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Trump: I know more than U.S. Generals about ISIS


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Maybe Obama should start listening to the generals.

You guys are slipping. It took the 4th post to invoke the "But Obama..." card as a substitute for a response? Tsk, tsk.

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He knows about them alright. He watched them dance on rooftops, on TV on 911. What he don't know he can simply make up.

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Maybe Obama should start listening to the generals.

You guys are slipping. It took the 4th post to invoke the "But Obama..." card as a substitute for a response? Tsk, tsk.

Well it only took one post to call Trump a clown.
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Maybe Obama should start listening to the generals.

You guys are slipping. It took the 4th post to invoke the "But Obama..." card as a substitute for a response? Tsk, tsk.

Well it only took one post to call Trump a clown.

Because the first post, and pretty much half of everything else that escapes his gaping maw, confirms it. And that has zero to do with Obama.

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So we are not supposed to post critical comments about Obama. It is known that he does not listen to his generals. His military guidance comes from that famous general, Vallerie Jarrett.

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Funny, I watched the video, and what Trump said isn't what is implied w/ the headline of this thread.

He was asked a loaded question, and he then went on to explain that the White House is the reason we're not winning, not the generals.

But it's Trump, so we can't even think of saying anything accurate.

Trump bad.

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Transcript ...

DICKERSON: Do you still feel like you know more about ISIS than the generals?

TRUMP: Well I said they don’t know much because they’re not winning, I tell you this, they’re not winning for a different reason. I think Obama is hurting them.


TRUMP: From what I hear, it’s being run from the White House. It’s all being run from the White House. I’ve spoken to certain generals— I’ll keep it quiet, highly respected people. We could knock them out fast.

DICKERSON: In office now generals?

TRUMP: In one case in office, and one case out of office. They said, both said the same thing. We had the leadership, mean can the go ahead, you could knock them out fast. For some reason Obama is not doing that.

But more to the point of the headline, the genesis of the "loaded question" ...

Trump described traditional politicians as "stupid" and told the crowd that he is "competent." That's why he got so angry when journalists forced him to share his strategy for fighting the Islamic State, even though he wanted to keep such plans secret so as not to tip off the enemy, he said. Journalists, he said, are "scum" and "garbage."

"I know more about ISIS than the generals do," Trump said. "Believe me."

Trump said he would go after the oil fields in Iraq and Syria that he says nets the terrorist group "millions of dollars a week."

"I would bomb the s--- out of them," he said to raucous applause. "I would just bomb those suckers. And that's right: I'd blow up the pipes, I'd blow up the refineries. I would blow up every single inch. There would be nothing left."


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So we are not supposed to post critical comments about Obama. It is known that he does not listen to his generals. His military guidance comes from that famous general, Vallerie Jarrett.

You seem confused. There's a "Start New Topic" button at the top of this forum that you guys wear out making critical comments about Obama. But what is not a response to Trump saying dumb things is your typical "But Obama..." comments. That changes nothing about what Trump said.

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Funny, I watched the video, and what Trump said isn't what is implied w/ the headline of this thread.

Because the interviewer simply referenced something Trump had said earlier in the campaign. Hence the use of the word, "still."


He was asked a loaded question,

He was asked a question about a direct quote of his. That's not a loaded question.

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It was not a loaded question because in a previous interview he had said he knew more than the generals. Any good journalist would have asked that question. He initially backed up his statement by saying the generals are losing so he knows more. You seem to ignore the rest of the conversation when he clarifies that the general's are losing because the White House is running the war and not listening to the general's he stated that two generals one still in office and one have told him we could make quick work of ISIS.

Donald Trump is guilty of not being a great Politician and knowing how to double speak. His real point was the White House doesn't listen to the General's He should have just stated that at the beginning but it is really clear to me that he is talking about how the White House is the problem.

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So we are not supposed to post critical comments about Obama. It is known that he does not listen to his generals. His military guidance comes from that famous general, Vallerie Jarrett.

You seem confused. There's a "Start New Topic" button at the top of this forum that you guys wear out making critical comments about Obama. But what is not a response to Trump saying dumb things is your typical "But Obama..." comments. That changes nothing about what Trump said.

We have had eight years of misguided and confused leadership. The question of where Obama gets his advice is legitimate. Clearly Clinton's dislike of the military and her performance as Sec State is disqualifying.

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So we are not supposed to post critical comments about Obama. It is known that he does not listen to his generals. His military guidance comes from that famous general, Vallerie Jarrett.

You seem confused. There's a "Start New Topic" button at the top of this forum that you guys wear out making critical comments about Obama. But what is not a response to Trump saying dumb things is your typical "But Obama..." comments. That changes nothing about what Trump said.

We have had eight years of misguided and confused leadership. The question of where Obama get his advice is legitimate.

No one here said it isn't legitimate. It's irrelevant to the comments made by Trump.

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Trump said he would go after the oil fields in Iraq and Syria that he says nets the terrorist group "millions of dollars a week."

"I would bomb the s--- out of them," he said to raucous applause. "I would just bomb those suckers. And that's right: I'd blow up the pipes, I'd blow up the refineries. I would blow up every single inch. There would be nothing left."


Is that what you gonna do Donny? Blow up all of Iraq's oil pipelines and refineries? You idiot. Daesh is not in control of them, GOI is so let's just wreck their economy. How the crap is anyone supporting this dolt!

Current Daesh control map.


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So we are not supposed to post critical comments about Obama. It is known that he does not listen to his generals. His military guidance comes from that famous general, Vallerie Jarrett.

You seem confused. There's a "Start New Topic" button at the top of this forum that you guys wear out making critical comments about Obama. But what is not a response to Trump saying dumb things is your typical "But Obama..." comments. That changes nothing about what Trump said.

We have had eight years of misguided and confused leadership. The question of where Obama gets his advice is legitimate. Clearly Clinton's dislike of the military and her performance as Sec State is disqualifying.

Confusion continues. We weren't discussing where Obama gets his advice. We were discussing something stupid that Trump said. Bringing up Obama has zero to do with what makes Trump think he knows beans about ISIS, nor why he'd be dumb enough to say such a thing out loud.

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Oh and Donny?

We have been bombing those 'sucker' so much so that we are running out of bombs...

The US is Raiding its Global Bomb Stockpiles to Fight ISIS


The anti-ISIS coalition has dropped more than 41,500 bombs, leading the Pentagon to borrow from stockpiles in other regions.


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So we are not supposed to post critical comments about Obama. It is known that he does not listen to his generals. His military guidance comes from that famous general, Vallerie Jarrett.

You seem confused. There's a "Start New Topic" button at the top of this forum that you guys wear out making critical comments about Obama. But what is not a response to Trump saying dumb things is your typical "But Obama..." comments. That changes nothing about what Trump said.

We have had eight years of misguided and confused leadership. The question of where Obama gets his advice is legitimate. Clearly Clinton's dislike of the military and her performance as Sec State is disqualifying.

Confusion continues. We weren't discussing where Obama gets his advice. We were discussing something stupid that Trump said. Bringing up Obama has zero to do with what makes Trump think he knows beans about ISIS, nor why he'd be dumb enough to say such a thing out loud.

So you are changing the way this board has historically worked.

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Oh and Donny?

We have been bombing those 'sucker' so much so that we are running out of bombs...

The US is Raiding its Global Bomb Stockpiles to Fight ISIS


The anti-ISIS coalition has dropped more than 41,500 bombs, leading the Pentagon to borrow from stockpiles in other regions.


Sound like a procurement issue to me. Sequestration maybe? Shortage of aircraft parts. shortage of ammo, shortage of ships.

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Oh and Donny?

We have been bombing those 'sucker' so much so that we are running out of bombs...

The US is Raiding its Global Bomb Stockpiles to Fight ISIS


The anti-ISIS coalition has dropped more than 41,500 bombs, leading the Pentagon to borrow from stockpiles in other regions.


Sound like a procurement issue to me. Sequestration maybe? Shortage of aircraft parts. shortage of ammo, shortage of ships.

You would be right.

“Ideally [the Pentagon] would also procure large numbers of the most modern munitions,” the report said. But spending reductions from the Budget Control Act “have affected all modernization, including munitions.”

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter
announced in February
that the Pentagon would ask Congress for more than $1.8 billion to buy 45,000 new bombs. U.S. arms makers have already
increased bomb production
to keep up with the demand.

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Funny, I watched the video, and what Trump said isn't what is implied w/ the headline of this thread.

Because the interviewer simply referenced something Trump had said earlier in the campaign. Hence the use of the word, "still."


He was asked a loaded question,

He was asked a question about a direct quote of his. That's not a loaded question.

That can still be loaded, if taken out of context.

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Funny, I watched the video, and what Trump said isn't what is implied w/ the headline of this thread.

Because the interviewer simply referenced something Trump had said earlier in the campaign. Hence the use of the word, "still."


He was asked a loaded question,

He was asked a question about a direct quote of his. That's not a loaded question.

That can still be loaded, if taken out of context.

But it wasn't.

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