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Bush republicanism dead and gone

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"The two living Republican past presidents, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, have no plans to endorse Trump, according to their spokesmen."

Graceless, yes, but not unexpected. The Bushes have many fine qualities. Losing well, however, is not one of them.

And they have to know, whether they concede it or not, that Trump's triumph is a sweeping repudiation of Bush Republicanism by the same party that nominated them four times for the presidency.

Not only was son and brother, Jeb, humiliated and chased out of the race early, but Trump won his nomination by denouncing as rotten to the core the primary fruits of signature Bush policies......

What the Trump campaign revealed, as Republicans and even Democrats moved toward him on trade, immigration and foreign policy, is that Bush Republicanism and neoconservatism not only suffered a decisive defeat, they had a sword run right through them.

They are as dead as emperor-worship in Japan.

Trump won the nomination, he won the argument, and he won the debate. The party is now with Trump -- on the issues. For GOP elites, there can be no going back to what the grass roots rejected.


Jeb spent over $100 million dollas and won 4 delegates yet if he was the candidate the "never Trumpers" would be all in.

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Now if we can bury the g d Clinton legacy too ...

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Thankfully the Bush family should be done, however several neocons remain. Until we get rid of the Clinton, Obama, McCain, Paul Ryan, Rice, etc......

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Trump doesn't need it. Can't say I blame the Bush clan. Their feewings is hurt. As long as they don't back hill-dog, I can live with it.

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I wouldn't endorse the idiot blaming my family for 9/11 either.


I don't think anyone really cares for an endorsement from the Bush clan. They all should have run as democrats as they have made their fondness of the Clintons quite obvious and all their policy initiatives much more closely resemble those from the left like no child left behind which is arguably the worst piece of legislation that I'm even aware of. In fact, I'm expecting and actually hoping for a Hillary endorsement from them. At least that would be far more genuine.

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I wouldn't endorse the idiot blaming my family for 9/11 either.


I don't think anyone really cares for an endorsement from the Bush clan.

You care enough to criticize them for not giving it.

They all should have run as democrats as they have made their fondness of the Clintons quite obvious and all their policy initiatives much more closely resemble those from the left like no child left behind which is arguably the worst piece of legislation that I'm even aware of. In fact, I'm expecting and actually hoping for a Hillary endorsement from them. At least that would be far more genuine.

Utter bull****. You should start a nursery.

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I wouldn't endorse the idiot blaming my family for 9/11 either.


I don't think anyone really cares for an endorsement from the Bush clan.

You care enough to criticize them for not giving it.

They all should have run as democrats as they have made their fondness of the Clintons quite obvious and all their policy initiatives much more closely resemble those from the left like no child left behind which is arguably the worst piece of legislation that I'm even aware of. In fact, I'm expecting and actually hoping for a Hillary endorsement from them. At least that would be far more genuine.

Utter bull****. You should start a nursery.

Wheres my criticism for not giving it? I said I expected a Hillary endorsement from those liberal losers.

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I wouldn't endorse the idiot blaming my family for 9/11 either.


I don't think anyone really cares for an endorsement from the Bush clan.

You care enough to criticize them for not giving it.

They all should have run as democrats as they have made their fondness of the Clintons quite obvious and all their policy initiatives much more closely resemble those from the left like no child left behind which is arguably the worst piece of legislation that I'm even aware of. In fact, I'm expecting and actually hoping for a Hillary endorsement from them. At least that would be far more genuine.

Utter bull****. You should start a nursery.

Wheres my criticism for not giving it? I said I expected a Hillary endorsement from those liberal losers.

Well, saying you expect them to endorse Hillary and calling them liberal losers is one. This from your original post is what I was referring to:

Graceless, yes, but not unexpected. The Bushes have many fine qualities. Losing well, however, is not one of them.

It's obvious it bugs you. You cared enough to come here and throw shade at them for it. It's ok, but don't act like you don't care.

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I wouldn't endorse the idiot blaming my family for 9/11 either.


I don't think anyone really cares for an endorsement from the Bush clan.

You care enough to criticize them for not giving it.

They all should have run as democrats as they have made their fondness of the Clintons quite obvious and all their policy initiatives much more closely resemble those from the left like no child left behind which is arguably the worst piece of legislation that I'm even aware of. In fact, I'm expecting and actually hoping for a Hillary endorsement from them. At least that would be far more genuine.

Utter bull****. You should start a nursery.

Wheres my criticism for not giving it? I said I expected a Hillary endorsement from those liberal losers.

Well, saying you expect them to endorse Hillary and calling them liberal losers is one. This from your original post is what I was referring to:

Graceless, yes, but not unexpected. The Bushes have many fine qualities. Losing well, however, is not one of them.

It's obvious it bugs you. You cared enough to come here and throw shade at them for it. It's ok, but don't act like you don't care.

Hey genius I didn't write that, Pat Buchanan did. Are you losing your mind? On another note how you feel about yaboy Marco quietly soliciting the Trump crowd to be named his running mate? Kinda flies in the face of your love affair with him, no? And, BTW, calling out your ideal ticket for being made up of a pro amnesty guy and a guy who should've run as democrat is not pure nonsense, bud. Rubio cosponsored the Gang of 8 Amnesty Bill that didn't pass because of the overwhelming grass roots disapproval and even Kasich himself said he probably should have run as a democrat. You seem awfully angry these days - its really been entertaining to watch.

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I wouldn't endorse the idiot blaming my family for 9/11 either.


I don't think anyone really cares for an endorsement from the Bush clan.

You care enough to criticize them for not giving it.

They all should have run as democrats as they have made their fondness of the Clintons quite obvious and all their policy initiatives much more closely resemble those from the left like no child left behind which is arguably the worst piece of legislation that I'm even aware of. In fact, I'm expecting and actually hoping for a Hillary endorsement from them. At least that would be far more genuine.

Utter bull****. You should start a nursery.

Wheres my criticism for not giving it? I said I expected a Hillary endorsement from those liberal losers.

Well, saying you expect them to endorse Hillary and calling them liberal losers is one. This from your original post is what I was referring to:

Graceless, yes, but not unexpected. The Bushes have many fine qualities. Losing well, however, is not one of them.

It's obvious it bugs you. You cared enough to come here and throw shade at them for it. It's ok, but don't act like you don't care.

Hey genius I didn't write that, Pat Buchanan did.

But YOU are the one that thought it worth of posting here.

And you proved that you basically agree with it in the things you posted since.

On another note how you feel about yaboy Marco quietly soliciting the Trump crowd to be named his running mate? Kinda flies in the face of your love affair with him, no? And, BTW, calling out your ideal ticket for being made up of a pro amnesty guy and a guy who should've run as democrat is not pure nonsense, bud. Rubio cosponsored the Gang of 8 Amnesty Bill that didn't pass because of the overwhelming grass roots disapproval and even Kasich himself said he probably should have run as a democrat. You seem awfully angry these days - its really been entertaining to watch.

You're so dense, you haven't even noticed that I already ripped you a new butthole in the other thread for this brainless and fact-free line of attack on me.

If you're gonna come at me, you better have your facts in order. Otherwise you just continue to look like the low-watt bulb everyone takes you for.

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I wouldn't endorse the idiot blaming my family for 9/11 either.


I don't think anyone really cares for an endorsement from the Bush clan.

You care enough to criticize them for not giving it.

They all should have run as democrats as they have made their fondness of the Clintons quite obvious and all their policy initiatives much more closely resemble those from the left like no child left behind which is arguably the worst piece of legislation that I'm even aware of. In fact, I'm expecting and actually hoping for a Hillary endorsement from them. At least that would be far more genuine.

Utter bull****. You should start a nursery.

Wheres my criticism for not giving it? I said I expected a Hillary endorsement from those liberal losers.

Well, saying you expect them to endorse Hillary and calling them liberal losers is one. This from your original post is what I was referring to:

Graceless, yes, but not unexpected. The Bushes have many fine qualities. Losing well, however, is not one of them.

It's obvious it bugs you. You cared enough to come here and throw shade at them for it. It's ok, but don't act like you don't care.

Hey genius I didn't write that, Pat Buchanan did.

But YOU are the one that thought it worth of posting here.

And you proved that you basically agree with it in the things you posted since.

On another note how you feel about yaboy Marco quietly soliciting the Trump crowd to be named his running mate? Kinda flies in the face of your love affair with him, no? And, BTW, calling out your ideal ticket for being made up of a pro amnesty guy and a guy who should've run as democrat is not pure nonsense, bud. Rubio cosponsored the Gang of 8 Amnesty Bill that didn't pass because of the overwhelming grass roots disapproval and even Kasich himself said he probably should have run as a democrat. You seem awfully angry these days - its really been entertaining to watch.

You're so dense, you haven't even noticed that I already ripped you a new butthole in the other thread for this brainless and fact-free line of attack on me.

If you're gonna come at me, you better have your facts in order. Otherwise you just continue to look like the low-watt bulb everyone takes you for.

G-whiz bud, you seem to be coming unglued. As far as you ripping me a new one you need to understand something. I have never cared what you think and have never sought your approval and hardly obsess about your replies. They don't move the needle for me. It was established a long time ago how much more you care about my opinion than I do yours...SO BE IT. You're entitled to your opinion as am I but nothing I said was untrue about your dream ticket. One guy got waxed by nearly 20 points in his home state and the other only showed up in his home state. Pure winners I tell ya..exactly the type you fall for in a heart beat, apparently, because they tell you what you want to hear..

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I would not want an endorsement from Bush. No Child Left Behind, TARP, invading Iraq, etc.... Obama and Clinton are awful, but W is not much better.

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G-whiz bud, you seem to be coming unglued. As far as you ripping me a new one you need to understand something. I have never cared what you think and have never sought your approval and hardly obsess about your replies.

I'm perfectly in control of my emotions, I just don't have any patience for dishonest arguments.

It isn't about my approval. It's about you being a fraud and a knucklehead that just makes stuff up and thinks it suffices as an argument. I didn't appeal to any desire on your part for approval, I appealed to the fact that you were factually wrong on basically everything you said.

This isn't an issue of opinion, it's an issue of you using wrong information or just making things up to argue with people. You've done it several times with me already so I'm positive you're doing it regularly with others as well. If you can't be bothered to double-check yourself before mischaracterizing people or attributing positions to them they don't have, then go play "Let's Make a Story" somewhere else.

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I would not want an endorsement from Bush. No Child Left Behind, TARP, invading Iraq, etc.... Obama and Clinton are awful, but W is not much better.

TARP was a hard pill to swallow, but in the end, it did sorta work out for the best. Or maybe not. I'm not an expert on that area. I've just heard some say it actually worked, despite its flaws.

But W's 'comprehensive ' immigration plan was a dud. NCLB, the prescription drug bill, and of course, the post Iraq blunders were needlessly ugly.

Get in, get out, is what we should have done. Too much $ lost on trying to rebuild Iraq. Too many contractors / parasites ... Doing nothing and allowing the status quo w/ Saddam wasn't a solution either. Something had to be done. And it's clear, from the UN scandal with the Food for Oil program, we HAD to do something .

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"The two living Republican past presidents, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, have no plans to endorse Trump, according to their spokesmen."

Graceless, yes, but not unexpected...

Since when is taking a principled stand "graceless"? :dunno:

I think it's just the opposite. I respect them for it.

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I would not want an endorsement from Bush. No Child Left Behind, TARP, invading Iraq, etc.... Obama and Clinton are awful, but W is not much better.

TARP was a hard pill to swallow, but in the end, it did sorta work out for the best. Or maybe not. I'm not an expert on that area. I've just heard some say it actually worked, despite its flaws.

But W's 'comprehensive ' immigration plan was a dud. NCLB, the prescription drug bill, and of course, the post Iraq blunders were needlessly ugly.

Get in, get out, is what we should have done. Too much $ lost on trying to rebuild Iraq. Too many contractors / parasites ... Doing nothing and allowing the status quo w/ Saddam wasn't a solution either. Something had to be done. And it's clear, from the UN scandal with the Food for Oil program, we HAD to do something .

Careful! You are coming dangerously close to making Obama look better by comparison. Can't have that! :rolleyes:

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I would not want an endorsement from Bush. No Child Left Behind, TARP, invading Iraq, etc.... Obama and Clinton are awful, but W is not much better.

TARP was a hard pill to swallow, but in the end, it did sorta work out for the best. Or maybe not. I'm not an expert on that area. I've just heard some say it actually worked, despite its flaws.

But W's 'comprehensive ' immigration plan was a dud. NCLB, the prescription drug bill, and of course, the post Iraq blunders were needlessly ugly.

Get in, get out, is what we should have done. Too much $ lost on trying to rebuild Iraq. Too many contractors / parasites ... Doing nothing and allowing the status quo w/ Saddam wasn't a solution either. Something had to be done. And it's clear, from the UN scandal with the Food for Oil program, we HAD to do something .

Careful! You are coming dangerously close to making Obama look better by comparison. Can't have that! :rolleyes:

Only in your warped mind. Obama's failures are Mt Everest to W's flat plains of Kansas in comparison.

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And the two Bush presidents loved America, can't

say that for Obama.

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And the two Bush presidents loved America, can't

say that for Obama.

Obama loved playing tyrant and living like a king. Does that count ?

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