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Given the edict ......

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There is a difference between hating rural or country people and hating bigoted asses......In the south, those trains are often on the same track. I live in a very rural burb of a major southern city........You're free to have any opinion of my opinion you like...It is America.

Not to mention, that was an exchange with KKKraptor.....this forums worst racist douche. If you don't like it, don't read it.

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Guest NC1406

There is a difference between hating rural or country people and hating bigoted asses......In the south, those trains are often on the same track. I live in a very rural burb of a major southern city........You're free to have any opinion of my opinion you like...It is America.

Not to mention, that was an exchange with KKKraptor.....this forums worst racist douche. If you don't like it, don't read it.

Thanks for letting me know I am free to have my own opinion. Grouping large groups of people because they live in an area really goes against what you are preaching. My train follows it's own track but many of your comments falsely groups good people and then places them in a negative light. If you don't want me to read a public post then consider sending a private message.

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I didn't group anyone into anything because they are rural, as an example.....I just told you the exact opposite.....I'm unconcerned. I don't care if you read it or not. Make yourself happy.....

I live in a rural area. Farmers, horse farmers and salt of the earth people abound. None are like that POS.....he is what he is and I'll call him what he is.

A B-list comedienne from a very popular TV show lives in this area. She recently ran in a local election as a very loud tea party member......This entire place made fun of her to her face, including all those farmers and salt of the earth folks. I'm fully aware not all people are grouped. This area is HIGHLY republican....It was NOT at all how they wanted to be represented.

Imagine, all those republicans making fun of a tea party member. She lost in a landslide.

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Guest NC1406

Great. Sounds like you know some southerners that choose their own tracks as well. I remain very happy.

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I will always call a bigoted douche, a bigoted douche. Is what it is. Some might be rednecks, some not.....

In my work world, the biggest racist douche I've ever seen was sitting at one of the most expensive conference tables in NYC....

Location means nothing....a bigoted idiot, is still a bigoted idiot.

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And a hillbilly in the foothills is still a hillbilly in the foothills. If you or they don't like the reference, change. Personally, I don't give a damn. Hillbilly drivel is my comedy.

Word. ;)

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I will always call a bigoted douche, a bigoted douche. Is what it is. Some might be rednecks, some not.....

In my work world, the biggest racist douche I've ever seen was sitting at one of the most expensive conference tables in NYC....

Location means nothing....a bigoted idiot, is still a bigoted idiot.

wrong is wrong and no amount of twisting the truth from the left is ever going to change that
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I'm still waiting to hear what that "edict" was.

And you will not because, there was not one. However, for the Rush program listeners, "that there libtard messiah done give an edick that underminds the state rights". barry, the keynan, commie sux. libtards is dumb.

Lyin" Raptor's capacity to absorb, and regurgitate, idiocy is infinite.

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I'm still waiting to hear what that "edict" was.

Maybe if you weren't drinking so much you'd comprehend what's been widely discussed for several weeks now.

The Obama administration Friday morning took another historic step in its aggressive defense of civil rights, sending a letter to schools across the country notifying them that transgender students must be permitted to use bathrooms that align with their gender identity.

The Justice and Education Departments issued the letter, reaffirming the administration's position on the civil rights of all transgender students and defying conservative critics who’ve filed multiple federal lawsuits — including in North Carolina — over the intensely debated issue. The letter does not carry force of law, but declares sweeping protections for transgender students under Title IX, the federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities. The letter, which POLITICO reported last week was forthcoming, emphasizes that a student's gender identity will be considered that student's sex when it comes to enforcing federal law.


11 States are suing over the issue:


Head of the GA ACLU steps down over Obama directive:


Lyin" Raptor's capacity to absorb, and regurgitate, idiocy is infinite

I just schooled you in the most comprehensive, catastrophic manner, and yet I bet you STILL are oblivious to the facts.

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I'm still waiting to hear what that "edict" was.

Maybe if you weren't drinking so much you'd comprehend what's been widely discussed for several weeks now.

The Obama administration Friday morning took another historic step in its aggressive defense of civil rights, sending a letter to schools across the country notifying them that transgender students must be permitted to use bathrooms that align with their gender identity.

The Justice and Education Departments issued the letter, reaffirming the administration's position on the civil rights of all transgender students and defying conservative critics who’ve filed multiple federal lawsuits — including in North Carolina — over the intensely debated issue. The letter does not carry force of law, but declares sweeping protections for transgender students under Title IX, the federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities. The letter, which POLITICO reported last week was forthcoming, emphasizes that a student's gender identity will be considered that student's sex when it comes to enforcing federal law.


11 States are suing over the issue:


Head of the GA ACLU steps down over Obama directive:


Lyin" Raptor's capacity to absorb, and regurgitate, idiocy is infinite

I just schooled you in the most comprehensive, catastrophic manner, and yet I bet you STILL are oblivious to the facts.

You proved my point DA.

The right wingnuts started this controversy by passing laws that violate existing protections under Title IX. The letter you describe as an "edict" simply reaffirms those existing protections. It doesn't change anything, thus it is not a new "order" (edict).

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homie - the mouth of the administration.

Just because the edict CLAIMS it reaffirms something, doesn't mean it does.

The state actions are in response to, not the cause of , Obama's unlawful declaration.

Get it through your pea sized brain.

There are no , and never will be , a right of or protection for men to go into women's bathrooms, showers, etc...

It simply will never happen.


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homie - the mouth of the administration.

Just because the edict CLAIMS it reaffirms something, doesn't mean it does.

The state actions are in response to, not the cause of , Obama's unlawful declaration.

Get it through your pea sized brain.

There are no , and never will be , a right of or protection for men to go into women's bathrooms, showers, etc...

It simply will never happen.


You proved my point DA.

The right wingnuts started this controversy by passing laws that violate existing protections under Title IX. The letter you describe as an "edict" simply reaffirms those existing protections. It doesn't change anything, thus it is not a new "order" (edict).

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homie - the mouth of the administration.

Just because the edict CLAIMS it reaffirms something, doesn't mean it does.

The state actions are in response to, not the cause of , Obama's unlawful declaration.

Get it through your pea sized brain.

There are no , and never will be , a right of or protection for men to go into women's bathrooms, showers, etc...

It simply will never happen.


You proved my point DA.

The right wingnuts started this controversy by passing laws that violate existing protections under Title IX. The letter you describe as an "edict" simply reaffirms those existing protections. It doesn't change anything, thus it is not a new "order" (edict).

It's a new order.

Face reality.

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homie - the mouth of the administration.

Just because the edict CLAIMS it reaffirms something, doesn't mean it does.

The state actions are in response to, not the cause of , Obama's unlawful declaration.

Get it through your pea sized brain.

There are no , and never will be , a right of or protection for men to go into women's bathrooms, showers, etc...

It simply will never happen.


You proved my point DA.

The right wingnuts started this controversy by passing laws that violate existing protections under Title IX. The letter you describe as an "edict" simply reaffirms those existing protections. It doesn't change anything, thus it is not a new "order" (edict).

It's a new order.

Face reality.

Good brevity. Keep it up; maybe you can whittle down your BS posts to a simple fart.

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I'm still waiting to hear what that "edict" was.

Maybe if you weren't drinking so much you'd comprehend what's been widely discussed for several weeks now.

The Obama administration Friday morning took another historic step in its aggressive defense of civil rights, sending a letter to schools across the country notifying them that transgender students must be permitted to use bathrooms that align with their gender identity.

The Justice and Education Departments issued the letter, reaffirming the administration's position on the civil rights of all transgender students and defying conservative critics who’ve filed multiple federal lawsuits — including in North Carolina — over the intensely debated issue. The letter does not carry force of law, but declares sweeping protections for transgender students under Title IX, the federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities. The letter, which POLITICO reported last week was forthcoming, emphasizes that a student's gender identity will be considered that student's sex when it comes to enforcing federal law.


11 States are suing over the issue:


Head of the GA ACLU steps down over Obama directive:


Lyin" Raptor's capacity to absorb, and regurgitate, idiocy is infinite

I just schooled you in the most comprehensive, catastrophic manner, and yet I bet you STILL are oblivious to the facts.

You proved my point DA.

The right wingnuts started this controversy by passing laws that violate existing protections under Title IX. The letter you describe as an "edict" simply reaffirms those existing protections. It doesn't change anything, thus it is not a new "order" (edict).

Too bad Lyin' Raptor isn't smart enough to understand.

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BS. They lost the homo wars and have now retrenched to opposing transexuals. Was there a problem with bathroom use before the wingnuts started generating laws against it? No there wasn't.

They created the controversy in order to pander to the worst instincts of their ignorant base. It's what they do.

Actually, it was the CITIES of Houston and Charlotte that stirred up the non-issue. The micro-minority demand that their so called "rights" are more important than others privacy. Yet in the same vein these same PC bullies demand their right to privacy as they attack their opponents privacy rights as being bigotry.

You can call those who oppose the CITIES ordinances bigots all you want but the fact is, it was the left that started this issue when there wasn't one. They decided to play social politics. Just because the "wingnuts" respond doesn't mean they started it. You're entitled to your opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts.


I know this Washington Post article is critical of those who oppose the ordianance, but in the article, even they admit how this whole thing was started:

The saga began last month when Charlotte, North Carolina’s largest city, passed a sweeping civil rights ordinance.


Charlotte passed theirv flaed ordinance in February, the state of N.C. didn't pass their flawed law in response until a month later in March.

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BS. They lost the homo wars and have now retrenched to opposing transexuals. Was there a problem with bathroom use before the wingnuts started generating laws against it? No there wasn't.

They created the controversy in order to pander to the worst instincts of their ignorant base. It's what they do.

Actually, it was the CITIES of Houston and Charlotte that stirred up the non-issue. The micro-minority demand that their so called "rights" are more important than others privacy. Yet in the same vein these same PC bullies demand their right to privacy as they attack their opponents privacy rights as being bigotry.

You can call those who oppose the CITIES ordinances bigots all you want but the fact is, it was the left that started this issue when there wasn't one. They decided to play social politics. Just because the "wingnuts" respond doesn't mean they started it. You're entitled to your opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts.


I know this Washington Post article is critical of those who oppose the ordianance, but in the article, even they admit how this whole thing was started:

The saga began last month when Charlotte, North Carolina’s largest city, passed a sweeping civil rights ordinance.


Charlotte passed theirv flaed ordinance in February, the state of N.C. didn't pass their flawed law in response until a month later in March.

Actually, I agree.

I think it was unnecessary. But it should have remained at the city level for resolution. That was once a conservative principle.

It was the escalation to the state level that caused the "crisis". Otherwise, we wouldn't even know about it.

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