Republicans, they'd realize their place is in the home and be happy about it.

Wow, that is one of the most offensive statements against women I have ever read.
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So homer, Do you agree with Obama on this statement:

"Sometimes, someone, usually mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as a result. That’s not a choice we want Americans to make.”

What we as a country should do is just raise the minimum wage on motherhood! Right?

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I've seen some hopeful signs that people are slowly beginning to realize what a load of fertilizer they have been sold.

Yeah, that townhall site is a great example of people lapping up BS.

You are the expert in such things. Still doesn't change the point that democrats have sold women and blacks a giant heaping load of it through the years.

Yeah, if women had any sense and listened to Republicans, they'd realize their place is in the home and be happy about it.

Nah. What we would do is give them the choice. And a choice that doesn't involve an innocent unborn baby dying.

Neither choice is yours to "give" them. That mindset is part of the problem.

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So homer, Do you agree with Obama on this statement:

"Sometimes, someone, usually mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as a result. That’s not a choice we want Americans to make.”

What we as a country should do is just raise the minimum wage on motherhood! Right?

I agree that a woman should not have to leave the workplace because of a lack of childcare. If that woman happens to be single, what does that do to her prospects?

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I've seen some hopeful signs that people are slowly beginning to realize what a load of fertilizer they have been sold.

Yeah, that townhall site is a great example of people lapping up BS.

You are the expert in such things. Still doesn't change the point that democrats have sold women and blacks a giant heaping load of it through the years.

Yeah, if women had any sense and listened to Republicans, they'd realize their place is in the home and be happy about it.

Wow, that is one of the most offensive statements against women I have ever read.


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I've seen some hopeful signs that people are slowly beginning to realize what a load of fertilizer they have been sold.

Yeah, that townhall site is a great example of people lapping up BS.

You are the expert in such things. Still doesn't change the point that democrats have sold women and blacks a giant heaping load of it through the years.

Yeah, if women had any sense and listened to Republicans, they'd realize their place is in the home and be happy about it.

Wow, that is one of the most offensive statements against women I have ever read.


Rather obvious I thought.

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So homer, Do you agree with Obama on this statement:

"Sometimes, someone, usually mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as a result. That’s not a choice we want Americans to make.”

What we as a country should do is just raise the minimum wage on motherhood! Right?

I 100% agree with his statement.

My mother is a CPA, my aunt a lawyer, and my sister a practicing psychologist and they had this complaint before Obama ever stepped in office, and they all had multiple children. Fact of the matter is in those careers if you step outside for years at a time then you lose valuable experience, that puts you at a disadvantage in advancement/promotion/competition and yes.. you do receive lower earnings as a result of that. They will all tell you finding quality daycare, that they believe to be safe, and provides a environment that is beneficial to development is difficult. Then those that do offer all that are extremely expensive, and they do have wait lists. Fact the wait lists near my sister for suitable daycare were long, travel to others made them inconvenient, so they just hired someone to come to their home.

And like it or not, in today's America dual incomes are very important. Women are making more than men, yet the stigma of male must be bread winner still exists, thus usually it is the female that will suck it up and step outside of the workplace for the child so not to bruise the males ego.

My mother use to piss my father off when he was a office manager. Cause he would complain about women having to leave work for child related stuff, she told him when men started giving a damn about their children during business hours then he wouldn't have that issue. As while they both were professionals, in careers.. guess who always took kids to the doctor, stayed home if they were sick, went to the school if a issue came up etc?

Also, cause I'm sure it will get played in here somewhere. Many of these mothers are not single mothers by choice. They sacrificed their careers to raise children, and husband hits a crises and those vows of marriage don't mean as much to him anymore. So you have alot of 30 something year old divorced women in the US with children. Course the children are usually given to the mother, due to the fact that the child didn't matter to the husband during business hours, so mother took care of 80% of the child's needs. Now they as a single mother they have to continue for the child, as well as restart a career. Yes, I'm talking about the ones that have bachelors and masters hanging on their walls.

So yes. I think ways of incorporating childcare into our society should be done so that women do not have to sacrifice their careers, I think that males should play a greater role in their children's life during business hours, the concept that the only choice a woman has to make is to leave her career is not one that Americans should have to make.

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Liberals despise and will denigrate the stay at home mom at any chance they get. I remember how they talked about Ann Romney in that manner.

Problem with her is you had a woman that has a millionaire husband, that has never had a job earning a paycheck, that was trying to say she could relate to modern American women economically. I know liberal and conservative women that were both like, right...you know what I'm going through.

My mother voted for Romney actually, she has nothing against stay at home mothers and did it herself at times, she doesn't like nor believes that a woman like Ann Romney can identify with her though. Course my mom's first job was picking cotton by hand. That is what Ann claimed she was doing if I remember right, being the eyes, ears and advisor of working families to her husband from the female perspective.

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Liberals despise and will denigrate the stay at home mom at any chance they get. I remember how they talked about Ann Romney in that manner.

:-\ Seriously?

Yes seriously. Have you ever heard any feminist talk positively about stay at home moms? I haven't
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I see retiring democrat Tom Harken has taken it upon himself to carry forward the real war on women with his sexist comments about Joni Ernst. These people are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

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I see retiring democrat Tom Harken has taken it upon himself to carry forward the real war on women with his sexist comments about Joni Ernst. These people are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

You beat me to it. Add it to a long list of such things. The feminists all took up for Bubba and absolutely trashed Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and all the others. These are supposed to be the defenders of women but they will stay silent when it is a liberal doing or saying things like this.
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Liberals despise and will denigrate the stay at home mom at any chance they get. I remember how they talked about Ann Romney in that manner.

:-\ Seriously?

Yes seriously. Have you ever heard any feminist talk positively about stay at home moms? I haven't

That's an absurdly narrow paradigm of what feminism is.

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I see retiring democrat Tom Harken has taken it upon himself to carry forward the real war on women with his sexist comments about Joni Ernst. These people are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

You beat me to it. Add it to a long list of such things. The feminists all took up for Bubba and absolutely trashed Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and all the others. These are supposed to be the defenders of women but they will stay silent when it is a liberal doing or saying things like this.

They have to be hypocrites and lie because what else will they run on? They have the benefit of having mostly the dumbest SOB's on the planet voting for them.
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