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***Auburn vs. Mississippi State Game Thread***


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We just can't get going. This season just refuses to throw us a bone. Frustrating. Even the time out by Mullen.

Yup. Every ball bounces straight up into the arms of the other team. Literally and figuratively.

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How are we only down 14

How is it not 14-14!!! Coaching!

Just remember it was 2 weeks ago that you said you'd support GusBus as long as he was still our coach.

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stupid mistakes and penalties. White is doing okay with 8 out of 9 completions with the one missed an interception. running game is doing much better. Time of possession working for us. but damn, idiotic mistakes cost us 14 points. we would be walking into the half tied up.

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Auburn hasn't played a good game by any means since about this week 1 year ago

And even then it's because we played a true freaking freshman and Anthony freaking Jennings

2013 Alabama is honestly the last time we really beat a good team (I don't count snapping ACLs) without looking bad doing it

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Our running backs are looking solid. I'm pleased with run blocking. I don't know that QB play is any better...turnover issues are still there. While I thought JJ was lost, I question whether we would be better if we used him like Nick instead of as a pocket passer.

D is getting better as the game goes on. I think the bad snap/missed FG was tragic, but we can force a 3 and out and get back on track in the 2nd half.

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I don't think this team wins another game this year. Including SJSU and Idaho. It's that bad and this team is horrible.

Idaho is turrible. We'll win those games. We need 2 of 3 with arky, UK, and Miss St. Those are the three easiest games we have in conference. we do this and we can have 6 wins.
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I'm not sure i understsnd what is happening. It's more than poor play by one or teo plsyers. This looks like a hs team playing with the big boys. Sorry Gus but you and Rhett are cslling a bad game. I dont see much genius. As for the defense, i know WM is a good coach. Secondary is young but talented. More disappointed in dline but poor recruiting and poor coaching is yo blame there. This is just bad

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Oh yeah. Let's not forget our "HUGE" new video board. The 2nd biggest behind the one at Jerry land.

Just my opinion. After this season, we need a new OL coach, DL coach, OC/QB coach and a new TE/Special Teams coach.

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I am so freakin mad at our idiot AD giving Gus a huge contract after one year- HE LEARNED NOTHING FROM CHIZIK!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. FINALLY someone who recognizes the problem!

Edit: I don't think Gus should be fired...not yet, at least.

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This game should be 14-14. Two red zone trips and two pathetic showings. A rookie mistake of an INT, and a boneheaded snap over the head on 3rd and goal...followed up by a Carlson 26 yard FG shank.

This is comical. We needed a TD there going in to half time.

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I will admit to being a self proclaimed, supporter and defender of our head coach Gus.

With that said, there is little to no excuse to five straight top ten recruiting classes, where most of the players qualified and are on the team, playing this bad!!

Coaching is to blame! I hate it, but it is what it is!

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Proud of the team so far. Ya its 14-0 but we look like a team. Had some miscues just have to keep playing hard. The fan in stadium look like crap wish we would pump em up a little there is some young guys playing.

Let's get going

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