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New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio working on 'CP' time.


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Wow !! Talk about disconnected from reality !

SKIT hits the fan !

Hillary Clinton, NYC Mayor De Blasio draw criticism over racially-tinged joke at charity dinner

De Blasio responded, "Sorry, Hillary. I was running on C.P. time." ( That's 'COLORED PEOPLE' TIME, for those of you who don't know. Lord knows, the PC MSM won't dare go there , you know, with the TRUTH ) The phrase, popular in pop culture, is a reference to the stereotype that African-Americans are typically late for appointments.

Broadway actor Leslie Odom Jr., who was also on stage with Clinton and De Blasio and appeared to be in on the joke, said, "That's not - I don't like jokes about that, Bill."

Clinton then turned to Odom and delivered the punch line, "Cautious Politician Time. I've been there."

The exchange takes place at the 8:30 mark of this video, posted on the NYC Mayor's Office YouTube channel.


Imagine Cruz or Kasich trying to pull off a some similar type stunt. ( Trump is his own circus, so I won't bother w/ him )

Hell, ANY conservative trying to crack jokes concerning minorities or use of anything close to a race related ( not even racist ) comment would probably cause riots.

But hey, Hillary ? it's all good !

I'm surprised she didn't break out in her fake black dialect , as she's done several times in the past.

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I think this is where Homey comes in and infers you're making this up. :dunno:

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Black people refer to "colored people" time. But usually it was in conjunction with the idea that church services at many (most?) black churches don't start right on time and they last as long as they last. They aren't clock watchers on that stuff. The times I heard it used it was a bit of a dig at uptight white people expecting everything to start and finish on some precise schedule.

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I think this is where Homey comes in and infers you're making this up. :dunno:/>

Or tries to change the subject entirely & pretend it did t happen

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