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I know that the title can be read in more than one way but I put a lot, if not all, of this loss on our offensive play calling. Sure we gave up 55 points but we also kicked 4 field goals when we had 1st and goal inside their 10 yard line.

I thought some of the play calling on the first few field goals was just awful and then the way Gus handled the timeout at the end of the first half was just embarrassing. We should have had at least two shots at the endzone there but instead we ran one running play that ate up over 20 seconds.

We scored a lot of points tonight but we left a lot on the field and in situations where we could have really broken the game open. Ugh.

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Yes, bet a couple stops would have also made a difference.

Line strength on both sides. We have so many DTs getting whipped on so many plays. OL can't drive on run block inside 10 and 5.

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The yardage doesn't matter at all when, in 4 possessions, 5-7 more yards would mean 4 more points. A team could have 1,000 yards of offense but kick field goals on every drive and still lose.

It's unacceptable that we gave up 55 points. That's obvious. But it should also be obvious that we really hurt ourselves when we had three consecutive drives completely stall when we got to about the 8. And the three at the end of the first half was nice but we didn't even give ourselves a chance to get 7 when we should have easily been able to do so.

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I know that the title can be read in more than one way but I put a lot, if not all, of this loss on our offensive play calling. Sure we gave up 55 points but we also kicked 4 field goals when we had 1st and goal inside their 10 yard line.

I thought some of the play calling on the first few field goals was just awful and then the way Gus handled the timeout at the end of the first half was just embarrassing. We should have had at least two shots at the endzone there but instead we ran one running play that ate up over 20 seconds.

We scored a lot of points tonight but we left a lot on the field and in situations where we could have really broken the game open. Ugh.

Gus is aware of his offense's shortcomings in clock management and play calling, has said as much, and has been actively working on these issues. In the meantime, his team is putting up enough points to win most games. These things can be improved and he's working to be better and do better.

The defense, however, is something completely different. The DC can't articulate what's actually wrong and has no idea how to fix anything. It's just a burning meth lab full of stupid people.

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Guest jojo1515

we had 600 yards and 44 points. That should never lose a game. ever


The OP is an idiot if he thinks 44 points in the IB is not good enough. All you morons giving the D a pass and blaming the O know zero about football and need to just stop posting as if you have any insight becausebyou are obviously oblivious to actual facts

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While I'll agree that the missed field goals came back to haunt us, three of those field goals were the result of three dropped touchdown passes. 2 by Coates and 1 by Duke. Yes, the end of the half play calling was horrible! We had 2-3 plays if you use the timeout correctly. That would have made it 37-21 after the interception and touchdown to start the 3rd quarter. That may have broken their spirit... Who knows. But this game is solely on the defense. There is no way that we can keep playing in shootouts and expect our offense to pull it out! 44 points and 600+ in Bryant Denney should ALWAYS be enough for a victory!

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The yardage doesn't matter at all when, in 4 possessions, 5-7 more yards would mean 4 more points. A team could have 1,000 yards of offense but kick field goals on every drive and still lose.

It's unacceptable that we gave up 55 points. That's obvious. But it should also be obvious that we really hurt ourselves when we had three consecutive drives completely stall when we got to about the 8. And the three at the end of the first half was nice but we didn't even give ourselves a chance to get 7 when we should have easily been able to do so.

What you are essentially saying is that if we convert 3 of those FGs to TDs, we score 56 pts and still only win by 1 (assuming we don't give up a late FG to lose it). That's an impossible standard.

Forget the yardage. 44 points. That should always win you a ball game.

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sure, td's would have been better. but the name of the game is scoring points on offense. we did that. doesnt matter if it's td's or fg's. we scored enough to win. our defense let us down.

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I'm very critical of our defense but Gus is not infallible running our O. All season our play calling in the red zone has not been stellar. We seem to be at a loss as to what to do. With a run/pass threat like NM we should ALWAYS pressure the D with the rollout but we want to either run or stand him like as statue in the pocket. Baffling. Gus is still learning.

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I know that the title can be read in more than one way but I put a lot, if not all, of this loss on our offensive play calling. Sure we gave up 55 points but we also kicked 4 field goals when we had 1st and goal inside their 10 yard line.

I thought some of the play calling on the first few field goals was just awful and then the way Gus handled the timeout at the end of the first half was just embarrassing. We should have had at least two shots at the endzone there but instead we ran one running play that ate up over 20 seconds.

We scored a lot of points tonight but we left a lot on the field and in situations where we could have really broken the game open. Ugh.

My biggest issue was the play calling before the half. That didn't make sense at all...just letting time run. Points were too precious in this game....esp. for us knowing our defense.

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I know that the title can be read in more than one way but I put a lot, if not all, of this loss on our offensive play calling. Sure we gave up 55 points but we also kicked 4 field goals when we had 1st and goal inside their 10 yard line.

I thought some of the play calling on the first few field goals was just awful and then the way Gus handled the timeout at the end of the first half was just embarrassing. We should have had at least two shots at the endzone there but instead we ran one running play that ate up over 20 seconds.

We scored a lot of points tonight but we left a lot on the field and in situations where we could have really broken the game open. Ugh.

Ok, if we scored a td on every possession, we would have scored over 70 points on bammer in their stadium. Is that what the offense has to do against one of the elite defensive teams and defensive coaching staffs in the SEC or quite possibly the country? Their defense is all four and five stars and even the backups. We put over 600 yards on their defense. Any, I said ANY semblance of communication on defense could have at least kept the bombs that were quick scores to a long gain by containment. This defense has been confused all of the latter part of the season. That is all coaching not personell in my opinion. WE torched EJ's defenses at SC. He was 0-12 as a head coach and we hire him and pay him nearly a million dollars a year? If we had Ted Roof last year, we probably have two MNC's in the last 4 years. The first half was a great effort, but as usual, the staff did not put the players in the best position to win. Heck, I would have played a prevent defense for the 4th quarter and it would have been better than the outcome.

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we had 600 yards and 44 points. That should never lose a game. ever


The OP is an idiot if he thinks 44 points in the IB is not good enough. All you morons giving the D a pass and blaming the O know zero about football and need to just stop posting as if you have any insight becausebyou are obviously oblivious to actual facts

I didn't take it as he's laying all the blame on the offense. Could the play calling been better..sure but i mostly only had an issue how handled those 20 seconds before halftime. I don't certainly give the D a pass. We chose not to double up on Cooper...the main player killing us....why? Let someone else beat us if that was the case. I didn't expect for us to stop Cooper but my goodness he was SO wide open!

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I know that the title can be read in more than one way but I put a lot, if not all, of this loss on our offensive play calling. Sure we gave up 55 points but we also kicked 4 field goals when we had 1st and goal inside their 10 yard line.

I thought some of the play calling on the first few field goals was just awful and then the way Gus handled the timeout at the end of the first half was just embarrassing. We should have had at least two shots at the endzone there but instead we ran one running play that ate up over 20 seconds.

We scored a lot of points tonight but we left a lot on the field and in situations where we could have really broken the game open. Ugh.


Put the pipe down. The most pts Bama had allowed going into today was 23. We bettered that by 3 touchdowns and gained 630 yds. IN THEIR BUILDING.You can't score 44 pts and lose by double digits. Not ever. Not with the way we recruit. You need a lobotomy if you're putting this on the offense.

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I know that the title can be read in more than one way but I put a lot, if not all, of this loss on our offensive play calling. Sure we gave up 55 points but we also kicked 4 field goals when we had 1st and goal inside their 10 yard line.

I thought some of the play calling on the first few field goals was just awful and then the way Gus handled the timeout at the end of the first half was just embarrassing. We should have had at least two shots at the endzone there but instead we ran one running play that ate up over 20 seconds.

We scored a lot of points tonight but we left a lot on the field and in situations where we could have really broken the game open. Ugh.

My biggest issue was the play calling before the half. That didn't make sense at all...just letting time run. Points were too precious in this game....esp. for us knowing our defense.


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we had 600 yards and 44 points. That should never lose a game. ever


The OP is an idiot if he thinks 44 points in the IB is not good enough. All you morons giving the D a pass and blaming the O know zero about football and need to just stop posting as if you have any insight becausebyou are obviously oblivious to actual facts

I'm neither an idiot nor a moron, so you can take all of your insults somewhere else.

44 points was not good enough to win the Iron Bowl. That's a fact. We scored 44 and we lost.

Our defense has been pretty much horrible or non existent all season and everyone on both sides of the football knew this going into tonight's game. If we were to win tonight it was going to take near perfection from the offense. There were multiple posts on this very website that made that very comment.

I'm not saying that it should be a "standard" to score more than 44 points in a game. What I am saying is that we sorely needed to do more inside the 10 than we did. We had the opportunity to open up a very large lead and we didn't. ee could have buried them. Hell, they had their backup qb warming up on the sidelines in the third quarter.

Did our offense play really well? Yes. Could it have played better? Absolutely - and it wouldn't have taken a lot to add a good deal of points to the scoreboard. That's all I'm saying. We had some great opportunities and we let them slip. Then, our horrible defense did its thing.

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we had 600 yards and 44 points. That should never lose a game. ever


The OP is an idiot if he thinks 44 points in the IB is not good enough. All you morons giving the D a pass and blaming the O know zero about football and need to just stop posting as if you have any insight becausebyou are obviously oblivious to actual facts

I'm neither an idiot nor a moron, so you can take all of your insults somewhere else.

44 points was not good enough to win the Iron Bowl. That's a fact. We scored 44 and we lost.

Our defense has been pretty much horrible or non existent all season and everyone on both sides of the football knew this going into tonight's game. If we were to win tonight it was going to take near perfection from the offense. There were multiple posts on this very website that made that very comment.

I'm not saying that it should be a "standard" to score more than 44 points in a game. What I am saying is that we sorely needed to do more inside the 10 than we did. We had the opportunity to open up a very large lead and we didn't. ee could have buried them. Hell, they had their backup qb warming up on the sidelines in the third quarter.

Did our offense play really well? Yes. Could it have played better? Absolutely - and it wouldn't have taken a lot to add a good deal of points to the scoreboard. That's all I'm saying. We had some great opportunities and we let them slip. Then, our horrible defense did its thing.

you could have stopped there.
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Nutsburg! Criticizing the offensive coaching after that defensive collapse. COMMUNICATION is all we have heard from EJ. We need a coordinator on the field, not in a press box. We need someone with fire and drive as well as a good teacher. WE have had 12 games and 20 weeks to get beyond this debacle.

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Let's see, we had a 12 point lead, & God knows how many yards, & it's the O's fault we lost? Really, As Stan said after the game, changes were needed on D.

Never did I say it was the offenses fault we lost.

I'm calling it a night because it seems like reading comprehension goes out the window after midnight for a great many.

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This is so ridiculous... Our offense practically did play perfectly. The fact that we were even in the red zone that many times is a feat in itself.

I feel like some people would consider us going 4/4 on red zone trips for tds and only scoring 28 points would have in their minds been better than what the offense did tonight.

I don't think anyone here would say that the offense couldn't have done better, that's because there is ALWAYS room for improvement, but to make your focus on the "offense should be held responsible" argument is plain stubborn.

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Communication. Good point. Ellis is up there in the box and preaching "communication". I want that man off our campus tomorrow. He is clueless.

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