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We get it now. Everything is BUSH'S Fault!

DKW 86

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Can we move on now?

We agree with Dems now. All Evil is bush's Evil HE brought it all on US. No one is responsible for anything they do now, It is all Bush's Fault.

Hunger in the World? Blame Bush.

Tsunamis in the World? Blame Bush.

Hurricanes in the World? Blame Bush.

Any Evil in the World? Blame Bush.

Terrorists in the World? Blame Bush.

Dust Bunnies in the World? Blame Bush.

Moles on your :moon: ? Blame Bush.

There! We all feel better now.... :roflol::roflol::roflol:

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Can we move on now?

We agree with Dems now. All Evil is bush's Evil HE brought it all on US. No one is responsible for anything they do now, It is all Bush's Fault.

Hunger in the World? Blame Bush.

Tsunamis in the World? Blame Bush.

Hurricanes in the World? Blame Bush.

Any Evil in the World? Blame Bush.

Terrorists in the World? Blame Bush.

Dust Bunnies in the World? Blame Bush.

Moles on your  :moon: ? Blame Bush.

There! We all feel better now.... :roflol:   :roflol:   :roflol:


Nobody has made any of those arguments except for the voices in your head. Your greatest arguments seem to be with your imaginary enemies. Your imaginary friends do take some extreme positions, which, I guess, makes them easier to argue against.

For you, there is rarely anything that Bush might be realistically and fairly criticized for. There is such a thing as fair criticism , but one wouldn't know that from reading what most on the right (there are few true conservatives anymore) on this board write. I suspect that you had no problem holding the last President responsible for things on a regular basis. In fact, you still find more fault with him as a private citizen than you do for the chief elected official in our country. You criticize Kerry for purely personal things, e.g. repeatedly call him a gigolo because his wife is rich, but squawk when anyone dares to question Bush's actual performace as our President whom we pay to do a job. He's our employee. If he thinks he handled this appropriately, then he can make that case. He's a big boy. He can tell us what we weren't aware of or didn't think about if we dared to suggest something else should have been done.

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Kerry played too much Monday Morning Quarterback. He spent too much time criticizing Bush, and that's something I can do.

Did anyone from Alabama here about the Congressman coming from up north to Greenville? He openly talked about how we were willing to overlook our financial well being for something along the line of moral values.

The Greenville people are letting it be known that they are not ignorant or brainwashed or in this case.. BUSHWASHED.

Last I heard most parts of Alabama are doing ok. We had $150 million surplus in our educational budget. We have Handai plants or tier 1 &2 supplies from one end of the state to the other end.

Yes, I'm aware that Alabama is not the only state in the Union, but I don't remember Alabama really capitalizing on the economic boom with Clinton.

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Kerry played too much Monday Morning Quarterback. He spent too much time criticizing Bush, and that's something I can do.

Did anyone from Alabama here about the Congressman coming from up north to Greenville? He openly talked about how we were willing to overlook our financial well being for something along the line of moral values.

The Greenville people are letting it be known that they are not ignorant or brainwashed or in this case.. BUSHWASHED.

Last I heard most parts of Alabama are doing ok. We had $150 million surplus in our educational budget. We have Handai plants or tier 1 &2 supplies from one end of the state to the other end.

Yes, I'm aware that Alabama is not the only state in the Union, but I don't remember Alabama really capitalizing on the economic boom with Clinton.


The Hyundai plant followed a trend started by Mercedes and was well under way before Bush. I don't know that Clinton or Bush can take much credit there:

Subsequent meetings revealed that the company was planning a plant that would create 2000 jobs and cost $1bn to build. So, in November 2001, the governor of Alabama and a team of government officials visited Korea to make a presentation.

By December 2001, Hyundai had narrowed the short list down to six sites in four states – Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky and Ohio – and asked each state to put together their best possible incentive package.

If you're not careful, you may wind up crediting the previous Dem Governor.

Kerry played too much Monday Morning Quarterback. He spent too much time criticizing Bush, and that's something I can do.

Best to not let someone catch you doing it. Folks don't take to kindly to giving the leader of the country a job evaluation, even after 4 years when its due.

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When you run for re-election you have to defend your record to win again

Bush, Clinton, Reagan, heck, even Nixon

Criticism doesn't win an election

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Before the debates we already knew that under Bush gas prices were high, jobs were being lost, health care was up, and that Cheney's daughter was lesbian

We all knew that Kerry voted to increase taxes, fought in Vietnam, and was accused of being a flip flopper

The only thing I didn't know was that we have more than one internet "internets", and that Bush owns a timber company :big:

Also that John Kerry hunts :blink:

Kerry didn't talk enough about fixing the problem, but talking about who to blame for the problems the problems

He jumped on the memos story too quickly

On a side note... local governments don't help the cause by raising local taxes.

Montgomery has a 10% tax, wanted a property tax, tried to pass an illegal occupational tax, Bob Riley tried to pass Amendment 1, but it failed miserably. Ohter than that, I feel Riley is at least a better fit than Sigleman. Mr ED Richardson said that schools would close because there wouldn't be enough money. Football wouldn't be played, teachers would lose their jobs.

But don't worry Ed, they wouldn't touch your $175,000 salary. They would rather take away the $35,000 job of a teacher of a family of 4.

but somehow money was available to build a riverfront baseball stadium :blink:

Congress can give theirselves a raise, when the country is in a buget deficit crisis :angry:

Clinton had 8 years to import drugs from Canada, but Bush only has 4 :angry:

Bush was talking out of both sides of his mouth about the flu vaccine. He wants to make sure the drugs are safe coming from Canada, but we were importing flu vaccine from Britain :blink: Which in turn proves why we need to be careful.

Besides Canada is running low on drugs, they're having to go to other countries to meet their demand

Our drugs are to high. I think we have enough male enhancement drugs :big:

Ted Kennedy 08 :thumbsdown:

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The only thing I didn't know was that ... Bush owns a timber company :big:


Don't feel bad. Bush didn't know it either. :D

Did you know Kerry windsurfed? :big:

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Fixing problems? Who wants to do that? Just hurl more blame at the first Conservative you see. Who cares if you are right? No one!

The only thing that matters in Jerry Springer's America is to be the first one to hurl blame, whether it is warranted or not. Actually having any plan to fix the problems is never figured in the mix. Hell, the majority of folks complaining have never spent one brain cell to actually fix a problem.

No way! Just rely on the same failed policies we have tried for the last 30-40 years.

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Can we move on now?

We agree with Dems now. All Evil is bush's Evil HE brought it all on US. No one is responsible for anything they do now, It is all Bush's Fault.

Hunger in the World? Blame Bush.

Tsunamis in the World? Blame Bush.

Hurricanes in the World? Blame Bush.

Any Evil in the World? Blame Bush.

Terrorists in the World? Blame Bush.

Dust Bunnies in the World? Blame Bush.

Moles on your  :moon: ? Blame Bush.

There! We all feel better now.... :roflol:   :roflol:   :roflol:


Nobody has made any of those arguments except for the voices in your head. Your greatest arguments seem to be with your imaginary enemies. Your imaginary friends do take some extreme positions, which, I guess, makes them easier to argue against.

For you, there is rarely anything that Bush might be realistically and fairly criticized for. There is such a thing as fair criticism , but one wouldn't know that from reading what most on the right (there are few true conservatives anymore) on this board write. I suspect that you had no problem holding the last President responsible for things on a regular basis. In fact, you still find more fault with him as a private citizen than you do for the chief elected official in our country. You criticize Kerry for purely personal things, e.g. repeatedly call him a gigolo because his wife is rich, but squawk when anyone dares to question Bush's actual performace as our President whom we pay to do a job. He's our employee. If he thinks he handled this appropriately, then he can make that case. He's a big boy. He can tell us what we weren't aware of or didn't think about if we dared to suggest something else should have been done.


Tex, We have gone over this and over this my friend. You are the one that cannot ever admit to one thing the Dems/Libs have ever done wrong. The Abortion debate was a classic. We have a problem: Liberal answer...DO NOTHING. Same answer now for 30+ years...

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Can we move on now?

We agree with Dems now. All Evil is bush's Evil HE brought it all on US. No one is responsible for anything they do now, It is all Bush's Fault.

Hunger in the World? Blame Bush.

Tsunamis in the World? Blame Bush.

Hurricanes in the World? Blame Bush.

Any Evil in the World? Blame Bush.

Terrorists in the World? Blame Bush.

Dust Bunnies in the World? Blame Bush.

Moles on your  :moon: ? Blame Bush.

There! We all feel better now.... :roflol:   :roflol:   :roflol:


Nobody has made any of those arguments except for the voices in your head. Your greatest arguments seem to be with your imaginary enemies. Your imaginary friends do take some extreme positions, which, I guess, makes them easier to argue against.

For you, there is rarely anything that Bush might be realistically and fairly criticized for. There is such a thing as fair criticism , but one wouldn't know that from reading what most on the right (there are few true conservatives anymore) on this board write. I suspect that you had no problem holding the last President responsible for things on a regular basis. In fact, you still find more fault with him as a private citizen than you do for the chief elected official in our country. You criticize Kerry for purely personal things, e.g. repeatedly call him a gigolo because his wife is rich, but squawk when anyone dares to question Bush's actual performace as our President whom we pay to do a job. He's our employee. If he thinks he handled this appropriately, then he can make that case. He's a big boy. He can tell us what we weren't aware of or didn't think about if we dared to suggest something else should have been done.


Tex, We have gone over this and over this my friend. You are the one that cannot ever admit to one thing the Dems/Libs have ever done wrong. The Abortion debate was a classic. We have a problem: Liberal answer...DO NOTHING. Same answer now for 30+ years...


This is classic. You arrive at an erroneous, illogical place, repeat it over and over, and claim we've established your point through vigorous discussion. There are two postions. Yours and whatever you say the "Liberal" position is. Life is more complicated than that, my friend. Over and out and on to New Orleans.

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There are some issues where there is not a gray area unless you imagine one. Kerry took the "Gray area" thing to a new level. He sees the whole world as grey. Some is a grey area. Euthanasia is a grey area. Abortion, killing the unborn because you are too lazy to go get up off your rear end and get birth control is not. If the Mother's life is ACTUALLY an issue, let her save herself. No one with an active brain cell says otherwise. But Abortion on demand, for no other reason but convenience, is just immoral and wrong!

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I hope abortions are never performed with the aid of our tax dollars

Sure glad partial birth abortions are not allowed, but I wonder what Kerry thought about this?

Kerry should run again, but I don't think he'd make it past the primaries because Bush isn't running.(no one for him to talk bad about)

And yes you are allowed to criticize the pres, but you can't win on criticism

Besides now Hilary won't have to wait 8 years to run.

Gosh I hope she doesn't win.

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